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Warranty Adjustment Program – Touchscreen Component email - Wow - watch for it

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My experience:
  • I received the email like other about the Warranty Adjustment Program. 2014 Model S P85D
  • Shortly thereafter, while on a road trip, 30 minutes into the trip the center console screen became slow, then froze, then went blank and rebooted.
  • I used the app to schedule a service appointment. Soonest appointment was about two weeks out. Not like the pre-Model 3 days when I could get an appointment quickly. It's also end of Q4 with a delivery push going on.
  • I get a text message from Service saying that the upgrade will not be performed unless I'm experiencing the symptoms. I had already described the symptoms in my service request in the app! Frustrated. This was clearly a canned scripted response: Step 1: tell them you can't just request the upgrade; it has to be failing. Except I'd already mentioned it was failing. That's not great customer service. Not horrible, but poor. So I write back and note that my service request specifically includes the fact that I experienced the symptoms.
  • Next text message explains that I have to supply the date and time of the screen going blank, etc. Luckily, due to it being a road trip, I could pinpoint the date and time, so I submitted that.
  • I learn about the Infotainment Upgrade and see the note on the Warranty Adj. page that people of opted for the upgrade as a solution to the problem may get a slight rebate, but details won't be announced for awhile (goal of Feb 2021 noted). Texted back and forth with Service about this possibility. They were not aware of the rebate note. I don't generally listen to the radio, so at first that didn't bother me. Then I remembered that due to COVID I've gone to pop-up drive-ins occasionally, and while most have apps for sound, the default and guaranteed to work method is still FM. Service did offer to do the IU conditionally based on their Service Techs confirming that I have the eMMC chip problem. No guarantee on getting a rebate.
  • Time goes by, the appointment is near, and I randomly get a text message saying that I need to supply the date and time that I experienced the issue. Sigh. I point out that if they read back through the notes, I already supplied this.
  • FF to the day before my appointment, I get an email with the proposed work order for my approval (I had some unrelated recommended for-fee service items added). And it's missing anything about the MCU / eMMC! I text them that evening (after hours) saying I was not approving the work order for that reason.
  • Day of my appointment, I'm about to head out to the Service Center (Devon, Penna. which is excellent) and I get a text: The reason the MCU / eMMC work was not listed is that they remotely ran diagnostics and determine the chip was not bad. That explains a software update I received recently I suspect. But I'm really frustrated to learn this at the last minute as I'm about to head out the door to an appointment whose main purpose has just been eliminated.
  • They do the other work and look at the logs. The determination is that at the date and time of the issue, the system was low on space. So the technicians "cleaned up" things like cached map tiles, really old navigation destination history, etc. I comment that I work in the computer business and it seems silly to have to bring my car in every few years to get temp files removed. Shouldn't the software do that itself rather than just run out of space and die? Or at least provide the user with a screen where we can do cleanup? Service rep sympathizes.
  • I drive home (15 minutes) and as I pull into my driveway, the center screen gets sluggish and freezes. I reboot the MCU.
  • Sigh.
My experience:
  • I received the email like other about the Warranty Adjustment Program. 2014 Model S P85D
  • Shortly thereafter, while on a road trip, 30 minutes into the trip the center console screen became slow, then froze, then went blank and rebooted.
  • I used the app to schedule a service appointment. Soonest appointment was about two weeks out. Not like the pre-Model 3 days when I could get an appointment quickly. It's also end of Q4 with a delivery push going on.
  • I get a text message from Service saying that the upgrade will not be performed unless I'm experiencing the symptoms. I had already described the symptoms in my service request in the app! Frustrated. This was clearly a canned scripted response: Step 1: tell them you can't just request the upgrade; it has to be failing. Except I'd already mentioned it was failing. That's not great customer service. Not horrible, but poor. So I write back and note that my service request specifically includes the fact that I experienced the symptoms.
  • Next text message explains that I have to supply the date and time of the screen going blank, etc. Luckily, due to it being a road trip, I could pinpoint the date and time, so I submitted that.
  • I learn about the Infotainment Upgrade and see the note on the Warranty Adj. page that people of opted for the upgrade as a solution to the problem may get a slight rebate, but details won't be announced for awhile (goal of Feb 2021 noted). Texted back and forth with Service about this possibility. They were not aware of the rebate note. I don't generally listen to the radio, so at first that didn't bother me. Then I remembered that due to COVID I've gone to pop-up drive-ins occasionally, and while most have apps for sound, the default and guaranteed to work method is still FM. Service did offer to do the IU conditionally based on their Service Techs confirming that I have the eMMC chip problem. No guarantee on getting a rebate.
  • Time goes by, the appointment is near, and I randomly get a text message saying that I need to supply the date and time that I experienced the issue. Sigh. I point out that if they read back through the notes, I already supplied this.
  • FF to the day before my appointment, I get an email with the proposed work order for my approval (I had some unrelated recommended for-fee service items added). And it's missing anything about the MCU / eMMC! I text them that evening (after hours) saying I was not approving the work order for that reason.
  • Day of my appointment, I'm about to head out to the Service Center (Devon, Penna. which is excellent) and I get a text: The reason the MCU / eMMC work was not listed is that they remotely ran diagnostics and determine the chip was not bad. That explains a software update I received recently I suspect. But I'm really frustrated to learn this at the last minute as I'm about to head out the door to an appointment whose main purpose has just been eliminated.
  • They do the other work and look at the logs. The determination is that at the date and time of the issue, the system was low on space. So the technicians "cleaned up" things like cached map tiles, really old navigation destination history, etc. I comment that I work in the computer business and it seems silly to have to bring my car in every few years to get temp files removed. Shouldn't the software do that itself rather than just run out of space and die? Or at least provide the user with a screen where we can do cleanup? Service rep sympathizes.
  • I drive home (15 minutes) and as I pull into my driveway, the center screen gets sluggish and freezes. I reboot the MCU.
  • Sigh.
So familiar...
Our screen failed last week. Set up an appointment in the mobile app and when my wife took it in she was told they didn't have the part. Now we've got the car sitting in garage unable to take a charge and nearest appointment is 1/27. Have others gotten the message that the replacement parts for this repair are slow arriving?
I guess you could say I got that impression. Part on order since Oct 5th, has not shipped yet.

