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Tracking P85D delivery thread

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Well, happy for you... but posts like these get me more irritated with Tesla. :mad: (In Production 3 weeks and counting...)
At least 3 cars went into Production Complete today (with almost none in the past few weeks). So this should be good news for everyone. They're starting to finish up production on these cars. I also have a lower VIN than you. I reconfirmed even before they sent out that "Reconfirm" email. I reconfirmed by accident actually, because I logged in and thought I didn't confirm already (that made me confused as hell). So I was one of the first few to reconfirm. When I confirmed the first time, my Tesla salesmen actually said that in the computer that it wasn't actually considered confirmed. So I think the reconfirm is actually the actual confirmation.
I think that all the various statuses that people are getting are all erroneous. I think any of us that started production more than a week ago are probably done and sitting somewhere for whatever it is they are waiting on.
I'm feeling a follow-up to Andrew's letter might be imminent - I'm certainly brewing up some words, just might take a couple of hours to make them diplomatic.

This hypothesizing about the delivery times based on the Dashboard, is pretty funny...of course for you to laugh too, you have to compare it to this video. I cant help but to imagine the guy updating the web site delivery information and laughing at the twisting in the wind he/she is creating....

Why Starbucks Spells Your Name Wrong - Agitators Ep. 1 - YouTube

enjoy - have a (little) laugh while we wait!:wink:
Hi guys! I'm still here, don't worry - couldn't find any singularity or black hole to escape through :biggrin:

I've been out enjoying the ride back from the factory, even though it has started raining again. Stopped in San Carlos for lunch but haven't been able to upload more photos for some reason, I'll do that as soon as I'm in front of a computer and "real" internet connection again.

Quick first impressions: simply amazing... truly the best car I've ever driven! The acceleration is obviously, well, insane... but the handling is what has really impressed me so far. Little to no body roll, very stable under both hard acceleration/braking and cornering. There is less noise from the front motor as I would expect (and read from others), but again I've not driven a non-D Model S for extended periods of time before.

Most of you are probably very familiar with the giant screen, but I'm still getting used to all the controls. It definitely feels pretty intuitive, it's more a matter of learning where all the options are. I love that the windshield wipers are fully-automated, no need to touch them ever again!

Cruise control feels pretty sensitive when increasing or decreasing speed - again something for me to get used to. Same with one-pedal driving, I haven't driven a car with so much regen, save for the BMW i3 which was ridiculously aggressive, and only for a few minutes.

OK that's it for now! More to come, including pics of course.
Oh and I took a half-hour video of the delivery walkthrough - yes, I used the GoPro! If there's enough interest I'll try to find a way to upload it.

Sorry there aren't more P85D-specific pieces yet, as a first Model S owner everything is new to me :redface:
Ah one more thing: the charge port can either be closed with a button on the screen, or if physically pushed a little manually the motor takes over the rest of the motion.

Stay tuned for more!

EDIT: ok it looks like at least one photo was uploaded.. let me try more.


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I think getting too close to the sausage making is never good, for any product. For most other cars, we have no concept of the issues to get that vehicle completed and to the dealership. We aren't waiting for the very first ones to finish up and make it to delivery and so the very normal issues with manufacturing is all hidden from us.

The Tesla DS's should really learn to say nothing, instead of providing bits and pieces. It's done when its done.
Hi guys! I'm still here, don't worry - couldn't find any singularity or black hole to escape through :biggrin:
Oh and I took a half-hour video of the delivery walkthrough - yes, I used the GoPro! If there's enough interest I'll try to find a way to upload it.

in for gopro vid,

you can upload to youtube, or vimeo, or a video provider of your choice, would be great.
Oh and I took a half-hour video of the delivery walkthrough - yes, I used the GoPro! If there's enough interest I'll try to find a way to upload it.

You won't be able to upload a video directly to TMC but put it on YouTube/Vimeo/Other and embed with a link via the video icon. Post it as a link if you have a problem and I'll come back and embed it for you.

(Photos will upload faster here if they are re-sized to less than 500kb first btw)

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and I almost forgot.....Congrats! :-D
Well, I finally just heard from my DS, after having to make another phone call to him when he ignored my first message.

All I got were vague answers. He told me that my scheduled 12/19 delivery was history, and that he still can't give me a date. My car has been in production since Nov 26, 2014. All he did was refer me to Jerome's e-mail. He said it now is in "Final Production". What is that, "Double-Secret Probation"???

He's telling me to expect delivery at around Dec 30 or 31st. I'm still debating whether or not I should take delivery. I'll be buying a 2014 car, 1 day before 2015. That is truly crazy.

I did tell him that if it doesn't get delivered in 2014, I'll be cancelling my order, as buying a model year old car (so double the depreciation), then waiting 15 months for the tax break (which might vanish with the new Congress) is truly nuts.

It's also infuriating that now people in Florida are being promised earlier delivery dates, even though my order went in far before theirs.

My choice of a car was between this and a Mclaren 650C, which is on the dealer's lot that I pass every day on my way home from work. It could have been mine in 1 day. I'm beginning to seriously wonder if I bought the wrong car.