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And before modern medicine, narrow hipped women much more likely to die in childbirth and take the kid with her.
As a student of bio-anthro, as human brains became larger and gestation became longer, women with narrower pelvises died more often in childbirth. The women who's genetic variation gave them a wider pelvis were able to survive childbirth more often. Therefor their daughters were genetically presupposed to wider hips and so women evolved to have wider hips in general.

It is true as stated earlier that more men also are attracted to wider hips as well as larger "external" breasts as it allows the men to see the women as child bearers. You'll notice the other great apes (of which we are one) have internal breasts, flat chested.

As well, human women are multi-orgasmic so as to encourage them to have sex with many men in a row searching for the strongest genes (hey, that's my name!). Men's penises are shaped in a way to pump out the previous man's semen. Human men take a bit of time to ejaculate to further the effect of pumping out the previous guy's semen. The other apes have small carrot shaped penises and these same primates ejaculate nearly instantly.

The researchers who work with bonobos, when interacting have to do the "bonobo handshake" which is a quick penis tug with near instant ejaculation, before getting down to business. Otherwise the bonobo will not relate. There's an excellent book called "Bonobo Handshake".
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Was taking a peak at the forum around lunch and briefly read where Tesla sales in Norway were north of a 100 cars per day. ( can’t rememver the exact number). If Tesla makes about a thousand cars per day is that not like 10 percent of the companies sales are to one country...with about 5 million people...in the North??? WTF . Am I figuring that out right?

Noway [sic] is... Unique.
Wide child bearing hips are sexy. It’s Darwinian. Men attracted to that shape (see car pic) had a greater chance of their genes being passed on.
The ONLY post amongst the near-dozen that this spawned that should be allowed to remain in this thread is Vetinari's.

And that is:

"That shape" is called tumblehome. You landlubbers sometimes are appalling in yer iggerance.

Now, whether that is why sailors called ships "she", "her" and a plethora of related but unrepeatable terms is fodder for my blog. Not here.
You mean OEM gives the option for a customer to buy from Tesla directly ?
No that'd be too expensive. The OEM must be the one to qualify the charging hardware/software. Once they've done it for a single car, it's done for all similar cars. Best to spread out the development costs simply by including the charging package on every vehicle. Any customer that wants to opt out just increased the costs to everyone else. Simple reality: EVs need fast charging. There's none better than Telsa's Supercharger Network.

Fast charging should be a selling feature, if OEMs could swallow their pride and embrace the idea. Trouble is they want to embrace, extend and extinguish as if they were a modern day MSFT. That *sugar* isn't going to accelerate the adoption of sustainable transport. That's why were so far behind (GM EV1 is 20+ yrs ago, and was just switching from Lead acid to NIMH bty tech when the program was crushed).
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No that'd be too expensive. The OEM must be the one to qualify the charging hardware/software. Once they've done it for a single car, it's done for all similar cars. Best to spread out the development costs simply by including the charging package on every vehicle. Any customer that wants to opt out just increased the costs to everyone else. Simple reality: EVs need fast charging. There's none better than Telsa's Supercharger Network.
Ok - so you are saying an OEM who makes a particular model, should make SC available for all the cars of that model.

But how much would Tesla charge the OEM to let the cars of that model use their network. Would still need to be something proportional to the # of cars of that model sold (may be + a fixed charge in the beginning).
As a student of bio-anthro, as human brains became larger and gestation became longer, women with narrower pelvises died more often in childbirth. The women who's genetic variation gave them a wider pelvis were able to survive childbirth more often. Therefor their daughters were genetically presupposed to wider hips and so women evolved to have wider hips in general.

It is true as stated earlier that more men also are attracted to wider hips as well as larger "external" breasts as it allows the men to see the women as child bearers. You'll notice the other great apes (of which we are one) have internal breasts, flat chested.

As well, human women are multi-orgasmic so as to encourage them to have sex with many men in a row searching for the strongest genes (hey, that's my name!). Men's penises are shaped in a way to pump out the previous man's semen. Human men take a bit of time to ejaculate to further the effect of pumping out the previous guy's semen. The other apes have small carrot shaped penises and these same primates ejaculate nearly instantly.

The researchers who work with bonobos, when interacting have to do the "bonobo handshake" which is a quick penis tug with near instant ejaculation, before getting down to business. Otherwise the bonobo will not relate. There's an excellent book called "Bonobo Handshake".