I hope you have better luck.

BTW, perhaps a little off topic, but you can connect a small battery charger to the 12V battery, and in my case, it reduced vampire drain to near zero, or less than 0.10% a day...
Experienced the screen fault issue last month. No turn signals, no center display etc. Rebooted everything and was eventually able to get the center screen to reappear. I was instructed by roadside assistance to contact the SC for MCU issues. No promise of warranty replacement or chip re-flash whole MCU replacement. The app scheduled a mobile appt this month. a couple of days ago I received a Tesla text indicating they need me to bring the car into the service center. I've heard they can do MCU replacements with the mobile service so I wondered if this change meant they were going the reflash or chip replacment route as opposed to MCU replacement. I've been unable to find how long it takes to either. I don't know if they (Portland SC) even provide Uber or something while I wait.
Experienced the screen fault issue last month. No turn signals, no center display etc. Rebooted everything and was eventually able to get the center screen to reappear. I was instructed by roadside assistance to contact the SC for MCU issues. No promise of warranty replacement or chip re-flash whole MCU replacement. The app scheduled a mobile appt this month. a couple of days ago I received a Tesla text indicating they need me to bring the car into the service center. I've heard they can do MCU replacements with the mobile service so I wondered if this change meant they were going the reflash or chip replacment route as opposed to MCU replacement. I've been unable to find how long it takes to either. I don't know if they (Portland SC) even provide Uber or something while I wait.

Recommend you download the Tesla Service Bulletin from the NTSB site.

Therein you will find that mobile service is not allowed.

Insist to the SvC via the App that they follow procedures, and replace the chip per the instructions therein.
Here is the SB concerning the eMMC chip diagnosis and repair:


  • Screenshot_20201230-153421.png
    854.5 KB · Views: 56
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Thanks! Anyone know how long this will take? Is this chip soldered in or on a socket?

