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Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

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COP25: youth ‘leadership’ contrasts with government inaction, says UN chief

COP25: youth ‘leadership’ contrasts with government inaction, says UN chief

António Guterrez, the United Nations secretary general, contrasted the “leadership” and “mobilisation” shown by the world’s youth on the climate emergency with the lack of action by governments, which were failing to keep up with the urgency of the problem despite increasing signs that the climate was reaching breakdown.

Before the start of a critical conference on the climate crisis on Monday, he said the world had the technical and economic means to halt climate chaos, but what was missing was political will.
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Climate crisis: what is COP and can it save the world?

Climate crisis: what is COP and can it save the world?

There are far bigger issues hanging over COP, but they will not be decided this year, just hinted at. The biggest alarm is that the aspiration set in Paris to constrain temperature rises will require unprecedented efforts to achieve. But individual country commitments to steer the world towards that best-case scenario were not part of the binding Paris deal, but contained in a non-binding addition.

So emissions are increasing again, temperatures are higher than ever, countries are not mandated by law to act – and time is running out: the IPCC concluded that on current rates we have little over a decade to halt emissions growth and bring down carbon rapidly to keep warming within the 1.5C threshold.

You could argue that three decades of negotiation have produced just one agreement to hold temperatures to a limit that is too high, and we are not even remotely on track to honour that agreement. All the hard decisions in the Paris agreement have been put off to a conference next year that might be a disaster, going on current form. Meanwhile, the Amazon is burning, bush fires are raging in Australia and America, climate chaos is causing a humanitarian disaster every week, and our global plan is to have some more meetings.
Scientist's theory of climate's Titanic moment the 'tip of a mathematical iceberg'

Scientist's theory of climate's Titanic moment the 'tip of a mathematical iceberg'

When is an emergency really an emergency?

If you’re the captain of the Titanic, approaching a giant iceberg with the potential to sink your ship becomes an emergency only when you realise you might not have enough time to steer a safe course.

And so it is, says Prof Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, when it comes to the climate emergency.

Emergency = R × U = p × D × τ / T

“As a matter of fact, the intervention time left for limiting global warming to less than 2C is about 30 [years] at best. The reaction time – time needed for full global decarbonisation - is at least 20 [years].”

As the scientists write in Nature, if the “reaction time is longer than the intervention time left” then “we have lost control”.
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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

At a summit in Brussels next week, EU leaders will commit to cutting net greenhouse-gas emissions to zero by 2050, according to a draft of their joint statement for the Dec. 12-13 meeting. To meet this target, the EU will promise more green investment and adjust all of its policy making accordingly.

Easing restrictions on state aid for companies
Changing public procurement rules
Considering more ambitious targets for 2030 emissions cuts
Penalizing imports from countries with looser emissions controls
European Investment Bank to mobilize 1 trillion euros ($1.1 trillion) in climate financing over the next decade
Decade of 'exceptional' heat likely to be hottest on record, experts say

Decade of 'exceptional' heat likely to be hottest on record, experts say

The last decade has been one of “exceptional” heat around the world, and was almost certainly the hottest on record, while the oceans have also warmed to record levels and grown markedly more acidic, the World Meteorological Organization has said.

Temperatures for the years from 2010 to 2019 were about 1.1C above the average for the pre-industrial period, showing how close the world is coming to the 1.5C of warming that scientists say will cause dramatic impacts, extreme weather and the loss of vital ecosystems.
Britain brought on the first industrial revolution born largely of coal. Now coal is almost completely phased out:

...in the third quarter of this year renewables supplied more electricity to British homes and businesses than fossil fuels for the first time in history. Indeed, government statistics show that just 2% of Britain’s power supply now comes from coal. This is largely the result of switching to natural gas, another fossil fuel which accounts for some 40% of electricity generation. But more than 30% also came from renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro and biomass...


