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Wiki Supercharger Progress

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We bought our S in 2014 with the intent to drive it regularly to our place near Marfa. Still waiting.
Perhaps the Pilot/Flying J sites in Junction and Fort Stockton will help out. Still need a Supercharger
in Ozona. Trip planners for this area need to use 85 mph and 100 degrees, not 70 mph and 70 degrees.
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You know what would really help this useful page? Having a Last Comment Posted date and by whom beneath the Thread link, that way, at a glance, I can tell whether a new post has been made about progress being made at a supercharger I am interested in seeing come online.

Also include thread links for those that have alread come online and are open, for ongoing discussions about developments at those sites.
I used to think that, except they don't seem to have a problem now.

The I-10 Supercharger Wasteland, despite forecasts to the contrary for years now, is solely the result of a failure to execute in, mostly, the Southwest Region.

They're 0-8, folks. That's OH FER EIGHT. They fire head coaches for less.

Oh-fer in 2014.
Oh-fer in 2015.
Oh-fer in 2016.

And so it goes. No confirmed siting, no permits, and no construction. 2017, anyone? Don't hold yer breath.

Perhaps it's time for a deadpool. Initial entrants can include the Great Alaskan Highway, Arkansas, North Dakota, Hawaii, North San Diego County, and the I-10 Supercharger Wasteland. Go ahead and pick *that* order. And what do *all* of our lucky entrants have in common? They're *all* behind Magoc, Canada. Magoc!? (!!!) (???)

One way to make it appear as if there's some progress would be to complete the Albuquerque to El Paso route (not that any sane person would choose that route in the winter), and to then build out west and east from El Paso to Tucson and San Antonio, respectively.

But that would make too much sense.

Not to argue with you. The big unknown in all of this the fact that we are assuming that Tesla has done nothing, zero, zilch, nada to try to fill in this void between Casa Grande and east-central Texas. (At least I do not have any personal knowledge. Perhaps you do, and cannot share with us?) It is certainly plausible that Tesla has indeed been scouting locations along this route, and Tesla has determined for valid business reasons that their construction efforts be directed elsewhere.

The Supercharger concept was developed, I believe, as a marketing tool. Build them and we will buy more Teslas.

I posit the following: The marketing department developed the preliminary plan for Supercharger placement. Marketing was ignorant of the traffic counts and the dearth of location choices along this stretch of highway. The details were left up to the newly-created Supercharger team. Once this new team got into location scouting, the data that they mined placed I-10 way down the list. Tesla has a track record of making promises that it has not researched fully. This to me is no exception.

Tesla made the Supercharger announcement with expected openings prematurely. They should have done more diligence before posting their maps.

I only drove this stretch of highway in 1971, so my memory is hazy to say the least. I leave by asking you: If you were the Supercharger Dude at Tesla Motors, specifically where would you place the Superchargers between Tucson and San Antonio? Where are the businesses or other sites that could reasonably host a Supercharger with the electricity necessary to push a lotta kW into our cars? Is is possible that the electrical infrastructure for this purpose is deficient east of El Paso?

In any event, I understand your frustration. But there may be more to the story than meets the eye. (Paul Harvey, where art thou?)
Anybody have info or rumors on the I-10 gap?
This highway - follows a major train route - follows a stage coach sprinkling of towns - has a utility corridor that contains lots of electrical towers sprouting 18+ insulators. There are natural gas pipelines and refined oil products pipelines along that utility corridors.
So - although there are only a few inhabitants beyond rabbits - there is a lot of commerce along that highway. Is power near? sure.
Sigh. I'd like to see the 2017 map forecast. Do you think they will do a 2017 forecast? I don't see why they would at this point.
2016 today is good enough to show people and simply say that new SC sites are being opened at a rate of ~100 per year. Then nobody's hopes get raised too high.
Marfa Tesla event: It appears that we will soon be able to get all the way to Marfa from SA and Austin using Superchargers.
Is anyone interested in a gathering in Marfa? Highway 90 in front of Marfa Public Radio comes to mind.........
Marfa Tesla event: It appears that we will soon be able to get all the way to Marfa from SA and Austin using Superchargers.
Is anyone interested in a gathering in Marfa? Highway 90 in front of Marfa Public Radio comes to mind.........

If it is on a weekend and I have enough prior notice, sure would love to join and meet other Tesla owners in Marfa.
Would also like to visit the home and Studio of Donald Judd and other artist/designer's galleries in that vicinity.
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