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App takes forever to connect to car

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Same here. I used to be able to walk up to the car with my phone in pocket, grab the door lever and go. Now it seems to sit until I literally open the app and unlock the door. Interestingly this seems to mostly happen when parked at home. Seems more responsive when I am out and about.
Same here. I used to be able to walk up to the car with my phone in pocket, grab the door lever and go. Now it seems to sit until I literally open the app and unlock the door. Interestingly this seems to mostly happen when parked at home. Seems more responsive when I am out and about.
I'm finding the same thing. The car seems to be going into a deeper sleep when left unattended for longer periods of time. I don't know whether this is to reduce phantom drain...
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Still in service :(. Minor imperfection in the fender that needs bodywork to fix.

I did notice that mine updated to 2021.32.21 while in service, but the app doesn't seem to have improved (even though it's in service, there's still a 404 error showing that goes away after a minute or so once it connects).
Ok, got my car serviced at Tesla… Here’s the breakdown of what happened. TL;DR: it’s been escalated to Tesla engineering who will be remotely working on the issue and reaching out to me directly the continue to troubleshoot so still unresolved.

In my experience, diagnosing these “tech” issues usually forces users like me to do all sorts of “raindances” before things get escalated. I wanted to ensure this would escalated (as it did) to get Tesla engineering to look at it.

I blocked off the time for my service appointment to walk the tech through my issue. I shared a video of the app connecting and disconnecting while staying within the app. First, he said it was an iOS app issue, so I asked if I could install the app on the tech’s Android device and see if we could repeat it. Well, sure enough, the same issue occurred on his Android device. I left him access to my car while in service (I can always change the password) to allow him to access to my car for testing purposes.

I left for home, and got a call: in working with Tesla engineers, they found that my car was being flooded with requests for access, essentially creating a DNS type situation, causing the 404 error. He asked if they could do a hard reset (unplugging battery etc), and I said sure. (Not sure how doing that would fix this problem as it sounds like an external network or server problem, but I wanted to rule everything out).

They did the hard reset and it showed a very significant reduction in network traffic trying to access my car. Went from thousands to dozens of requests per minute. That said, the problem still persists. They returned the car saying it was still safe to drive, and that Tesla engineering will continue to work on the case remotely as they are equally as stumped. It’s cool as I get an alert on my display when they’re in running diagnostics so I do know they’re working on it.

So still unresolved. I did ask for a case ID or something to share with everyone here so those who are experiencing the same thing can reference it for their own diagnostic. They didn’t have one (??) so I’m unable to share anything.

Thought I’d share my experience. If anyone else has a different experience, or has had it resolved, I’d love to hear it!

In the meantime, I’ll keep everyone posted on progress/lack of progress.
So I just replaced my early '14 MS with a brand new M3 (3 weeks old). Using the same app and same iPhone, the MS used to connect reasonably promptly. The M3 is WAY SLOW to connect, unless I have recently connected to it. So I'm pretty sure it's the car, not the app. Another clue is that if I connect with my phone, I can then use my wife's phone and get a quick connection. So it's almost surely related to the car's radio connection (wifi/cellular) being in some sort of "woken" vs. "sleep" state.

I vaguely recall a setting in the MS that left the car "awake" for phone connections, presumably at the expense of battery. There does not appear to be an equivalent setting in the M3. And it seems to me, if the car is sitting in the garage, and plugged in, there's no excuse for leaving it in a "sleep" state.
So I just replaced my early '14 MS with a brand new M3 (3 weeks old). Using the same app and same iPhone, the MS used to connect reasonably promptly. The M3 is WAY SLOW to connect, unless I have recently connected to it. So I'm pretty sure it's the car, not the app. Another clue is that if I connect with my phone, I can then use my wife's phone and get a quick connection. So it's almost surely related to the car's radio connection (wifi/cellular) being in some sort of "woken" vs. "sleep" state.

I vaguely recall a setting in the MS that left the car "awake" for phone connections, presumably at the expense of battery. There does not appear to be an equivalent setting in the M3. And it seems to me, if the car is sitting in the garage, and plugged in, there's no excuse for leaving it in a "sleep" state.
I'm not sure why this isn't just the car taking a bit to wake up. I'm not familiar with MS sleep patterns, but I know if my car is in deep sleep (according to my Tezlab app), it can take 20 seconds or so to connect to the car from the app, even if I am in my study and the car is 10 feet away in my driveway. If I reconnect within a few minutes, I can access almost immediately - the car hasn't gone back to sleep yet. So that's why your wife's phone can access almost immediately, after you have already. The car is awake. It's the same when you get into the car without preconditioning - it takes a few seconds to wake up.
Of course it's the car waking up -- that's exactly what I was saying. But it's not "a bit", it's like 30 seconds, which makes no sense. Does your iPhone/iPad/Mac take 30 seconds to wake up? My MS took maybe 3-4. And it doesn't matter how close you are -- the car could be in another state. Packets move over the internet in milliseconds.
Having same trouble here with M3. Used to open car remotely, now it takes so long to connect I just use key card.
I did however notice that when the app is connecting, if I walk up and try the handle, the car seems to come alive and then the app connects. Kind of defeats the object though, and not really the 'cool' feature Mr Musk had intended
Having same trouble here with M3. Used to open car remotely, now it takes so long to connect I just use key card.
The app must be running in the background on your phone at all times. The service rep here also claimed that you should turn on full time location tracking in the app, but I'm not convinced this is necessary, and would be concerned about unnecessary battery usage.
Ok, got my car serviced at Tesla… Here’s the breakdown of what happened. TL;DR: it’s been escalated to Tesla engineering who will be remotely working on the issue and reaching out to me directly the continue to troubleshoot so still unresolved.

