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Tracking P85D delivery thread

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MarkG, I'm pretty sure you live in the same neighborhood as my sister-in-law. The car looks absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing

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I think it is pretty clear that the first few cars to go through the line had problems above and beyond the seat issue and that they are having to manually correct them. I think that is the only reasonable explanation for the long delays for the original cars to get out of production while new cars are sailing through the process. It would be nice to get some clarity on that and to have a better idea of what the timeline is to get things checked out, but I figure it is just part of the potential pain of being an early adopter. I do agree that if we can't get the cars delivered in 2014, it might make a lot more sense to cancel and re-order to get a 2015 VIN and potential upgrades like the heated wheels.

If I cancel and reorder, do I lose my deposit?
Thank you SO much MarcG! That was a super cool thing to do to post those videos. I hope you are loving Flash!

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Agreed. Though I am over the top excited, I can wait a few weeks. For those that are looking for the tax incentive for 2014, or sold your prior car or stopped your lease, rent a car. If you are in this market, you have to be flexible. Seriously, it smacks of really whiny children not getting their toys when they want. We all want our cars, they want to get them to us, they just want to make sure they are in working order and I am sure trying their best to make it fair. For some of you, lets remember, you cannot exert your will on everything. Sometimes, its out of your hands. You delivery day will come.
MarcG -- your videos are completely wonderful. Thanks for doing all that work on the first day of owning your car.

Thank you SO much MarcG! That was a super cool thing to do to post those videos. I hope you are loving Flash!

MarcG, huge congrats on the car and thanks for the awesome feedback and videos! I've consumed all of it and I'm very grateful :)

One question if you don't mind, as a first Model S owner what are some negative things you have found with the car? I know you love your P85D, but if you had to pick a couple of things that you are not fully satisfied with, which would they be? Thanks.

Thanks guys! Hmmm, couple of negatives... let me think about that.

Well I've only had the car for less than 24 hours so I'm not used to this, but I really wish there was some regen possible on the brakes. Maybe I will get used to feathering the accelerator eventually, but for now I feel like I'm losing some energy by braking without the opportunity to regen.

Oh, and I really wish the seats had more side bolstering. Wait, I think Tesla sells those now... Wait, I thought I ordered them too?!? ;-)
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@MarcG How would you describe cornering hard under power?

While the standard P on 19s is tail-happy, I would expect the D to feel like it is on rails, but with most of the power in the back, it could still oversteer?
Well ie only had the car for less than 24 hours so I'm not used to this, but I really wish there was some regen possible on the brakes. Maybe I will get used to feathering the accelerator eventually, but for now I feel like I'm losing some energy by braking without the opportunity to regen.

Within a few weeks you will be able to time it right so that you can let up on the accelerator and come to a near stop without touching the brakes. That's the joy of one pedal driving!
@MarcG How would you describe cornering hard under power?

While the standard P on 19s is tail-happy, I would expect the D to feel like it is on rails, but with most of the power in the back, it could still oversteer?

Haven't had the chance to test it on mine yet since it's been raining, but in the test drive I tool on Tuesday it did feel super stable - no oversteer that I could tell. I'll obviously have more feedback in the next few days & weeks :)
Agreed. Though I am over the top excited, I can wait a few weeks. For those that are looking for the tax incentive for 2014, or sold your prior car or stopped your lease, rent a car. If you are in this market, you have to be flexible. Seriously, it smacks of really whiny children not getting their toys when they want.

I think there's a world of difference between a whiny child who wants something given to them, and someone who paid a six-figure sum (likely of their hard earned money) for a product that had a promised delivery date.

It may be beneficial in the long run for Tesla to experience the fury of customers now, while vehicle production volumes are still low. This gives them time to correct what IMO are issues with communications, specifically giving customers clear and consistent information on what is going on with their product order. Tesla is no longer in the league of a startup in a garage or kickstarter project, and hasn't been for some years.

What's going to happen with Model X? Model 3? This stuff needs to be resolved, or there will be an order of magnitude more angry customers when the company is trying to ship 5-6k vehicles/week.
Finally, my gripes with Tesla are completely justified.

This is a valid point. Sure, there's a fair amount of hand-wringing in this thread that comes out of nervous excitement and some of us might find that tiresome but.....Tesla is changing the world and they have made mistakes and will make mistakes, we do them no favors by sitting patiently on the sidelines when they fail to live up to promises; when Tesla fails customers should hold Tesla's feet to the fire and push them to do things better. I recall Elon saying that Tesla wanted to know when customers were not happy, I believe he meant it.

We all need to vent now and again and there's nothing wrong with an ocassional vent here, repetitive venting turns to whining so let's avoid that, but valid discussion on issues and problems is both justified and welcome.
Really nice of you to share, MarcG. Awaiting delivey in March, and still visiting this site several times each day.. Your sharing of information, videos and photos makes the wait a lot easier

One q.. did they really remove the possibility to turn electronic driving aids off? No more drifting and playing?
I've noticed a couple of small comments here and there so I'm re-posting this for those who didn't see it in the original thread:

.....my DS havent even bothered answering my email about this....

I've read comments like this on several threads lately (and it wouldn't be fair for me to single anyone out which is why I removed the name of the author of this quote) but we should perhaps have a little sympathy for the Delivery Specialists right now. The DS isn't responsible for corporate decisions and not only are they always busy, and right now dealing with the usual end of year demand, it's a pretty good bet that they've been inundated with phone calls and e-mails from customers wanting to know where their car is, what the delay is, when a delivery date will be, can they take into account vacation plans, do they know about the heated steering wheel, do they know about the "surprise", which cars will get the steering wheel, what's the situation with the seats etc.etc.etc.

It's quite possible that there's a Delivery Specialist here or there hiding from angry customers and not doing an ideal job, but could the majority have the benefit of the doubt and we'll just take it that they're all trying their best? I know personally a few DSs and the last two years they worked their butts off all through the holidays and I do recall stories of deliveries on Christmas Day and New Years Eve and [insert your favorite holiday here] and I'm pretty certain it's going to happen again this year, that's how dedicated they are.

Yep, Tesla does fantastic things, and sometimes they really tick us off with lack of communication or missed deadlines, but the poor Delivery Specialist is out there on the sharp end and trying to make us customers happy. When customers take delivery and there's two cars parked with one having X feature and the other not, it's the DS who's going to have to deal with that (perhaps justifiably) unhappy person.

By all means bug Tesla when you feel let down, but let's not assume the DS "hasn't bothered"; overall, they're a great bunch of people doing a really good, solid, job.

Full disclosure: I don't have a car on order, I received no inducements to write this post and it was completely my own idea. :)
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Does the regen still max out at 60KW?

Does it feel like the regen braking is coming from the front, rear, or both?

Yes to the first question. No idea on the second! How would I be able to tell?

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Really nice of you to share, MarcG. Awaiting delivey in March, and still visiting this site several times each day.. Your sharing of information, videos and photos makes the wait a lot easier 

One q.. did they really remove the possibility to turn electronic driving aids off? No more drifting and playing?

As far as I can tell, yes - there is just the option to "slip start" but I guess that's limited to low speeds?