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Unable to login Youtube

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If anyone's interested, I think the problem is due to the way Tesla's connect to the internet. It's for security, as you don't want your car to have an externally accessible IP address, for obvious reasons. So all data is encrypted, and goes via Tesla's servers through a VPN. This fools Google into thinking something is weird.

I'm guessing that Tesla will straighten this out with Google, if possible, since it's a known problem and a known reason. I haven't cared enough about it so far to try any of the workarounds yet. I've only had my Tesla for 2 days so far, and have barely driven it yet.
Looking for a way to log in too... but PLEASE avoid initials (TMC, etc), for those of us 'old farts' who are not into the latest tech crap :). Thank you. Finally, I don't understand why there's trouble logging into Youtube from a Tesla car, when everything should work, but I guess it happens. Maybe a future update will eliminate that issue.
Looking for a way to log in too... but PLEASE avoid initials (TMC, etc), for those of us 'old farts' who are not into the latest tech crap :). Thank you. Finally, I don't understand why there's trouble logging into Youtube from a Tesla car, when everything should work, but I guess it happens. Maybe a future update will eliminate that issue.
Look at the logo in the corner of this site ;) TMC = this site.

See my post above: Unable to login Youtube

Simply reading it without believing that you don't understand something (continue reading, especially the summary at the bottom) and you'll probably be able to get logged in. This isn't something I expect Tesla to "fix", since it's not Tesla's fault.
I tried all of this on my MS 85D with 2020.48.12.1 and it does not work. :-/

I’m not sure what happened, but a couple of days ago I was able to log into my YouTube account. Perhaps google fixed something, or maybe some cache data that was causing an issue was flushed. ‍

Now I just have to get over the annoyance of paying $1k more for the MCU upgrade after their price cut this week. :(
Can’t believe we still have to deal with this garbage UI. Genuinely seems Tesla software development has no idea what customers deal with regularly.

Another scenario where we need a direct line to Tesla to make feature requests instead of the stupidly insulting method of having to tweet Elon.

Vote with your shares at the below link to get this asked for at the earnings call!

Just remember that being logged into Youtube means being logged into Google which means being logged into Gmail.

If you're thusly logged in that means anyone who can use your car's MFD has access to your Gmail account, and can read all of your email in your Gmail account as well as send email messages as you. If you do this be sure to remember to log out before giving a valet, service tech, or the like access to your car.
Thanks for reposting this! It's true. And I posted the same thing back at the beginning of a similar thread, and apparently a lot of people didn't believe me, as it's my most disliked post ever.
Thanks for reposting this! It's true. And I posted the same thing back at the beginning of a similar thread, and apparently a lot of people didn't believe me, as it's my most disliked post ever.
It's absolutely true (and also true that many hard truths get disliked). However, also keep in mind that logins aren't transferrable, so it's not a wide exposure that way - someone with particularly malicious intent could use your Google stuff in your car to do something, but they can't steal your login once they're out of your car (any account changes need you to re-authenticate, which they wouldn't be able to do). So to me it's pretty minimal of a concern, at least for me since I only valet maybe a couple times a year ;)

Sure might be nice if valet mode would lock out the browser, etc., I suppose. We're also missing the basic ability to manage/clear cookies and history from the browser, too... so some folks end up with cookie-related site corruption they can't do anything about. That's kinda tacky.
However, also keep in mind that logins aren't transferrable, so it's not a wide exposure that way - someone with particularly malicious intent could use your Google stuff in your car to do something, but they can't steal your login once they're out of your car
True enough but I know a lot of people that consolidate everything through their Gmail account. Open Gmail, search for "Checking", find bank's web site, send password reset to Gmail. Whoops.
True is mostly Google's problem but the Tesla browser is sh*t. It really needs to be following modern standards. It feels so bloated and slow.
It actually uses the Chromium engine now, after a long struggle in the now distant past where they were using a WebKit implementation that was just an utter dumpster fire. So, under the hood it's the same rendering engine as Chrome and MS Edge now... but there's a lot more to a browser than just an engine. The UI needs a lot of work.

Really, the reason it's so sluggish is that Tesla chose a positively downright steaming pile of crap of a CPU when they made MCU v2. They're using an Intel Atom E8000 that's only about 20 times less powerful than a modern Ryzen desktop CPU. Barely a CPU capable of running a modern phone, yet they're sticking that piece of underpowered trash in every Tesla since 2018. It's only through miracles of optimization that it's able to run the games they've fine-tuned to run on it - and the optimizations of the UI that make it feel usable today.

Needless to say I deeply wish Tesla would've used a more powerful chip for the MCU2, and people will no doubt start to get equally annoyed with its sluggishness as they were with MCU1 not too long ago.

Also, now that we're on a new page, I should bring the solution up to this one for anyone searching for a fix. See here: Unable to login Youtube
I have the Youtube login issue today and the same issue occurred when I tried to login to Plex TV. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


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