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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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Kate Kelly, another of the authors of that NYT hit piece

View attachment 326681

Elon made the calculation to build rockets on his own in a few minutes traveling in a plane back from Russia. Put it in reality and it worked.

He can do on a back of an envelope what others are unable to in their lifetime.

Its a rare gift to be able to build in your imagination a solution for a complex problem and quite normal to be not to but a shame not to realize your mediocrity instead even pretending you understand but you know deep in your heard you don't.

In that respect we can compare him to geniuses like Tesla.
My wife, who does not follow stocks or Tesla mentioned me yesterday about this interview (It has made headlines also here in Finland) and asked, if I'm still going to buy Model 3. So that kind of publicity can also affect sales.

I'm still going to buy Model 3 :)
Similar story here. My Father in Law does not follow TSLA at all. He casually follows stocks and stock news. After yesterday's drop and the hitpiece on Elon, he texted me that it was too bad about Musk and TSLA. He NEVER sends me texts about anything, let alone TSLA. That kind of publicity is definitely bad for Tesla. NYT writer clearly knew the outcome he was after and achieved it so far. The best thing that could happen now is for a formal news announcement about the Tesla Board having received a formal buyout proposal that they are now evaluating closely. I would love to see that in the next couple of weeks.
No that’s the classic “care bear”. :) We’ve been seeing that for years. AnxietyRanger filled that role beautifully. Alas, simpler times......

Thanks for the attention guys. ;) I miss you too.

I have never been very worried for Tesla (or TSLA owners), though, so a slight miss there. I believe Model 3 will be a success - always have believed that - and the rest will follow. For the current discussion, my opinion towards Elon/Tesla would be: just keep executing and talk less. It will be OK, the shorts are noise - ignore.

I have never been that active in any TSLA discussions either though, simply because, well, I don't really care... Never owned any automotive stock or any financial instruments to that effect, so yes, simpler times continue to be here for me. ;) I'm a car guy, pure and simple, that's what I care about personally - the customer experience.

I have had some concerns with the company from that customer perspective, of course. Great hardware product, not so great company behavior at times. It is possible to think both at the same time.

I continue to have my Model X and overall am liking it. And yes, it is a real car for those who wonder. If you don't believe me, just ask @bonnie. :)

Take care, guys, genuinely! Let's keep enjoying our Teslas no matter our differences.
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Similar story here. My Father in Law does not follow TSLA at all. He casually follows stocks and stock news. After yesterday's drop and the hitpiece on Elon, he texted me that it was too bad about Musk and TSLA. He NEVER sends me texts about anything, let alone TSLA. That kind of publicity is definitely bad for Tesla. NYT writer clearly knew the outcome he was after and achieved it so far. The best thing that could happen now is for a formal news announcement about the Tesla Board having received a formal buyout proposal that they are now evaluating closely. I would love to see that in the next couple of weeks.

The fear is Elon is losing it big time. The shorts are already under his skin, enough that he put himself and the company in jeopardy with his "fully funded" tweet. Tesla is Elon. If anything happened to him as leader the value of the company stock would drop like a rock. The next couple of months will be interesting. I can see Elon taking an extended vacation very soon.
Where’s the actual interview? Wasn’t it an «hour long» one?

All I see on nytimes.com is excerpts and «key takeaways», I want to read the questions and answers in full
Everyone else is wondering the same thing. You'll need to ask this guy (lead author):

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 10.51.52 AM.png
General Motors is #5 advertiser, Ford is #7 advertiser in the U.S., and that doesn't include the local advertising done by tens of thousands of dealerships (franchised and indy dealerships as well), leasing companies and gas stations, which advertising comes on top of the generic advertising done by the car OEMs.

It’s important to note that auto manufacturers including GM and Ford subsidize substantial amounts of local dealer advertising. Most of that local ad money basically also comes from the automakers.
An uplifting piece of news is that we are now above 100k registered Model 3 VINs, with this latest 2k2 batch apparently being all AWD:

#Tesla registered 2,207 new #Model3 VINs. ~100% estimated to be dual motor. Highest VIN is 101352.

The thing is, that this is the real story. All the cr@p that is being mass produced into the blogosphere is missing the point that the company is growing. Cars are being produced at ever growing scales. Unfortunately, it won’t be obvious until the next quarter report, but Tesla, the company, is far from being in any kind of real dire straits.

Everyone that is sweating out the current drop; this is one of many in the last couple years of the stock. If production keeps improving the way it is, the stock will come roaring back up... until the next major event that scares investors. Crazy roller coaster.
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I know its off topic but Tesla now has over 100,000 Model 3 vins registered. ;)

Tesla Model 3 Production Hits 70,000, With Registered VINs Near 100,000

The problem will be once they get thru the AWD and P orders it will be tough to sell that many per week unless they build the SR base models with little or no profit. They already have lots full of unsold LR PUP RWD models.

The sedan market sucks right now for all car makers. If it was a small SUV it might be a different story.
The problem will be once they get thru the AWD and P orders it will be tough to sell that many per week unless they build the SR base models with little or no profit. They already have lots full of unsold LR PUP RWD models.

The sedan market sucks right now for all car makers. If it was a small SUV it might be a different story.

Yeah because no other country on Earth wants LR PUP RWD Model 3’s assuming your assertion was true 100% to a T.
I held on but then came close today when I open up the times to see this headline:

Investors Betting Against Tesla Made $1 Billion on Friday

I was hoping that this follow up article may have had at least a hint to the fact that many people found the interview article one sided, unfair, more spin than accurate reporting, but alas, there was no such thing.

So sad the Times is just so off on this.
Maybe this is their new subscription drive. Buy the NYT so you know what stocks they are helping to tank.
Nope, he's just naive.
His technological, visionary, systems-building strength does not extend to understanding individuals, nor to the emotional maturity. This is far from the first highly emotional interview, this time he just walked into a trap. NYT did a decent interview some 6-12 months ago where he said "I will never be alone again" through tears about breakup with Amber. NYT was fair that time, sympathetic even, didn't turn it into a hit piece, but it was eye opening to me in terms of Elon's fragilities. Perhaps that's what made him trust NYT again, incorrectly this time.

Deifying Elon and ascribing all his actions to master plan is the wrong thing to do.
Better way forward is to understand when he makes a mistake, and either 1. bat the hatches, or 2. bring more money into play if you can, as his blunder(s) create price dislocation (miss-pricing) opportunities.

Agreed. I think people ascribe too much 4D chess and Machiavellian thinking to Elon when in fact he is human like the rest of us. Brilliant, yes, but somewhat emotionally immature. I am still long TSLA and fully support Elon and the company despite a few ill advised tweets and interviews. My feeling is that Tesla and Space X would not be remotely close to where it is now without Elon (including the current valuation) and a few questionable missteps due to his personal foibles is part and parcel of investing in and supporting Tesla.

The problem is the casual observer or investor, especially those with a conservative bent (fiscally and personality-wise) may look at this article and say what the hell is going on with this guy? I just brush it aside and, as you suggest, use it as an opportunity to buy at a lower SP. A nice, steady acceleration of the SP without the drama would be nice, but what fun would that be?!!
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