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another Tesla S under $85K...

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Tesla Model S P85 2014 with 45Km ODO, black, red callipers.

Is anyone tracking prices in Oz? I am posting more car details this time as the last time we had a low-cost Model S the listing is now gone and we can't check the details.

Wild prediction: when the Model 3 is released in Oz (say in 18 months) the BMW i3 prices ($75K) will drop overnight by $20K or more; I see cheapest used i3 ($44K) are now at the high-end of past Nissan LEAF prices.
You're right, the i3 price will be under downward pressure from multiple sources, perhaps the price change will be in small decrements for a fair while but get a bigger downward push when more robust competitors are released.

Enjoy your Model S, that will be a quite the upgrade.
i think in the next year, a lot of people who "settled" for a Leaf, Outlander etc. are going to buy a 200km+ EV (Zoe, Ioniq, Kona, new Leaf) etc. the market will be flooded people selling their "old" EV for cheap.

Even though it's only going to start at $10-15k more than those other vehicles, Model 3 is kind of in a different class, but it is feasible that some owners of the original Model S (pre-AP, etc) might "upgrade" to a Model 3.
Although we are still a long wait to Oz release, I am hoping we will maintain parity with USA/CAD so using CAD(Canadian) pricing a loaded Model 3 (LR+PUP) could be about AUD$65K:

BMW i3: $65K
new Zoe: $52K
new LEAF: $48K
Kona: $50K

If used Model S drops price fairly steadily it is going to be a fun confluence of choices when the Model 3 is released, $10K-15K more to get longer range and all the cool tech and Tesla benefits.

I agree the market is going become very interesting over the next year or two, we're going to be spoiled for choice.
Enjoy your Model S, that will be a quite the upgrade.

Not sure actually. I spent a week driving a P100D and to be perfectly honest I preferred the driving feel of the BMW i3. The Tesla was obviously crazy fast off the mark, but the Beemer was no slouch either and was more fun around corners. Also so much easier to park. I only switched because the i3 was getting too small for the growing family. I am looking forward to Autopilot (v1) though.
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I believe some (most?) of the original 60's in Aus didn't have supercharging, but maybe most/all added it once the network was deployed. Given buying a S60 was the lowest cost option, it was cheaper to enable supercharging after deliver and there were very few superchargers my guess is most S60 in Aus didn't have supercharging enabled at delivery.

Maybe one of the S60 owners like @lennier knows more?
The $85K Tesla is not including on roads so either the buyer needs to cut a deal or pay a bit extra :). This one has also been on for ages and was about $115K form memory and has been steadily working it’s way down. The super sweet spot is/has been $85K because the last one like this was on for ages until it hit $85 and then sold. That one had lots of KM’s on it though. I think a lot of fellow MOdel 3 reservists like me are waiting until the S’s get down to $75K and then we’ll buy an S.
The $85K Tesla is not including on roads so either the buyer needs to cut a deal or pay a bit extra :). This one has also been on for ages and was about $115K form memory and has been steadily working it’s way down. The super sweet spot is/has been $85K because the last one like this was on for ages until it hit $85 and then sold. That one had lots of KM’s on it though. I think a lot of fellow MOdel 3 reservists like me are waiting until the S’s get down to $75K and then we’ll buy an S.
Others sold for more than that in the interim. I suspect that there was some other issue with this car to stop it selling
I suspect that there was some other issue with this car to stop it selling
What issues could that be?

There is -- it doesn't have AP.
Going by the picture, that's the radar in the lower grill & description "automatic rain sensing wipers, self steering, active cruise control" it has AP.
Didn't the pre AP cars, the lower grill mesh extended right across?


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    Black P85.jpg
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What issues could that be?

Going by the picture, that's the radar in the lower grill & description "automatic rain sensing wipers, self steering, active cruise control" it has AP.
Didn't the pre AP cars, the lower grill mesh extended right across?

Yes I noticed that myself. The non-AP cars had no square in the lower grill. Also as you say the active cruise control alludes to it.