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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Wow, I didn't even know that there were already $4k calls.

I just checked my broker, and apparently they go up to $4200 haha. Did someone here in this forum specifically request to have those made?

Didn't realise either. I'd be OK to sell half my shares at $4000, not in the least to get my wife off my back with a house she's found... so selling covered calls at these strikes will be risk-free money for nothing.

Will wait until next week tho', then I can sell, like 20 calls, and feel like a BOSS.

Nice price action, BTW... Looking for a $2200 close, thanks.
Don't try to make it in to a big deal, it is just a normal part of the split process.

It takes time for Tesla to issue new shares to the brokerages, the brokerages to receive them and update all of the accounts they own, etc. It is standard practice, and AAPL goes through the same thing of no trading during the split process.
Apple also did a stock dividend (even though they did not call it that). One has to ask him/ herself, why are they spending the energy, money and time to distribute new shares, when they could have just as easily done a split of existing shares on a certain date?
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I'm beginning to think the "Sisters of The Good Shepherd" are the female siblings of Jim Chanos. :rolleyes:
The first go around I looked into it and didn't like what I saw, but I don't remember any detail. So I followed your link and this part jumped out at me as showing, at a minimum, that is not an informed proposal.

In September 2019, a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) judge in California ruled that Tesla violated federal labor laws and engaged in anti-union activity by interfering with labor organizing in 2017 and 2018.18 The case demonstrated a lack of “tone at the top” respecting human rights, as CEO Elon Musk published a tweet that appeared to threaten workers who unionized. In its Statement of Opposition, Tesla critiqued the way that these risks were described in the proposal. It denies this allegation and filed 166 exceptions to the NLRB decision.
This is in context of providing "evidence" that Musk doesn't respect human rights. Right.
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Annotation 2020-08-26 183938.png
It's good you can do this. If my wife was aware of what was going on with our net worth, she would be bouncing off the walls 24/7.

My poker face is better than anyone I know. At some point later this year or next, I'll break the good news to her in a spectacular way to maximize the effect. :)

Until then, (outside this forum) I remain a furloughed tightwad in need of a job who seems to be handling tough circumstances remarkably well.

My wife wants to pour every euro we own into this stock.. Have a hard time keeping her from doing it..
"But honey, we should keep some money to buy food!"
LIFO/FIFO ? (meanings??)
Investors have the option on choosing to treat investment transactions as
Last IN/First out or First in/first out. Sadly one cannot change back and forth within a single tax year, but choosing one or the other can dramatically reduce or increase tax bills by changing from sort term to long term, It only matters if you have regular purchases, or uneven ones, which can make short term gains higher or lower. I tend to use LIFO because I have TSLA holdings from early years and larger purchases during the last year some of which still yielded Short term gains.

If you have many shares you might want to consult with your tax attorney or CPA. Mine is worth at least five times what I pay him, but I'll never tell him that.
it is?

i'm really sick and tired of every random stock movement being blamed on evil geniuses with infinite funds and an axe to grind. i think reality is much dumber and less well organized than that.
It would be if they had the analysts buying and selling. Basically they are making money on churn. So the plan is to pump and dump and then scare investors into dumping so they can repeat the cycle and get proceeds from the transactions.
Didn't realise either. I'd be OK to sell half my shares at $4000, not in the least to get my wife off my back with a house she's found... so selling covered calls at these strikes will be risk-free money for nothing.

Will wait until next week tho', then I can sell, like 20 calls, and feel like a BOSS.

Selling the calls now might reduce your trading fees by 5x. Since you would sell 4 calls now, and it would split into 20 over the weekend at no additional cost.