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Autopilot improvement in "MarioKart Rainbow Road" firmware update?

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The cow bells you hear is part of the (Don't Fear) The Reaper song.
Does it play something other than just the cow bell? If not, there are lots of songs containing cow bell, some more prominently than (DF)TR, such as Mississippi Queen. I know it is supposed to be a reference to the SNL skit, but subtly alluding to a skit about a song is a long way from playing the song itself. I'm sure 40,000 men and women every day would agree with me ;)
I had just got my new MS 90D 2 weeks ago and it was my first time with Auto Pilot and my car was also hugging the right lane and now with this new update, I am smack dab in the middle of the lane and much happier. :) The only problem I have had with AP misreading speed limits here in Montana comes from our high speed limit sign that says 80 mph for cars is then followed by a 60 mile limit for trucks driving at night and my AP will Detect the 80 and THEN THE 60 and now my Auto Steer will be limited to 65 mph in an 80 mph zone. I can always put pressure on the accelerator with my foot and bring it up to the correct speed until another 80 mph sign appears, but if it has another Truck Speed limit sign, It will happen again. This is only on I-90 that this happens since secondary roads don't have Separate Truck speeds.
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The only problem I have had with AP misreading speed limits here in Montana comes from our high speed limit sign that says 80 mph for cars is then followed by a 60 mile limit for trucks driving at night and my AP will Detect the 80 and THEN THE 60 and now my Auto Steer will be limited to 65 mph in an 80 mph zone. I can always put pressure on the accelerator with my foot and bring it up to the correct speed until another 80 mph sign appears, but if it has another Truck Speed limit sign, It will happen again. This is only on I-90 that this happens since secondary roads don't have Separate Truck speeds.
As so many people have told me, that's a great new feature that I shouldn't complain about... It's also the primary reason I will never downgrade my car to 7.1
I have no desire to go more than 10km/hr over the speed limit on autopilot. However as the car so rarely has any clue what the REAL speed limit is, I'm not letting it tell me what speed I'm allowed to go.
AP misreading speed limits ... 80 mph for cars is then followed by a 60 mile limit for trucks
I was curious what mine would do with similar -- though simultaneous -- dual speed limits along I-65. Got 'em right every time. I wonder if it is better at choosing the correct one of two simultaneous possibilities than choosing to completely ignore one at a time? It is clear from this and other forums that more work is required in the speed limit recognition. In case anyone thinks it's easy, I challenge you to instruct another human how to recognize speed limit signs and only speed limit signs using nothing but geometry, numbers, and letters.
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I was curious what mine would do with similar -- though simultaneous -- dual speed limits along I-65. Got 'em right every time. I wonder if it is better at choosing the correct one of two simultaneous possibilities than choosing to completely ignore one at a time? It is clear from this and other forums that more work is required in the speed limit recognition. In case anyone thinks it's easy, I challenge you to instruct another human how to recognize speed limit signs and only speed limit signs using nothing but geometry, numbers, and letters.
My problem isn't that the speed limit detection is flawed, to some extent that's simply the limit of technology at this stage, the real problem is that Tesla has chosen to use an input like speed limits, which it should know is flawed to restrict autopilot.
Am I the only one who thinks all this was a clever way of getting more data to train the deep learning algorithms? I imagine the following conversation happening at Tesla

Elon: "I promised that you could summon your Tesla across the US in 2 years"
Tesla Autopilot Team: "Elon, we need way more data to train the deep learning algorithms"
Elon: "Ok, put an easter egg in."
Tesla Autopilot Team: "Let's put in Rainbow Road"
Elon: "More cowbell!"

Elon Tweets out Easter egg...

Elon to Autopilot Team: "Now give me Level 5 autopilot in 2 years.
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Only on smaller roads, right? My understanding is that autopilot is really only "(kind of) ready for prime time" on big,
well-marked divided roads and that anything less is in the "be glad it even tries to work at all" category. Am I misreading/
misinterpreting something?
Exactly right. I'm so impressed with what it can do. No other car comes close. Beta is beautiful.
Only on smaller roads, right? My understanding is that autopilot is really only "(kind of) ready for prime time" on big,
well-marked divided roads and that anything less is in the "be glad it even tries to work at all" category. Am I misreading/
misinterpreting something?
It also doesn't know which roads are "smaller" so it shouldn't restrict based on that either.
Also, apparently 7.0 was fine with it, so 7.1 is not an upgrade.
And no,asking it do what tesla themselves promised it would do (hands free on ramp to off ramp) should not fall in the "be glad it even tries to work at all" category. It should fall in the "I paid for this, they haven't delivered, it was false advertising" category.
hands free on ramp to off ramp
So the roads you are talking about do have "on ramps" and "off ramps", right? As long as we're
holding Tesla to their literal word, let's be consistent.

Just out of curiosity, are you genuinely surprised that Tesla hasn't lept, teleporter-like, years forward
with their semi-autonomous capabilities, or are you just grumbling about disappointment that a hoped-for
miracle did not occur? If you really believed that your Tesla was going to be able to do the things you
say, that's one thing, but if, in your heart of hearts, you knew better all along but bought the car anyway,
well, then, ...