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Any 99 Safety Scores receive FSD Beta yet?

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Ready for Assistance, Update complete, Maps update complete, turned on beta and agreed, Visualizations work, NO AUTOPILOT or FSD. Rebooted, Powered off, Shut Off FSD, visualizations returned to normal and Autopilot returns and works normal. Driving Score has disappeared from APP.

After updates SW and Maps, programmed address, nav completed pulled down stalk 2 times nothing, one time, nothing (excepting going into D) began driving, got to 30 Never saw speed limit visual sign or speed and autosteer icons. Stopped... Sighed... Came home to write this.
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No - strangely some of us who received 2021.36.5.2 got a "2021.36.5.1 is ready to install" notice this afternoon. It appeared for about an hour, then vanished entirely. Still on 2021.36.5.2, thank goodness.
To be clear - it vanished for me... not sure about everyone else. I assumed if I installed it, I'd lose the FSD beta because of course...
Well apparently your safety score is still being monitored although it doesn’t appear on the app. I just downloaded .1 and it removed my FSD and my Safety Score reappeared and dropped from 99 to 97 thanks to 6 fake FCW’s while on the beta. So I decided to opt out. Not worth the aggravation. The beta is too raw at this stage anyway. I’m going to enjoy driving normal and not worry about the safety score BS. Good luck.


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I thought tesla used a 7 day average. Which for me is 99 or 100. But the 30 day average is 91. Does anyone know if I need to reset everything to remove my 30 day average and restart? Did tesla stop using the 7 day average? Thanks all.
I think I’m glad about the 100 mile minimum theory, or whatever it is during this chaos. No email or download, but score is 100. Thanks for all the tips, but I have a critical trip in the rain tomorrow AM, at rush hour. Keeping track of what software is on my car. Hope this gets sorted out safely. No automatic downloads ! This forum is near real time progress info.
I just downloaded .1 and it removed my FSD and my Safety Score reappeared and dropped from 99 to 97 thanks to 6 fake FCW’s while on the beta. So I decided to opt out. Not worth the aggravation. The beta is too raw at this stage anyway. I’m going to enjoy driving normal and not worry about the safety score BS. Good luck.
I found it quite aggravating, too. I tried to use it for several drives today, but I had to repeatedly disengage it. At one point, the route on the screen had me going straight through an intersection, but the car planted itself in the right-turn lane, then was moving inconsistently as it reached the intersection, as if it couldn't decide whether to turn right or try to change lanes with no space left to do so. I disengaged and got an immediate FCW alert because of a car that was turning left in front of me. It frequently took turns too rapidly or too slowly, put itself in the wrong lane or couldn't decide which lane to be in, etc.

I don't plan to opt out, but right now, IMHO, the software is downright dangerous. People really should not be too eager to get it. As I've posted elsewhere, this is not the finished product for which we've paid thousands of dollars. Even calling it "beta" software is quite a stretch.
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