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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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This is disconcerting. Now I have to invest in a bunch of Rottweilers. :(

Edit: Better idea! Imma start a tiger breeding program. When the tigers can hunt you down, they’ll be ready for the wild.
Rotties? Tigers? (Bears?) No, Border Collies. They'll run rings around your tigers, and wire up a high end security system to boot. You're smart enough to use the right tool for the job, even if it is canine.

And they eat a lot less than Tigers. Just sayin.

...Although, the bears may be looking for more work soon...and probably not too picky about pay...
I’m slow on the uptake having just realized what Elon is doing and your last paragraph triggered the final piece.

Recently a few have argued it would be contrary to the Master Plan to kill OEMs, therefore Tesla won’t do that and many feel Tesla can’t, regardless.

The original plan was to specifically inspire OEMs to transition to EVs. That didn’t work. Thinking was too small.

The plan now appears to be to inspire entire nations, like China. Start with a country that really wants to, as a whole, change. Indeed, must change or they kill themselves. By working with the Chinese government directly to build Giga3, the entire country has been put on stage, partly due to the cache of Tesla and Elon. The government gets to look bold and forward thing. The younger, tech savvy generation want to work there, want to buy the product, want to be part of supporting businesses and so on. You can see how that steamrolls.

By working with Berlin/Brandenberg governments directly, the government gets to look smart and forward thinking. Tap the younger, tech savvy generation of the area, rejuvenate and bring that area onto the world stage via Tesla and Elon cache, and the entire country can be inspired.

And it’s that which will accelerate the transition. What happens to OEMs doesn’t then actually matter. They can disappear or not and be *refurbished* (for lack of a better word) and nobody will care one way or another. The transition happens with or without them, without adversely affecting the country. The people as a whole decide, not individual OEMs.
Big thanks for sharing this insight, with hat tips to @jbcarioca and @KarenRei for their stepping stone posts that precede.

Why I labor through this thread's sea of opinion.

Strikes me the way cardamom and creme fraiche make a 5 star butternut squash soup (wish I had written that recipe down somewhere).
Everyone considering selling TSLA stock should really step back from the internet for a while.

Pull out a napkin. Turn it over to the back. Now do some basic math.
Take a guess at how much of the worldwide car market this company could capture, then figure out what the overall market is and how many cars that would be per year for tesla. Figure out what the profit per car is, then pick a statistic to get an average price. I used p/e. Take a few minutes to do the math for shares, earnings etc...This is a way to come up with a company value in the future, then you can do a present value discount. I don't know how to do that well.

FYI, many years ago when I did the above calculations, I recall my price target was $2,000-$3,000

Now do the same with the SEMI, add that in.
Figure something out with tesla energy- I find this tough to do.
Do the same with autonomy. I find this tough to do.

Doing the above can really hope one to know what the future might well look like.
Did master plan part UNO come through?
Have you read master plan part deux?

Now, lets say you dont want to do the math, and you still trust what the company publishes. Just look at EM compensation package and figure out what the different tranches mean for your future if he achieves them. Didn't he reach all the previous tranches?

How many corded home phones are there today?
How many horse drawn buggies are in use?
How permeated did the birth control pill get in society?
How has the PC market done since inception? How about radio and TV?
How about new ways of doing old things, like movies by mail and internet replacing stores, and the stores could have done the same thing and new the market was growing.
What if TSLA is doing to transportation what Netflix did to video rental stores. If you are too young to know what a rental store was like, ask someone older, they were everywhere, had large national chains and small mom and pop shops ALL OF WHICH ARE GONE. 20-30 years ago there were blockbuster stores with 50 copies of new release movies sold out. Now blockbuster is gone.

What does the future look like? Doesn't it make sense that it looks like the bill of goods this company is working on? Solar, transport, energy, autonomy?

If you need more fuel for thought, read the latest issue of WON HTMMIS book or Fred Kobricks book The Big Money.
Forget about the internet fools here and there, make your own mind up.
Ignore the groupthink, satisfy your own mind and wallet, it is not your job to join the happy family online.
There is always temptation to book profit but I think Tesla will be highly successful company over next 5-10 years, thanks to clue less competition.
Everyone considering selling TSLA stock should really step back from the internet for a while.

Pull out a napkin. Turn it over to the back. Now do some basic math.
Take a guess at how much of the worldwide car market this company could capture, then figure out what the overall market is and how many cars that would be per year for tesla. Figure out what the profit per car is, then pick a statistic to get an average price. I used p/e. Take a few minutes to do the math for shares, earnings etc...This is a way to come up with a company value in the future, then you can do a present value discount. I don't know how to do that well.

FYI, many years ago when I did the above calculations, I recall my price target was $2,000-$3,000

Now do the same with the SEMI, add that in.
Figure something out with tesla energy- I find this tough to do.
Do the same with autonomy. I find this tough to do.

Doing the above can really hope one to know what the future might well look like.
Did master plan part UNO come through?
Have you read master plan part deux?

Now, lets say you dont want to do the math, and you still trust what the company publishes. Just look at EM compensation package and figure out what the different tranches mean for your future if he achieves them. Didn't he reach all the previous tranches?

How many corded home phones are there today?
How many horse drawn buggies are in use?
How permeated did the birth control pill get in society?
How has the PC market done since inception? How about radio and TV?
How about new ways of doing old things, like movies by mail and internet replacing stores, and the stores could have done the same thing and new the market was growing.
What if TSLA is doing to transportation what Netflix did to video rental stores. If you are too young to know what a rental store was like, ask someone older, they were everywhere, had large national chains and small mom and pop shops ALL OF WHICH ARE GONE. 20-30 years ago there were blockbuster stores with 50 copies of new release movies sold out. Now blockbuster is gone.