How long for a full MCU replacement? Not sure if the Portland SC offers any type of travel while you wait and of course it's next to impossible to call them.
Thanks! Anyone know how long this will take? Is this chip soldered in or on a socket?

How long for a full MCU replacement? Not sure if the Portland SC offers any type of travel while you wait and of course it's next to impossible to call them.

I wrote a rather lengthy thread about my negative experience with my local SC when I dropped my 2013 S85 off for the daughterboard replacement. In a nutshell, I had issues with the MCU, connectivity, and car being "ready" in a timely manner, so I asked them to do a remote diagnosis in October 2019. Within a minute they found errors in the data log and said they would replace the daugtherboard and estimated the part would be available in 7 days. After rescheduling twice due to do delayed delivery, I dropped the car off 2 weeks after the initial appointment. It took them 3 days to get around to working on it and they returned to car to me with a 1" bubble in the touchscreen.

The manager claimed they didn't cause the damage because the screen is not touched when the daughterboard is replaced citing they go from underneath from the console pocket (he lied). After 20 minutes of more lying and trying to convince me that the bubble MUST have been there before I dropped the car off, a technician came by with the intake photos showing I dropped the car off with a perfectly good screen with NO bubble. The manager surrendered and told me they would fix it in about an hour.

So, replacing the daughterboard can take as little as an hour but it might take days if they are overbooked. It can also take weeks to get the part. The faulty chip is soldered to the daughterboard so the board (about 1/6th the size of the MCU) is replaced. It's been well documented on this forum.
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I'm struggling with Tesla right now on this issue. I have the ESA, and based on their diagnostics, my level of eMMC wear doesn't warrant a replacement. This is most likely the reason I haven't received the e-mail telling me to get it fixed via the new extended replacement/upgrade program. I have about 3,000km left on my ESA. My car is with Tesla as I type this.

Other than the usual sluggishness, the MCU locks up all the time when doing simple stuff. Locked up again this morning on the way to Tesla while playing a podcast. Couldn't get any other audio other than FM. Couldn't stream from my phone. My XM has been completely dead for a month - can't use the touch screen to select a channel. Steering wheel controls to go through favourites stopped working too (that used to work). It only tunes to the preview channel.

Ironically, I was told that if I wasn't under the ESA it would be easier to get the fix. I would just have to pay for it. Considering the deductible is about $300 CAD and the upgraded daughterboard/repair is ~$550, it would appear as if Tesla is torturing me over $250.
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I am also very frustrated with Tesla. I purchased a 2017 Tesla Model X and assumed that a relatively new company with Tesla's reputation for taking care of issues would prevail in my experience - NOT! Regarding the touchscreen, it is slow, unresponsive at times, locks up and sometimes reboots from something as little as looking up an artist to stream. The web browser function is nonexistent regardless of signal strength. At times, radio volumes or changing won't work; heat comes on and won't turn off, etc. etc. etc. My experience with Tesla through demonstration of the issues, videos showing real time issues and even having technicians, say "Yeah, that's bad and should be this way." confirms the evidence of an issue, but Tesla has not been willing to resolve it on 2 occasions. I followed advice to delete destinations, and trip data, etc. It did not help. I have read posts of countless people with the same issue. Extending the warranty may protect me from an ultimate failure, but it in now way improves the unacceptable user experience of owning my Tesla, not to mention the potential safety liability it might pose. I have had to pull over for upwards of 4 minutes to get a reboot and proceed. I purchased the car expecting there would be some issues, but in good faith, expecting they would resolve them. Do I have to post videos to social media to complain and show the public what it's like to REALLY own a Tesla to get their attention???? I am fed up with their statements about commitment to high quality when they don't support those who have already purchased their poor quality without resolution.
Any advice from those who have experience a measure of success with Tesla Service?
This leads us to the question: What can we do when we are not satisfied with any car dealer. I guess I've been really lucky with Acura, Lexus. I understand arbitration from an investment side but never on something like this.
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My experience:
  • I received the email like other about the Warranty Adjustment Program. 2014 Model S P85D
  • They do the other work and look at the logs. The determination is that at the date and time of the issue, the system was low on space. So the technicians "cleaned up" things like cached map tiles, really old navigation destination history, etc. I comment that I work in the computer business and it seems silly to have to bring my car in every few years to get temp files removed. Shouldn't the software do that itself rather than just run out of space and die? Or at least provide the user with a screen where we can do cleanup? Service rep sympathizes.
  • I drive home (15 minutes) and as I pull into my driveway, the center screen gets sluggish and freezes. I reboot the MCU.
  • Sigh.
I text back that this has happened. Service says that a "remote" team will investigate, but in case they find nothing, they schedule a return visit for about two weeks out.

