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Staying On Standard Connectivity?

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Yes. I won't be paying once the 30 days is up. Not even sure what I'll be missing out on. I can't see satellite maps as it is and I don't see traffic either. I guess I won't have streaming music or netflix but I don't really care about that.
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Nope, staying with the premium. The maps, traffic, streaming, etc... are all too good to pass on. Also, I am not about to try to explain why my Model S has premium and my wife's car doesn't. My S is prior to July 2018 so I have it included forever.
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I got a chuckle at some of these responses… The car is "gimped" because it doesn't have premium connectivity?

The traffic display is slick, but I found the satellite maps to be too "busy" to use effectively. Mine went back to standard today, and doesn't look like I lost any menu options or features. I didn't care for the streaming interface, but it's fully functional and simply prompts for Wi-Fi to start streaming something. Same for the entertainment menu when parked.

During the trial period I ended up using my phone to stream audio, so I haven't really lost anything. If they improve the interface for streaming I may pay for it, but otherwise I'll just connect my phone's hotspot and use the connectivity I'm already paying for with my cell phone.
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You should do some reading on Star Link. It's an ambitious project that has the capability of changing the world, but certainly won't be talking with your car.
I have a little. He wants to provide internet to all parts of the world including parts of Africa that has never had it. Its not crazy to assume that this will also benefit Tesla and Tesla owners.
Well, my PremCon ended last week, and I have been using my iPhone's hotspot to see if that works. So far, it works fine, music's good, webpages good, maps good. Even turning on the hotspot is easy, once you configure it the first time. Swipe down on the iPhone screen, and get your Control Center widgets, then press the wifi/airport/cell quadrant. When it opens, tap the Hotspot button to make it discoverable. Done.


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Did not renew Premium Connectivity to try Standard- to see if I miss much.

My android phone is set with routine to enable hotspot once bluetooth connects my phone to the car - as in when I open the car door.

I deleted all other known wi-fi on the car except my phone's hotspot - one step that I must do (no automatic way as of yet) is to touch "wi-fi" and select my phone's.

I commute 160 miles every day of the week - same road, same time so I know the traffic pattern. I use google map navigation for other than my daily commute - which is better because google navi warns you of any delay, speed trap, crash, etc - unlike the stock nav on Premium Connectivity. Satellite view is over rated.

I also use my phone's hotspot to view the car's entertainment (Hulu,YouTube,Netflix) - seems to be fine. I stream music via bluetooth.

One thing missing - I wish next OTA update include automation to select "wi-fi" hotspot as primary/permanent internet connection vs the cars LTE - that will mosdef keep me on Standard Connectivity.
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Mine expired on the 7th and I don't plan on renewing it for the time being. I only used it for Spotify really. Traffic overlay didn't seem to be useful/accurate (I compared it to google maps) so I never really relied on that and I never used Sat view as I found it to be too busy and distracting.

My Sprint Unlimited plan that I pay $55/month for includes 50GB mobile hotspot. And I already pay $10/m for Spotify Premium. I personally don't see the value in paying $10 more a month for redundancy.

(Although, I will say if Sat view and traffic view was important to me, I would def pay the $10)
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