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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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This is all about reading tea leaves. You won't get any "proof".

Note that James Murdoch has not said anything about it - not denied it.

If he is not vying for the position who exactly is putting these stories out ? Why ?

I’d imagine it’s not his place to deny it anymore than it’s his place to say he is. It would need to be an official Tesla board statement. And that won’t happen intil the SEC settlement is in fact settled and the 45 days is up for Elon.

Who? Is that a serious question? The same source that reported people familiar with the thoughts of the board. Those people, that’s who. The same people who plastered ‘Tesla owes the state of Nevada blah, blah, blah’ the very same day Elon has a sit down with the Nevada senator at Gigafactory. That’s who.
I actually like Gore, but can we please just have a simple rule: "No Controversial Figures On The Board, Let Alone Chairing It"?

IMHO: My ideal would be to fill it with environmentally-friendly non-controversial academics so that it'll:
* Not attract any negative attention
* Be fully supportive of the long-term mission, not just on making a quick buck
* Be sufficiently independent from Musk as to satisfy the SEC (and be willing to force things like a twitter-filterer on him), but...
* Not be prone to seeking a power grab for themselves

What board members don't need to be:
* Advisers (you can get advice from people who aren't on the board)
* Deep ties to the world of finance (you can raise funds without such people on your board, but having them on your board IMHO increases the odds of a coup)

What they do need:
* Good judgement
* A full and deep understanding of how important an aggressive moat-bridging strategy has been to get Tesla to where it is today, and why it needs to continue
* Strong support of, but not fanatic devotion to, Elon. Aka, a willingness to go with what he wants when there's some ambiguity towards whether it's the right choice, but a willingness to challenge him when something clearly seems to be a wrong choice

Remember: the greatest power a corporate board has is to replace the CEO. Do not forget this.

Per direct quote from Elon at Teslive 2013 when asked about most important characteristics required for a Tesla hire...

"a good heart"

Fire Away!
Interesting - is that because they think car sales overall will reduce or they think Germans won't be competitive in EVs ?

The study I have not seen. IIRC, the documentary does not go into specific changes in the German car makers' market share (except to show e.g. an elderly, wealthy looking German sitting in a Model X, talking about how her usual make Mercedes has nothing comparable).

Instead, the estimated impact looks at how much less labor + maintenance is required for BEVs compared to ICEs. It then argues that BEVs are coming and rhetorically asks: But are we coming along?

The precarious situation of the highly specialized suppliers is highlighted in detail with one owner of a supplier of transmission parts referring to the advent of the BEV as a 'Catastrophe'. Another openly admits that they have zero competence in the field of electric drive trains.

The journalist then takes a BEV to an auto mechanic, opens the hood and asks him what kind of work/maintenance he can do on it. Basically nothing is the answer, along with the observation that about 70% of the car service revenue is directly related to the ICE.

Some time is also spent looking into the demise of the Kodak, which early on made a conscious choice _not_ to pursue digital photography, because its insufficient short term profit. The journalist has a former Kodak manager overlook a former facility, lamenting Kodak's inability to adapt and thinking about the many employees left without income.

There is also some interviews with union people, who can see where things are going.

My impression from especially this documentary and other sources as well, is that people close to the industry can see where things are going, but that general inertia and possibly concern for short term profits makes a change all but impossible.

Luckily, greater Munich also has some IT and high tech industry.
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Settlement With SEC Secured !

Joint Submission.pdf

source : Settlement With SEC Secured : teslamotors

I'm posting this here on this board just to make sure that everyone has seen it ... sorry if it has been already posted a few posts/pages before.

I couldn't find any information on if it had actually been approved yet by a judge though. That was the whole point of this right? SEC and Elon/Tesla agreed to a settlement, but they needed to make a case to a judge as to why this was just.
I couldn't find any information on if it had actually been approved yet by a judge though. That was the whole point of this right? SEC and Elon/Tesla agreed to a settlement, but they needed to make a case to a judge as to why this was just.
this was just the letter justifying the settlement. Where SEC waxes loquaciously about their non-existent case and the poor, suffering, short sellers. And Musk says, "We are settling because of the shareholders".

The likelihood is that, at some point, the judge will rubberstamp the settlement. This is generally a pro forma exercise. Of course, the optimistic are hoping that the judge will have something to say about the SEC's over reach.