World’s Second-Largest Ferry Operator Switching From Diesel to Batteries

Washington State Ferries, which runs the second-largest ferry system in the world, is switching from diesel to batteries amid a growing trend toward electrification in shipping.
The ferry operator’s electrification program will start with the most polluting vessels, three Jumbo Mark II ferries, which consume 5 million gallons of fuel a year between them and are soon due to have midlife propulsion system upgrades.
Switching the three Jumbo Mark IIs to fully electric operations would cut emissions by an estimated 48,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide a year, the equivalent of taking 10,000 cars off the road.
My wife and I recently drove from Washington to Minnesota to visit her aunt before she passes ~ the aunt. Sandy, my wife, is a tough girl. Had to be to survive my military career. Before arriving in Minnesota her father was admitted to the hospital and the cab of the pickup became command central on wheels. The trip went south from there, while maintaining control.

While driving sometimes the legal speed limit 85 or 90 miles per hour, okay whenever legal. Our daughter called to chew my butt out as she watched us with the app 360.

Due to my career, I have driven through most parts of the country either by convoy or road tripping vacations.

Bottom line, we need a constitutional amendment requiring humans/citizens to fund healing the earth ~ Mother Earth. I cannot tell you how many acres of grassland zipped by or how many bugs/insects I implanted on my windshield. FYI ~ not all Costco gas stations are created equal. The reason most do not have window washing gear is because they want you in and out with minimal delay.

What if instead of driving around spewing I hate other white trash, we took all those rolled unsold bails of hay, and put Bubba to work planting trees and use the rotting bales of hay as fertilizer. One persons trash is another’s fertilizer.

Dad-in-law passed before we returned home:) If your father/mother or grandparent ever ejected successfully from a plane he was the design engineer. My wife recently informed me we should go visit the space museum where his name is engraved along with others that made space exploration possible. I hope we get there before the sea level rises. Otherwise we may have to snorkel over to sea it:)
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Don't pursue economic growth at expense of environment - report

Don't pursue economic growth at expense of environment - report

Pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment is no longer an option as Europe faces “unprecedented” challenges from climate chaos, pollution, biodiversity loss and the overconsumption of natural resources, according to a report from Europe’s environmental watchdog.

Europe was reaching the limits of what could be achieved by gradual means, by making efficiencies and small cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, with “transformational” change now necessary to stave off the impacts of global heating and environmental collapse, warned Hans Bruyninckx, executive director of the European Environment Agency.
Dad-in-law passed before we returned home:) If your father/mother or grandparent ever ejected successfully from a plane he was the design engineer. My wife recently informed me we should go visit the space museum where his name is engraved along with others that made space exploration possible. I hope we get there before the sea level rises. Otherwise we may have to snorkel over to sea it:)
Sorry for your loss
Is that at Kennedy/Canavrel (sp)
If so, time it for a spacex launch, it’s “intense” and the beach just south has 1,000’s watching, especially the sonic booms
We went to see ArabSat 6, yeehaw!
From 200 miles away you can see night launch’s and a bit of the landing, at least first boostback and hear quad booms abt 14 min later at 3am
Launch tomorrow (maybe) about 12:20 pm, delayed from today
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I have to say, all that angst over 20 houses. Up here in NC, we all acknowledge that oceanfront property is temporary. To not is foolish and to expect government to protect it is equally foolish - beyond a point. Or buy it out.
If NC has to spend $100 million dollars giving 5000 homes another decade, they would be expected to do it. Tax revenue on vacation rentals covers it. But 20 houses - no way - that would be beyond idiotic. Some may disagree with the $100 million NC may spend but it least it is financially rational.
The legislature here may deny recently but that is hardly elected by a majority. We have 100 counties - and 80 - have very low education levels.
Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming | Science | AAAS

The researchers compared annual average surface temperatures across the globe to the surface temperatures predicted in 17 forecasts. Those predictions were drawn from 14 separate computer models released between 1970 and 2001. In some cases, the studies and their computer codes were so old that the team had to extract data published in papers, using special software to gauge the exact numbers represented by points on a printed graph.

Most of the models accurately predicted recent global surface temperatures, which have risen approximately 0.9°C since 1970. For 10 forecasts, there was no statistically significant difference between their output and historic observations, the team reports today in Geophysical Research Letters.