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2019.24.x barely going out to anyone?

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Average guy who loves autonomous vehicles
Aug 3, 2017
I noticed on teslafi that all the 2019.24.x updates have barely gone out to anyone, just 1% total. Curious since 24 is a new week number. Shouldn't it go wide to the entire fleet, at least one version of 2019.24 should?
I've only had my Model 3 since late March, but my observation is that a new weekly build (like the update from 2019.16.x to 2019.20.x) usually goes out to just a few cars at first, and then a few days later it gets blasted out to a large number of vehicles, often with a sub-build version upgrade (like 2019.20.2 going out instead of 2019.20.1 -- but I'm not sure if that was the exact sequence for that version). This pattern suggests that Tesla tests to new release on a few cars, makes tweaks based on the results, and then delivers the latest version to most of its fleet.

The 2019.24.x builds first began to appear over a week ago, but I don't recall the exact date. It seems to have been pushed more to Model S/X vehicles than to Model 3s, especially at first. After an initial 2019.24.1 release, several other variants, now up to 2019.24.4, have appeared on TeslaFi, and the whole process has struck me as a bit slower than previous updates, although I haven't been tracking exact dates, so I might be wrong about that. Overall, the sluggishness and high sub-version build number (now .4) before a big release looks to me like Tesla may be running into bugs in the early releases, and this is slowing it down. So far, the big feature I've heard will be in this version is CHAdeMO support for Model 3, but the bigger rollout to date to Model S/X owners suggests there's something more important (whether user-visible or not) for those cars. That could also be part of why it's taking so long -- if there's some tricky or critical change (say, something that affects how the Model S/X motors are controlled), Tesla might be rolling this one out in a very cautious way. These two hypotheses (bugs and caution because of a big or important change) are not mutually exclusive, and may in fact interact with one another.

Most of the preceding paragraph, of course, is very speculative, so take it all with a grain of salt.
2019.24.1 here. As far as AP goes, you are not missing much. Certainly no exciting new behavior, that I am aware of. I have observed some interesting behavior that I might call reguressions... but it's during windy road edge cases.
Overall the 2019.20.x is quite similar. I'm essentially waiting for the next release too... so we're actually in the same boat.
MX 2017 MCU 1 AP2.0 -TechVP
Overall the 2019.20.x is quite similar. I'm essentially waiting for the next release too... so we're actually in the same boat.
MX 2017 MCU 1 AP2.0 -TechVP

If Elon's deadline for Enhanced Summon holds true this time, we should get Enhanced Summon in 2019.28.x. So I am expecting 2019.28 to be a significant update. In addition to Enhanced Summon, it will probably also have other improvements to AP. It may even have "traffic light and stop sign" recognition.
Shouldn't it go wide to the entire fleet, at least one version of 2019.24 should?

There isn't any "should" with version releases with Tesla. If there are problems with 24.x they might decide to not release it to additional cars at all and wait until a new version is developed to fix it. Which could be 2019.26.x, or 2019.28.x, or even 2019.27.x.
Something might be coming now. Just got a notification on my X for a software update. Current version is 20.4.3 for MCU2 AP2.5. That makes me me think it's 24.x or later since basically nothing has higher than 20.4.3 for that configuration according to TeslaFi.

Edit -- Yup, was 24.4.
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I noticed on teslafi that all the 2019.24.x updates have barely gone out to anyone, just 1% total. Curious since 24 is a new week number. Shouldn't it go wide to the entire fleet, at least one version of 2019.24 should?

1) Learn to breathe.
2) You will eventually get an update.
3) Stop checking - it'll help you to breathe.
24.4 made my X memory seats go a bit crazy today. While waiting for the kids to get into the car the seat kept switching between Easy Access and my profile without any input. The FWDs also stopped themselves ⅕ of the way closed for no reason. Both issues seem to have resolved themselves over the course of the day though.