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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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OK, OK, you force me to post something relevant...

I remember there was some discussion some weeks back, but I cannot recall the conclusion, but if this is accurate, an awful lot of shorting these last few days:

Daily Short Sale Volume

Down again today cuz Musk can't keep his hands off Twitter and argues with a nobody about the pedo thing....again. When will Musk learn??? Geez he has thin skin. Can someone lock up his phone? Please lol.

I'm looking at Elon's Tweets & replies from today, and I don't see any Tweet regarding that. He did mention "I was told that his parents preferred that his name not be mentioned" but that Tweet was in reference to something else. What are you all referring to?
This is from Waymos 2017 Disengagement report: "Our test drivers routinely transition into and out of autonomous mode many times throughout the day" from this website: Testing of Autonomous Vehicles

Sorry I don't believe this self reporting data on Waymo, GM and others.

Waymo Reported Data.png


As the article writes from above graph: "The numbers are to be taken with a grain of salt, as the companies have some room for interpretation what a disengagement that is worth being reported to the DMV really is."

IMO, this doesn't seem possible, especially back in 2017. These are Waymo's reported Disengagements (where a driver took over the vehicle). You get my drift? Hence contributing to public perception that Waymo is WayAhead.


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Sorry to say, but this is a potential vector to bring down tsla.
Nah, Elon has borrowed just a few percent of the market cap of Tesla. The worst that could happen is he has to sell a bit of Tesla stock on the open market. It might depress the stock price, but it certainly won't tank Elon or the company.
Today is the 29th of August, I think the price action has been conditioned by the “window dressing” of fund managers. Imagine you need to write a monthly report for your fund: you don’t wanna be long Tesla after your rich clients might have read tons of articles on the various media channels about how troubled this company and Elon Musk is. You want to be showing that you’re long Amazon and Apple instead or that you initiated a big position in Google coz you see lots of potential.. I don’t wanna repeat myself but the big money comes when the risk is limited. People are misinformed and Tesla is not profitable yet. We need to keep tight.
One more month..
Didn't Elon say in one of those recent tweets something like "If he's innocent why isn't he sueing me? He was offered free legal services"

Perhaps someone with deep pockets took notice and made the guy an offer he couldn't refuse to file the case even if he originally didn't feel it was worth it?
If (and I stress IF) Vern is a pedo, he dare not take the chance. The UK has severe penalties and extradites people from Thailand to face charges. See, for just one example, Thailand police arrest suspected paedophile
I totally agree with you (except for the Trump bit), but struggle to see why Elon would go down that avenue knowing he has a lawsuit pending. It doesn't make sense.

Like I said, trying to apply logic to the situation. Elon's a logical guy too, normally very much so, and surely he'd have taken some legal advice already on this lawsuit?

Doesn't add-up as a knee-jerk reaction to me - and neither has he deleted the tweets, which you would normally do if you regret them afterwards. Or even apologise of you've lost your temper - hell I even apologised to a big hairy bear on twitter last week because I considered myself a bit overly rude to him the day before.

Anyway, we'll see how it plays out.

Hey, SP, $305, it's popping' :p

Elon is highly logical ... except on Twitter sometimes.
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