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Social Chat - Short Term TSLA Movements

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Well that's zwei uhr in der fruehe. i've been working night shift the last three nights so I'm in a pretty good shape. we should at least stay sober until the conference call is finished.
i got 75mins of Elon at munich, but will not publish it on youtube.
Was that paper losses they were concerned about?

Not sure what would qualify as a paper loss. It is in an IRA so I figure its all unrealized until I retire. I did sell and rebuy similar options (missed out on some of the downturn but not much). So if it was in a cash account I would have booked losses and taken new cheap positions which are technically profitable right now. But I don't worry about such things in a tax deferred account.

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Is it megalomanic of me to think that this forum's analysis, and Sleepyhead's preview in particular is what sparked the current rally? The timing was impeccable.

TMC members are smart but we don't move the stock. If we did, we would ban all bearish comments and profit!
I wouldn't be too sure of that. This sub-forum has more visitors (i.e. people who don't log in) reading it, by far, than any other section of TMC. My guess is that more than a few of these are serious investors do their due diligence.
Yup yup yup. Basically 24/7 commentary & analysis on everything Tesla has done, is doing, and will do, by individuals who actually care about the company. Doesn't matter who you are, this is some of the best info one could get before investing in the company.
I wouldn't be too sure of that. This sub-forum has more visitors (i.e. people who don't log in) reading it, by far, than any other section of TMC. My guess is that more than a few of these are serious investors do their due diligence.

If professional analysts can't be bothered to do their diligence here, what percentage of common investors do? 1%? I see a few hundred people browsing these threads right now. There must be thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who own shares. I like to think we get read by zillions of people but I doubt it. People get their news from lots of places. I followed Tesla for months before checking out TMC specifically because there was so much to read-- daunting.
If professional analysts can't be bothered to do their diligence here, what percentage of common investors do? 1%? I see a few hundred people browsing these threads right now. There must be thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who own shares. I like to think we get read by zillions of people but I doubt it. People get their news from lots of places. I followed Tesla for months before checking out TMC specifically because there was so much to read-- daunting.

I think we still have an hedge....but most of the smart investors are (should be) onto us by now....

The first rule of TM Club is: you DO NOT talk about TM Club.

p.s. tonight we will know for sure..... I'm just glad we have this group hug section...
NASDAQ is in the green and taking us with it, shorts are beginning to worry about covering, and everyone is realizing they only have an hour to buy in before another legendary Tesla quarterly earnings report -- up ticks the stock.

Regardless of what happens, the rise of this company is going to be one for the history books. Cheers everyone, grab your beverage of choice and hang on!