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Tesla fixes AP & FSD price mess. Prices going back up...

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How about this:
1.Keep the prices as is.
2.Refund the early adopters of FSD at the take rate (first in first out refund) of the discount purchases. With some deadline for all refunds.
Allows for the eventual need to lower the price with competition.
Increases adoption rate and revenue in the long term, without an instant hit to cash flow.
Appeases the early adopters.
3. Remove the post purchase threat of price increase on FSD. Treat it like any other pre-order. Allowing for future changes as needed, up or down.
My two cents. Carry on.
We need another flow chart with the new price changes to figure this out.

If you read what you're buying, I'm concerned FSD is really just Early Access. Specifically as I hover over the "$2,000" buy now button, it says, this and only this.

Adding this option today means you will be one of the first to experience full self-driving when it becomes available in the future.

I feel we could be duped and we just get to be early beta drivers. They need to clean this mess up. Why would I be one of the first among other customers who have paid for it. That comment only makes sense in the spirit of, "Buy this and you'll get it before people who don't buy it.". There's a lot of wiggle room in that statement, it doesn't match what's on the web site car order, so I'm not convinced this won't backfire.
My current EAP definitely is more capable than AP1 is. It’s no contest. I’ve been enjoying watching EAP become more sophisticated over the past year.

LOL... You're joking, right? While EAP drives better than AP1 no doubt, it still can't read speed limit signs which causes so many issues in the areas I drive in, it's almost comical.

FSDC, as currently defined on Tesla’s configuration pages, is very likely coming this year but of course the usual caveats will still apply; the driver will have to remain alert and keep a hand(s) on the wheel. We are not at 100% “hands off/eyes closed” autonomous driving yet. And I suspect won’t be for several years.

Again, really? You've been a Tesla owner long enough to know that Tesla is never on time with any of it's supposed software improvements, especially when it comes to AP. Very likely coming this year? Who knows? It might, it might not, but one thing is for sure... You should never, ever, trust Tesla when they say something will be out by X date/timeframe because they are never, ever, correct...

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How does the incorrect speed limit signs cause problems? AP works fine for me even if the speed limit is off.

Are you asking me a serious question or just trying to be difficult? Seriously? How about exiting a freeway with AP engaged only to find the speed limit database has some imaginary speed in it that dramatically slows my car from highway exit speed to 35... AP is highly dependent on this database when not on whatever Tesla designates to be a "freeway" and it's not very accurate from my experience in my normal driving area. Never had these issues with AP1 because it could actually read the signs... So again, EAP still hasn't hit feature parity with AP1...

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Are you asking me a serious question or just trying to be difficult? Seriously? How about exiting a freeway with AP engaged only to find the speed limit database has some imaginary speed in it that dramatically slows my car from highway exit speed to 35... AP is highly dependent on this database when not on whatever Tesla designates to be a "freeway" and it's not very accurate from my experience in my normal driving area. Never had these issues with AP1 because it could actually read the signs... So again, EAP still hasn't hit feature parity with AP1...

I thought AP1 doesn't support freeway exits? I do notice that AP2 is very slow when exiting a freeway, but this is a problem regardless of whether it's accurately picking up the correct speed limit.
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Are you asking me a serious question or just trying to be difficult? Seriously? How about exiting a freeway with AP engaged only to find the speed limit database has some imaginary speed in it that dramatically slows my car from highway exit speed to 35... AP is highly dependent on this database when not on whatever Tesla designates to be a "freeway" and it's not very accurate from my experience in my normal driving area. Never had these issues with AP1 because it could actually read the signs... So again, EAP still hasn't hit feature parity with AP1...

I think the speed limit data being spotty in some areas is a real issue, and perhaps "not parity" could be argued in an esoteric sense since it isn't 100% overlap in every feature to every extent. However AP 2.5 and most definitely exceeded AP 1.
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I think the speed limit data being spotty in some areas is a real issue, and perhaps "not parity" could be argued in an esoteric sense since it isn't 100% overlap in every feature to every extent. However AP 2.5 and most definitely exceeded AP 1.
I guess I'm confused as to what if anything the car uses that speed limit data for. In the video below the speed limit of the off ramp is 25, however the car incorrectly display 65. Regardless, the car still reduced the speed to 25.

Well, Well, Well,

I can recall a few days ago people saying to me ....."hey!!!! Just accept being screwed. Nothing you say is going to matter. Stop your whining."

Tesla is bringing Autopilot prices ‘back to normal’, Elon Musk admits mistake

I try to tell my kids and everyone else - SPEAK UP!!!! when there is something wrong. SPEAK UP when you aren't treated fairly.

Be respectful but SPEAK UP!!!!