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Confusion about FSD and AP

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Unless I'm wrong, I believe you DO have all the options shown here. What you don't yet have is FSD Beta which then changes the look of the options screen when/if you get it. But you do have all these options now.

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"Navigate on autopilot" and "traffic and stop sign control" in conjunction with "you are enrolled" all led me to believe this would work as I attempted to use them. Frankly, even now after all of this discussion, while it's clear now that I don't have FSD Beta, these screens are still confusing.
FSD Beta screen


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I think it's the "Beta" being next to them that makes it look confusing. Your manual lays them out as individual features with the capabilities and operation instructions for each, and should clear things up. Just remember that the functionality in some cases is cumulative. For example, Auto Lane Change, Navigate on Autopilot, and Traffic Light and Stop Sign Control must be enabled in settings, and then they will operate each time that Autosteer/TACC is engaged (assuming the car is operating in the proper domain, e.g., on the highway for Navigate on Autopilot).

While FSD Beta (test version of Autosteer on City Streets) is interesting to test if you are into that sort of thing, currently it adds little to no real utility over the features you already have with your FSD Subscription. These driver assist features reduce workload and make trips easier, but FSD Beta requires additional vigilance, increasing workload and stress.
....these screens are still confusing.
Tesla did a horrible and confusing job on nomenclature. Even Autopilot is a bad name since despite it "correctness" causes confusion since most people aren't airline pilots. :eek:

FSD = Compatibility Package
FSD = The computer hardware in the car aka: HW3 (so forget calling HW4, it will be called FSD computer2)
FSD = The Beta for testing the Autosteer on City Streets Stack
FSD = Full Self Driving which NON of the above actually achieve

Also I think Tesla learned to "stamp" everything as a Beta from Google.
I got my Tesla Y in late June 2021. FSD was only enabled for freeway use when I got the car. Learning how to let the car drive
scared me into being a better driver. lol I became a FSD Beta tester on 12/1/21 and surface street FSD was enabled with a score of 99 that was never below 95.

Driving on FSD was initially very stressful, but by the time I became a beta tester I was pretty comfortable.The car had the usual issues on surface streets,
bad at left turns, phantom breaking and occasionally crossing over into the wrong lane prior to the Christmas as update. But since this update the
car seems to drive worse. Left turns are a bit better and crossing into the wrong lane hasn't happened again.
I swear the software is deteriorating daily. Here is the list in the order in which they first occurred.

1) Hesitation at stop signs. Oddly I have a route I do 3-6 times a week and there was no hesitation at two busy stops sign onto larger streets prior to update.
Now it happens so frequently that people honk at me and I have to take over to make the turns.
2) Not seeing all speed limits and going either too slow or too fast.
3) On surface streets taking turns at too high a speed in an exit lane. This is scary when the turn is into a single-lane narrow street with large island.
I have had to take control several times so the car didn't hit the island.
4) Hesitation in crossing intersections with stop lights. This seems to be getting worse. Bad in busy traffic.
5) Way too frequent lane changes on surface streets. Damn car stop doing this please!
6) Dropping the speed limit on the freeway by 10 for no apparent reason. Then quickly speeds up again. Often there is nothing around. The phantom
breaking I had experienced earlier, slowed down much more and I had to take over to increase speed.

So I have been using FSD as much as possible on surface streets and when it's good it's whew! and when it's not I just give up and drive myself.
I am doing that more and more these days.

Is anyone else experiencing any of this?
I think I'm lucky. I have 2021.44.30.21 with FSD Beta 10.10.something, safety score long gone, my in-cabin camera doesn't work, it drives great and I'm happy as a clam.

BTW, @blissdancer, there are options to tweak, like tendency to change lanes. I happen to have everything max'ed.

Any slowdown are usually in response to mapped or sign'ed speed limit changes.
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@TheGroove you have subscribed to or purchased FSD. This only gets you auto-lane change, summon, smart summon, navigate on AP, and AP on city streets. These functions and behaviors are described in the owners manual and are the expected behavior for AP on city streets.

AP on surface streets needs confirmation to roll through stop signs, and green lights if you are not following another car through the green light. It does not make turns at intersection.

You will automatically be upgraded to FSD when FSD is ready for wide release. It is currently not ready for wide release.FSD is currently being open beta tested and you can opt-in to join the FSD open beta program if you’ve purchased/subscribe to FSD and then subsequently drive in a manner that meets the safety score requirements until you are enrolled.

FSD open beta is the thing that you “thought” you were on, but you weren’t because you still have a safety score. You were on AP on city streets. Once you have a safety score of 99 and maintain it until Tesla grace you with an enrollment into the program you will no longer have a safety score.

To get the full features of FSD you either can wait until it is in wide release, or apply to enroll in the FSD open Beta program if you want to be a tester and test it before it goes to wide release.
I just bought my MS used a couple weeks ago and it has auto-lane change, summon, smart summon, navigate on AP. Is that normal to have? It’s a 75D with AP2.5