But there is no timeline that I'm aware of for the judge's response.
I don’t understand how shorts can claim that tesla’s Model 3 margins will decrease. Here’s the forward looking statement Q2 earnings:

Model 3 gross margin should grow significantly to approximately 15% in Q3 and to approximately 20% in Q4 predominantly due to continued reduction in manufacturing costs and to some extent an improving mix.”

June 30th, 2018:

Q2 automotive margin increased from 19.7% GAAP to 20.6% non-GAAP.

From 18.8% GAAP to 21% non-GAAP.

This is even before any AWD or performance models were even delivered.

No ZEV credits were sold in Q2, looks like they’re saving the ZEVs for Q3 & Q4 for a blowout quarter.
I am stuck with my initial investment of 150 shares @ 350$ per share due to believe of Elon taking his company private and the incredible Q2 and Q3 results.

However, due to certain circumstances (Elon's tweeting), the share price is now barely above 250$ and I am suffering a 100$ loss on my investment per share.

I am really upset with Elon - any recommendations for me? I just want to get out without a loss - that's all. I do not care about Elon anymore after all he's done to himself, his company and all his shareholders (aka fans). This is incredible.
Since you liked it at $350.00, you should love it at $250.00. The future valuation for $TSLA is going to make your initial entry look like chump change.

Not intended as investment advice.

You may not want to make stock market decisions based on impulse going forward, especially considering "am considering" is not a statement of fact.
Some feel good story. I hope Tesla takes DaveT’s advice and control the narrative with these sorts of positive FUD.

Flint schools are getting safe water fountains thanks to Elon Musk - CNN

SpaceX: Elon Musk Shares Falcon 9 Image That Highlights Its True Size | Inverse

"control the narrative"
— Keeping it short but hopefully giving a bit of hope, I will say that I have pushed very heavily for this.
I assume this has been posted here already, and I'm a lazy git so I can't be bothered to comb through the 5+ pages since my last view of the thread...

But, this article: A Field Guide To Potential Securities Violations By Tesla's Foes — In Depth | CleanTechnica

Is ****ing top-notch, please, all of you read it.

Unfortunately, it led to me running into a trove of Tesla trolls on Twitter last night. I don't know how some of you have the patience to engage with those f*ckers. Don't know how they live their lives not realizing they are being useless and that it can't make them happy.
and now re-tweeted by Elon! So 1, he read it and hopefully gets the longs` sentiment on his tweeting even if it was a subtle "you do your job we fight the FUD, ok?" (i fully agree with every word) and 2, this will now get to 22 million screens and possibly get MSM exposure as well.

<3, not RT. Makes a big difference (~10x) for eyeballs. Believe me, I'm now an ungrateful SOB after ~20 hearts and just a few RTs in past month. ;-) (Some things are just never enough for some people, you know!)

Always remember to remain grateful.


But a big part of the article was to indicate that the Tesla community has his back, and we'll have more on that around the corner.
On the other hand, al gore invented the internet, and that is a great achievement.
He should claim the invention of the electric car too.

Technically, never said that.

His nuanced statement was correct.

But, yes, there are few people with more trolls following every mention of their name than Elon Musk, but Al Gore is one of them.
Hey, talk don't about me like that! :eek: My first purchase was after THE Tweet as well :oops:

In my case it as a desperate attempt to get in on $TSLA -- I discovered the stock too late to get in earlier. I wanted it to stay public because, even knowing next to nothing about stock, I figured it would be difficult to impossible to remain a share holder.

From my POV it was still the right thing to do (purchase stock) because if somehow going private happened there would at least be some money made. And, if going private didn't happen, then I'd own shares in the best company in the world. Seemed to me that it was very win/win. And I still think so.

My purchase price was lower than that alleged by our latest spreader of attacks against Elon Musk. I'm not sure why the poster didn't claim the $380. Maybe they thought it would be more believable to not claim the maximum paper loss?

In summary: just because someone bought after THE Tweet doesn't make them an ignorant, greedy fool (at least, I hope). I just had avoided the stockmarket and only due to recent news kerfluffle had started looking into $TSLA.
I bought more at 380:eek: and still feel I will look like a savvy investor buying at THAT price in a few years.

  1. This is all about reading tea leaves. You won't get any "proof".

    Note that James Murdoch has not said anything about it - not denied it.

    If he is not vying for the position who exactly is putting these stories out ? Why ?

    +1...lack of denial is key...We shouldn't forget that he knows a bunch of media/newspaper folks....that it came from Financial News doesn't surprise me.
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