In my experience, diagnosing these “tech” issues usually forces users like me to do all sorts of “raindances” before things get escalated. I wanted to ensure this would escalated (as it did) to get Tesla engineering to look at it.

I blocked off the time for my service appointment to walk the tech through my issue. I shared a video of the app connecting and disconnecting while staying within the app. First, he said it was an iOS app issue, so I asked if I could install the app on the tech’s Android device and see if we could repeat it. Well, sure enough, the same issue occurred on his Android device. I left him access to my car while in service (I can always change the password) to allow him to access to my car for testing purposes.

I left for home, and got a call: in working with Tesla engineers, they found that my car was being flooded with requests for access, essentially creating a DNS type situation, causing the 404 error. He asked if they could do a hard reset (unplugging battery etc), and I said sure. (Not sure how doing that would fix this problem as it sounds like an external network or server problem, but I wanted to rule everything out).

They did the hard reset and it showed a very significant reduction in network traffic trying to access my car. Went from thousands to dozens of requests per minute. That said, the problem still persists. They returned the car saying it was still safe to drive, and that Tesla engineering will continue to work on the case remotely as they are equally as stumped. It’s cool as I get an alert on my display when they’re in running diagnostics so I do know they’re working on it.

So still unresolved. I did ask for a case ID or something to share with everyone here so those who are experiencing the same thing can reference it for their own diagnostic. They didn’t have one (??) so I’m unable to share anything.

Thought I’d share my experience. If anyone else has a different experience, or has had it resolved, I’d love to hear it!

In the meantime, I’ll keep everyone posted on progress/lack of progress.
Well, I thought I'd close the loop on this one as Tesla has now confirmed this is a known server issue that they're working on - something I suspected from the start but had to go through the motions to get here. Frustratingly slow but hoping this gets resolved on their end soon.
Well, I thought I'd close the loop on this one as Tesla has now confirmed this is a known server issue that they're working on - something I suspected from the start but had to go through the motions to get here. Frustratingly slow but hoping this gets resolved on their end soon.
So it sounds like there's 2 different issues here with this delay in connecting. The one you're describing does not sound like the one I'm seeing. Where are you seeing a "404" error? This is usually an error put up by a browser, not an app. My issue is clearly one of the car not being awake, and taking a long time to "wake up" before the app connects. There is no delay in connecting anytime the car is charging, as it is apparently always awake while charging. As I said before, my Model S did not have this issue, and really, it shouldn't 30-60 seconds to wake up, and send a few hundred bytes over the network.
Same problems here. Glad to see @David1oh have them acknowledged it is on the server side.
Well what do you know? I received a notification from Tesla this morning through my service app that they have resolved the issue on the server for my account. I've now checked and no longer have the issue 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼! I also looked at my TeslaFi raw data feed and haven't had a single 404 response for several hours.

If anyone has this issue, definitely escalate to a Tesla engineer as sometimes well meaning local tech support at the dealership may pass off the issue as something relating to the car.
So it sounds like there's 2 different issues here with this delay in connecting. The one you're describing does not sound like the one I'm seeing. Where are you seeing a "404" error? This is usually an error put up by a browser, not an app. My issue is clearly one of the car not being awake, and taking a long time to "wake up" before the app connects. There is no delay in connecting anytime the car is charging, as it is apparently always awake while charging. As I said before, my Model S did not have this issue, and really, it shouldn't 30-60 seconds to wake up, and send a few hundred bytes over the network.
Hi ChopinBlues,
You are correct, it sounds like we're having 2 different issues. The issue I have relates to accessing the car from the app. The 404 error occurs in app and will appear and disappear as the app loses connection with Tesla's servers (see pic). The issue also shows up in TeslaFi logs (or any other API trying to access Tesla's servers).

If my car is asleep and the app is able to connect to Tesla's servers, my car can take anywhere between 5-20 seconds to wake up, with 20 seconds being few and far between.


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2019 model s performance. I have been having this issue since day 1. Car would go in sleep mode with no way of waking it up. How many years does it take Tesla to address such a simple issue. I am a software engineer too, can’t be that hard to keep the connection present. How much electricity would that consume. That’s silly.
That's disappointing... 404 is basically "page not found" - that sounds like an internet error.

Recently I had a 502 error (first time since I've had the car, which is about 3 weeks). A 502 is a bad gateway. Seems like there have been some connectivity problems lately.

I wonder if the connection from app to car goes through a server that is overloaded or has some other issues.
I have a feeling it is to do with a server issue as more cars come online it is getting slower and slower. sometimes if I close it and reopen it it will correct a problem or if I turn the Bluetooth off and then on again.
I've found that if it doesn't connect to the car within the first second or two, force closing the app and then reopening it is a pretty reliable way of getting it to connect again within about 2 seconds. I don't know why this happens.
Mine was a near-instantaneous connection until a few weeks ago. Now it is like the spinning ball of death, loading...... something clearly forked up with the latest updates. Pretty annoying going from snappy to windows 95.