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Connected Solutions Real-World Experiences (MA - National Grid / EverSource)

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Hey everyone

I was hoping that folks in Massachusetts could share their real-world experiences with Connected Solutions so far this year.

Asking because my mom lives in SE MA and has EverSource - her experience so far this year has been a bit disappointing. She's had overwhelming 3-hr events (18/20) with EverSource calling events almost every weekday for the last 3 weeks even when it was cool weather and/or cloudy out. This has resulted in only a 6.6 average kW discharge for the season which is a good deal lower than the relatively conservative estimates I'd made. Perhaps my estimates were too optimistic but also perhaps it has something to do with my estimates being based on National Grid events, as opposed to EverSource. Of course, they were also based on last summer so there's that possibility too.

So... could anyone share how their events are so far this year? I live in Bellingham and have National Grid - anyone out this way? I ask predominantly because I was counting on CS as a major offset to the cost of the PWs and this is weakening that offset.

Many thanks in advance!
2nd 3hr event of the season today (EverSource, MA). My broken powerwall had been replaced, so back in the game with 3x operational. Definitely different behavior this year; seems tesla is trying to output for the full duration of the event.

I ended at 8pm with around 24% SoC left in my PWs though, so it seems they still have some optimization to do… curve seems like they were playing catch up, ramping the power up after they realized they were undershooting:

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I think this "behavior" started last year and difference is that earlier it was showing that 100% of possible output (5kW for 1PW, 10kW for 2 PWs etc) drains to the grid. Now it shows the portion that goes to support your house.
Actually, I just looked closed to these images and PW chart. Last year it was max output and with 2 PWs, it was usually drained to 20% in 2 hours. Now it looks like they stretch it to the duration of full event, 3 hours.
Wonder how it will affect the payment calculation.


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I had a call with Tesla, they updated my firmware on the walls to 25.12.3 and had me change the reserve. When I changed my reserve during the event it started exporting. Its unclear if its was a firmware or reserve settings. For those in the program what do you have your reserve set to? I had it set to100 and did not see it exporting?
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2nd 3hr event of the season today (EverSource, MA). My broken powerwall had been replaced, so back in the game with 3x operational. Definitely different behavior this year; seems tesla is trying to output for the full duration of the event.

I ended at 8pm with around 24% SoC left in my PWs though, so it seems they still have some optimization to do… curve seems like they were playing catch up, ramping the power up after they realized they were undershooting:

View attachment 1058279
I am also eversource in eastern mass and saw the same ramp up behavior. My PWs ended at 20% at 8pm. Then, it immediately started charging the powerwalls from the grid, I think due to thunderstorms in the area predicted until 9pm. I didn't notice a stormwatch alert in the app but the powerwalls charged from the grid until 9, back up to 42%
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I had a call with Tesla, they updated my firmware on the walls to 25.12.3 and had me change the reserve. When I changed my reserve during the event it started exporting. Its unclear if its was a firmware or reserve settings. For those in the program what do you have your reserve set to? I had it set to100 and did not see it exporting?
I have my backup reserve set to 100%. I only discharge the PWs during grid events or grid failure since I have 100% net metering. Being at 100% reserve does not have an impact on grid events, other than you being more likely to be able to participate fully. Tesla seems to target leaving 20% reserve after a grid event. In my case they had been discharging at either 10KW or 15KW for a 3 hour or 2 hour event respectively.
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I am also eversource in eastern mass and saw the same ramp up behavior. My PWs ended at 20% at 8pm. Then, it immediately started charging the powerwalls from the grid, I think due to thunderstorms in the area predicted until 9pm. I didn't notice a stormwatch alert in the app but the powerwalls charged from the grid until 9, back up to 42%View attachment 1058410
Yeah I had the same happen on this event, storm watch immediately charged me to nearly full SoC after the event ended. 🤷‍♂️
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has anyone seen a recent VPP event on Eversource.
I looked up the program materials from 2019.

Summer Season
The goal of discharge events in the summer season is not only to hit the ISO-NE peak hour, but also to hit the highest daily peaks in July and August. Events will only be called in June and September if the annual peak is forecasted to be in those months. Events will be called in July and August to try to hit the highest 40 peak hours in those months. The program administrators will never call more than 60 events in a summer season.
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Wasn’t @appleguru, was @djlandkpl and myself. But who is counting 👀

Why is @appleguru listed as “banned” in his member profile?

Working on sorting that out, but, for reference:

Just to clarify, @appleguru's account was put on restriction temporarily as they do not have permission to use the form to discuss their products without first becoming an advertiser, not for any other reason. We will discuss with them if they want to become a Vendor or not. Thanks.

Back for now 👋
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Looks like we had a two hour event today, and another one scheduled for tomorrow? I missed the event banner for today’s.

Oddly, the app still shows the PWs participating in the event, but they’re now pulling from the grid at 15kW instead of pushing to the grid at that rate??


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Looks like we had a two hour event today, and another one scheduled for tomorrow? I missed the event banner for today’s.

Oddly, the app still shows the PWs participating in the event, but they’re now pulling from the grid at 15kW instead of pushing to the grid at that rate??

Yeah I saw the same behavior you see with this event as the first two. The Powerwalls drain to 20% SOC during the event, then as soon as the event ends they charge at max rate from the grid back up to my set reserve SOC. Weird, this has not been the case all events of the previous three years.

Point of note, there was no Storm Watch active when it was charging from grid, and I have grid charging turned off in the app.

I might open a ticket just to see what they say.
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Yeah I saw the same behavior you see with this event as the first two. The Powerwalls drain to 20% SOC during the event, then as soon as the event ends they charge at max rate from the grid back up to my set reserve SOC. Weird, this has not been the case all events of the previous three years.

Point of note, there was no Storm Watch active when it was charging from grid, and I have grid charging turned off in the app.

I might open a ticket just to see what they say.
In my case I had grid charging enabled, and confirmed that toggling it off stopped charging. The odd behavior for me though is 15kW: it usually throttles to a lesser rate if grid charging unless there is a storm watch active. Very curious to see what they say!
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Mine had odd behavior again yesterday. My system was only putting out about 16kw instead of the nearly 22kw it would output last year. Then at one point it started only matching the house loads. I need to get a customer support ticket in, this seems like incorrect behavior. I also made some settings changes to see if anything including reserve power setting affected the performance and it didn't seem like it.
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I just spoke with Tesla, I had my reserve set to 100% and there was a bug last year that allowed the VPP to override the reserve settings. To fix I created a dummy utility rate and put all the time windows for the full day at super off peak. This will allow the reserve to be set to <20% and only discharge during the VPP events. I also enabled grid charging to recharge the battery right after a VPP event to have a fully charged battery incase of a weather event.
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