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Can't help but feeling a little left out.
"What! If I waited longer I could have won a prize?"
Reward the laggards?
What happened to "early bird gets the worm?"

But in all seriousness, I am glad they are providing incentives to get us where we need to be.
Vax for the Win is the official page. I believe folks not temporarily in CA when they got their dose will still be eligible. There are some ineligible folks as outlined at Vax for the Win Terms and Conditions.
No surprise, vaccine rates track presidential election results at the state and county level, which is what I've been seeing locally. I find the few extreme outliers to be interesting, i.e. the low Trump vote counties with low vax rates, (maybe new age anti vaxxers), and the high Trump vote counties with high vax rates, (can't explain that one, though maybe they really do hang on every word of the orange one and took it to heart when he finally said he got vaccinated).

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No surprise, vaccine rates track presidential election results at the state and county level, which is what I've been seeing locally. I find the few extreme outliers to be interesting, i.e. the low Trump vote counties with low vax rates, (maybe new age anti vaxxers), and the high Trump vote counties with high vax rates, (can't explain that one, though maybe they really do hang on every word of the orange one and took it to heart when he finally said he got vaccinated).

Playing right into the hands of Russia... sigh...
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“As the virus spreads, it is rapidly mutating,” the company’s chief scientific officer, Melissa Moore, said on the call. “Some of these new viral strains appear to be even more transmissible than the original strain… We already know that some of these new strains are less susceptible to neutralization by our current vaccine.”
Incentive should be staying alive:
- set a deadline
- passing law to allow hospitals to deny COVID admissions of eligible people who are not vaccinated
- passing law to allow insurance to deny claims for COVID treatment of eligible people who are not vaccinated

ZERO chance. Any such state law would violate already in-place Federal laws that prevent hospitals from turning away patients, even if they cannot pay.
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but perhaps insurance companies could say
proof of vaccination and subsequent boosters, as necessary, will affect deductibles and such

Yikes, sadly looks like that's already in practice, see the video on my post #24,642.

As I was saying... LOL

Minnesota Public Radio News: Fermented incentive? Minnesota rolls out free beer to cheer the vaccinated.
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...Finally, there's a third coincidence. The Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, key to virus prevention and detection, moved its laboratory in Wuhan on December 2, 2019. The WHO report, written in conjunction with Chinese officials, notes this fact and says it could have been disruptive to a laboratory's operations. It also notes the lab moved to a location near the Huanan Seafood Market, the exotic animal trade center thought to have played a major role in the virus' early spread. The move happened just six days before the first patient experienced Covid-19 symptoms, according to China's account...
...Botao Xiao, a molecular biomechanics researcher at South China University of Technology, posts a paper stating that “the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.” He pointed to the previous safety mishaps and the kind of research undertaken at the lab. He withdrew the paper a few weeks later after Chinese authorities insisted no accident had taken place...
...A Defense Intelligence Agency assessment on the origin of the coronavirus is updated to include the possibility that the new coronavirus emerged “accidentally” due to “unsafe laboratory practices.”..
...in 2018, State Department officials visited the WIV and “sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats...
...in a long and detailed post on Medium, reviews “gain-of-function” research undertaken at the lab and concludes that “from a technical standpoint, it would not be difficult for a modern virologist to create such a strain” as the new coronavirus...
...Milton Leitenberg, writing in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, reviews the history of lab safety and the type of research conducted at WIV and argues that the lab-leak theory cannot be easily dismissed. “The pros and cons regarding the two alternative possibilities—first, that it arose in the field as a natural evolution, as many virologists maintain, or second, that it may have been the consequence of bat coronavirus research in one of the two virology research institutes located in Wuhan that led to the infection of a laboratory researcher and subsequent escape—are equally based on inference and conjecture,” he says...
...The Times of London reports that a virus 96 percent identical to the coronavirus that causes covid-19 was found in an abandoned copper mine in China in 2012. The bat-infested copper mine in southwestern China was home to a coronavirus that left six men sick with pneumonia, with three eventually dying, after they had been tasked with shoveling bat guano out of the mine. This virus was collected in 2013 and then stored and studied at WIV...
Lots more in that article...
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