Fast forward two weeks, unlike the last time, I get no message about the remote investigation. I drop off my car. The next day I get a text that my car is ready, but that they have found no problem. The service rep reads the tech comments, but they are "cut and paste" from the last time, in particular a note about "excessive trip data." That's a flat out lie. Two weeks prior they cleaned out all the trip data. Due to COVID, I barely drove the car in the past two weeks. So there were maybe two or three "trips" since the data was supposedly "deleted" by the techs. This indicates they are following a standard procedure and script to declare the eMMC "OK" and not really checking. Because if they'd checked anything, they would have seen almost no trip data. I was told my eMMC is healthy by the service rep. One comment was that it was only "50% full." Well, filling up temp directories is what the whole "cleanout" process was about. But that has nothing to do with eMMC failure, which is related to "number of writes."

So this really leaves one of two possible explanations:
  1. eMMC really is flaking out, but TESLA doesn't believe this is true -- NTSB needs to hold them accountable
  2. There are considerable software issues causing the hangs; not sure if they are only with the old MCU or all MCUs. NTSB still needs to hold them accountable.
That said, I still love my Tesla. They were out of loaner cars, and had to resort to Enterprise who gave me a really fun Camaro, which was a surprisingly great ICE car, but since it was automatic, the poor ICE engine's great growl and power was lost. I do have to give Tesla points for getting me a loaner, and a nice one at that, even though they were out of Teslas.
  • Informative
Reactions: supratachophobia
I text back that this has happened. Service says that a "remote" team will investigate, but in case they find nothing, they schedule a return visit for about two weeks out.

Fast forward two weeks, unlike the last time, I get no message about the remote investigation. I drop off my car. The next day I get a text that my car is ready, but that they have found no problem. The service rep reads the tech comments, but they are "cut and paste" from the last time, in particular a note about "excessive trip data." That's a flat out lie. Two weeks prior they cleaned out all the trip data. Due to COVID, I barely drove the car in the past two weeks. So there were maybe two or three "trips" since the data was supposedly "deleted" by the techs. This indicates they are following a standard procedure and script to declare the eMMC "OK" and not really checking. Because if they'd checked anything, they would have seen almost no trip data. I was told my eMMC is healthy by the service rep. One comment was that it was only "50% full." Well, filling up temp directories is what the whole "cleanout" process was about. But that has nothing to do with eMMC failure, which is related to "number of writes."

So this really leaves one of two possible explanations:
  1. eMMC really is flaking out, but TESLA doesn't believe this is true -- NTSB needs to hold them accountable
  2. There are considerable software issues causing the hangs; not sure if they are only with the old MCU or all MCUs. NTSB still needs to hold them accountable.
That said, I still love my Tesla. They were out of loaner cars, and had to resort to Enterprise who gave me a really fun Camaro, which was a surprisingly great ICE car, but since it was automatic, the poor ICE engine's great growl and power was lost. I do have to give Tesla points for getting me a loaner, and a nice one at that, even though they were out of Teslas.

Likely option 1. I hope not option 2, as that implies a host of potential issues.

As noted before, trip history, clearing the cashe, home directory, are not covered by the SB.

If you can still communicate with them, print out a copy of the SB and ask why they are not following it!

If there are errors or warnings, covered by warranty, the SB is clear.