About now, somebody usually interjects about off topic posting...

Here is how we change the world:

Say something interesting, intelligent, humorous, kind or insightful.
Say something to show you believe in the mission (sustainable transport and energy).

Over on teslaq the cycle is different:
Say something greedy, dishonest, stupid, mean or deceptive.
Say that Tesla are going under.

Eventually people get it. They want to live among the first group. They trust that the first group have it right.

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Elon's letter to the judge is 33 pages (outline follows):

I. The Settlement
II. The February 19, 2019 Tweets and Prior Disclosures
III. Musk’s Post-Tweet Response
IV. SEC’s Post-Tweet Response
V. Market’s Post-Tweet Response​
I. Musk Did Not Violate the Order, Much Less Clearly So
A. The 7:15 Tweet Was Not Material
B. The SEC Has Not Shown the Tweet Contained, or Reasonably Could Contain, Material Information​
II. Musk Diligently Attempted to Comply with the Order in a Reasonable Manner
A. Musk Has Significantly Altered His Communications with the Public as a Result of the Order
B. Musk’s Actions on February 19 Demonstrated Diligence
C. The SEC’s Purported Evidence of Lack of Diligence Is Uncompelling​
III. The SEC’s Interpretation of the Order Raises Significant Constitutional Concerns​
Thinking about the often discussed S&X refresh. I feel tesla is always trying to do the hard thing: range etc. Why not just do the easiest refresh: a redesign of the inner decoration just for aesthetic reasons. At least adding it as a trim/option for high gross margin. I can't count how many people complain the S&X are not as luxurious as a German car. No judgment on taste. Just give what your customers want. For the sake of EV mission.
Our own @Fact Checking nailed this important argument now before the Court:

III. The SEC’s Interpretation of the Order Raises Significant Constitutional Concerns

Because Musk did not violate the Court's Order or the Tesla Policy, the Court's analysis can end and the Order to Show Cause should be discharged. Undeterred, and perhaps embarrassed by Musk's criticism of it, the SEC urges the Court to read and apply the Order in an unconstitutional manner. The Court should reject the SEC's invitation to trample on Musk's First Amendment rights and grant the SEC far broader powers than authorized by Congress.

At bottom, the SEC demands that Musk be punished for failing to obtain preauthorization for tweeting: (a) his proud reflection of Tesla's progress and (b) anticipation for the future that had (c) already been shared with shareholders and that he (d) reasonably and in good faith determined was not and could not be deemed material. The SEC's desire for such a sweeping prior restraint on speech,7 effectuated not through some formal statutory authority granted to the SEC by Congress but through a contempt proceeding, must be rejected by the Court. See United States v. Quattrone, 402 F.3d 304, 309 (2d Cir. 2005) (Sotomayor, J.) ("A 'prior restraint' on speech is a law, regulation or judicial order that suppresses speech-or provides for its suppression at the discretion of government officials-on the basis of the speech's content and in advance of its actual expression." (emphasis added)).

Prior restraints on speech "are the most serious and the least tolerable infringement on First Amendment rights." Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart, 427 U.S. 539, 559 (1976). "A prior restraint . . . has an immediate and irreversible sanction." Id. "[While] a threat of criminal or civil sanctions after publication 'chills' speech, prior restraint 'freezes' it." Id. Moreover, "[w]hen a prior restraint takes the form of a court-issued injunction, the risk of infringing on speech protected under the First Amendment increases." Metro. Opera Ass'n, Inc. v. Local 100, Hotel Emps. & Rest. Emps. Int'l Union, 239 F.3d 172, 176 (2d Cir. 2001); see also Madsen v. Women's Health Ctr., 512 U.S. 753, 764 (1994) ("Injunctions . . . carry greater risks of censorship and discriminatory application than do general ordinances.").
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The ONLY post amongst the near-dozen that this spawned that should be allowed to remain in this thread is Vetinari's.

And that is:

"That shape" is called tumblehome. You landlubbers sometimes are appalling in yer iggerance.

Now, whether that is why sailors called ships "she", "her" and a plethora of related but unrepeatable terms is fodder for my blog. Not here.
Audie, sorry to have been off topic, but those guys were talking about my favorite subject (after EV's of course) so I throw myself to the "mercy of the court" (that being you :) )