What does the future look like? Doesn't it make sense that it looks like the bill of goods this company is working on? Solar, transport, energy, autonomy?

If you need more fuel for thought, read the latest issue of WON HTMMIS book or Fred Kobricks book The Big Money.
Forget about the internet fools here and there, make your own mind up.
Ignore the groupthink, satisfy your own mind and wallet, it is not your job to join the happy family online.

You lost me at ‘everyone considering selling TSLA stock...’

As hard as it is at wrapping one’s brain around the ecosystem empire Tesla is building, it’s even harder for me to wrap my brain around anyone selling stock. UNLESS, they need the money for something, then have at it.

I think most people here talking selling are referring to options, not stock. At least I hope so, otherwise more money does in fact lower IQ.

BTW, good list of what’s on Tesla’s plate.
Someone who bought a small position in TSLA a couple of months ago find themselves having a large position in TSLA today.

So I'm a young guy without much liquidity, but after my mortgage payment goes through, I'll own more TSLA than money. :oops: Thankfully we've got a large Federal rebate coming to us (thanks to the EV tax credit) shortly after that, so I'm in a good position to hold onto these shares as long as I like!
I went for a vacation to spend Christmas & New Years in sunny and hot Down Under (with some fires to make it even hotter) just about when TSLA crossed $400, now when I'm back in the winter, it just crossed $470. o_O

What is this, investors do not take holidays ?

If it keeps going like this, I can go back to enjoy the time instead of working...
I am simply posting this so everyone takes a moment and thinks about the price movement.
I am not even going to guess a top since currently shorts keep buying large amount every day according to volumebot.com

Let's just say something is crazy... either me or....

Nothing crazy about it. Not yet. Not even close.

Here's an exercise for you. Tell me where the top is on this chart:

2019-12-19 (2).png

Let's say, starting at the first of the year you invested about $36,100 and it had more than doubled to over $72,000 by 3/27. Probably time to get out, right? I mean you just made $36,000 in less than three months! But wait! In only a little over a month more it went up to $92,000!

You are really glad you didn't sell but now, yes, now, it really does look like it's topping out. Well, it sags down to $86,000 over the next two days. It looks like the fun is over. Better get out with your profits, right? Because in only 2 days you just lost $6,000. At this rate, all your profits will be gone in only two or three weeks, probably sooner once everyone decides to bail. Right? But then in five trading days you notice it's at $109,900! What good fortune you have had! This has got to be the top! It's crazy! Certainly over-valued. You had better act fast and sell because it's dropping fast. Everyone is bailing. If you sell now you will have tripled your original investment of $36,100 in a little over 3 months! Obviously, it is the RIGHT time to sell, right? Because you have never made $72,000 in such a short period of time. And it's going the wrong direction. Down! This must be the top!

But, dang, you forgot to sell. How stupid of you (obviously it really was the top as it only took four days to go all the way back to $78,000)! You are such an idiot! You just "lost" almost $22,000 in four frickin' days! Maybe you should cash out your $78,000 now before it goes down further and lock in your "awesome" profits. Your wife doesn't want you "gambling" with that much money either. So you sell. You kick yourself for not selling at the tip-top (when it was worth $109,900) but at least you got out with $78,000 which is a heck of a lot more than you started with, right?

2019-12-19 (7).png

OK. The last chart ended at $8 (the dip right below the second "E" from the left). That's right, you sold out your stake for $78,000. Had you held it to the end of the year, another 8 1/2 months, it would have topped out at $1 million dollars!

I'm not trying to say Tesla will appreciate just as fast (it won't, it'll take longer) but this exercise shows the folly of trying to sell at the top. The folly of thinking just because something has appreciated to what seems like an unbelievably high price, that it can't go much higher. The folly of thinking that just because your position declines 20% and you didn't sell it, that you made a huge mistake. All follies.

How fast will TSLA appreciate? Who knows but I've been very impressed with what I've seen of Musk's execution to date.
How far will TSLA rise? I don't know but the addressable markets are absolutely huge (cars, solar, energy storage).
Will the Robo-taxi work and become hugely profitable? I don't know but my investment thesis doesn't depend upon it - it's just the potential frosting on the cake. A very tasty cake, even without the frosting. Personally, I believe it will have some really sweet frosting on it. But I won't be unhappy if it doesn't.

Now that you have asked "everyone here" to "think about the current price movement", maybe you could tell us what YOU think about the current price movement. Buy, sell or hold? ;)
The way they make it seem that Elon is dancing just for his own personal wealth gain, just shows how little they understand about what it took him to get there.
They also have no clue that when Elon gets shares for meeting goals, he will never sell them.

Elon didn’t found Tesla to get rich. Quite the contrary. He founded Tesla to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport. He’s been saying this for over a decade now. Hasn’t changed. Been this way through thick and thin and back again.

His share accumulation ensures that he will be able to keep the mission going as designed, no one is going to hostily take it over because of this.

He will never sell his shares and this the thing legacy analyst don’t get. He’s not in it for the bank account, he’s in it for a mission. The irony is that this very thing is what will make him the wealthiest man the planet has ever seen.
The way they make it seem that Elon is dancing just for his own personal wealth gain, just shows how little they understand about what it took him to get there.

Or the fact he profusely thanked everyone in China involved for their great efforts. Or that they cheered him on.

Shallow human beings. And I could hardly believe my ears when dude went on about possible demand problems.