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Mysteriously, Biden & Harris are not yet vaccinated. I do not know why. Have they decided to wait for Moderna? Do they have a history of allergies? All very strange. They should start their vaccination schedule immediately, imo.

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 1.01.43 PM.png

Interestingly, one case in Alaska of someone with no history of allergies having an anaphylactic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. (Easily resolved.) Definitely will be something to keep an eye on, though likely still rare. I don't know the statistics for normal vaccinations, but that's what we'll need to compare against in the end. The LNPs used for the Pfizer vaccine are different than for Moderna, so hopefully these events are even more rare for the Moderna vaccine.
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Mysteriously, Biden & Harris are not yet vaccinated. I do not know why. Have they decided to wait for Moderna? Do they have a history of allergies? All very strange. They should start their vaccination schedule immediately, imo.
Biden says he is 'working on' getting the coronavirus vaccine

President-elect Joe Biden told reporters Wednesday that his team is working to get him the coronavirus vaccine and that he plans to receive his doses on camera.

“We’re working on that now,” he said. “I don’t want to get ahead of the line, but I want to make sure we demonstrate to the American people that it is safe to take. They’re working on that plan right now. And when I do it, I’ll do it publicly so you all can actually witness my getting it done.”
Biden says he is 'working on' getting the coronavirus vaccine

President-elect Joe Biden told reporters Wednesday that his team is working to get him the coronavirus vaccine and that he plans to receive his doses on camera.

“We’re working on that now,” he said. “I don’t want to get ahead of the line, but I want to make sure we demonstrate to the American people that it is safe to take. They’re working on that plan right now. And when I do it, I’ll do it publicly so you all can actually witness my getting it done.”

Yeah, it is very strange! It's tough, you know, when you're the President-elect of the United States, to get the vaccine. o_O Wouldn't want to cut in line! There's no such thing as "cutting in line for medical care" when you are President or President-elect (or Vice President). He is afforded all possible medical care, since it is important for national security. It's not "taking it from someone who needs it more." He's essential - he needs it the most, and in the course of doing his essential job, he is also at high risk of exposure and cannot effectively quarantine.

As far as I can tell, the only reason not to do it immediately is because you are waiting to see if any unexpected risks to show up (there's a very small chance that for some reason in the elderly, they didn't have had a large enough sample in the trials to pick up issues with vaccinating older people...but seems pretty unlikely). Or because you want Moderna because it seems like it might be slightly better (TBD at the moment).
Yeah, it is very strange! It's tough, you know, when you're the President-elect of the United States, to get the vaccine. o_O Wouldn't want to cut in line! There's no such thing as "cutting in line for medical care" when you are President or President-elect (or Vice President). He is afforded all possible medical care, since it is important for national security. It's not "taking it from someone who needs it more." He's essential - he needs it the most, and in the course of doing his essential job, he is also at high risk of exposure and cannot effectively quarantine.

As far as I can tell, the only reason not to do it immediately is because you are waiting to see if any unexpected risks to show up (there's a very small chance that for some reason in the elderly, they didn't have had a large enough sample in the trials to pick up issues with vaccinating older people...but seems pretty unlikely). Or because you want Moderna because it seems like it might be slightly better (TBD at the moment).
I agree but he is President Elect not President. Technically he has no actual power until January 20, 2021. He can't order anyone to give him the vaccine. I'd think that Pfizer would be thrilled to give him the vaccine but things are not normal and everyone is afraid that reality might cause them problems with certain delusional individuals.
As a healthcare worker, received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The sticky note documents the time of administration as 15 minutes observation required prior to leaving the room. This is a great start to the end of COVID-19!View attachment 618582

That's awesome news. Finally a bit of relief, at least after another couple weeks.
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Coronavirus: Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf says coronavirus approach 'has failed'

"Sweden's king has said his country "failed" to save lives with its relatively relaxed approach to the coronavirus pandemic.
King Carl XVI Gustaf made the remarks as part of an annual TV review of the year with the royal family.

Sweden, which has never imposed a full lockdown, has seen nearly 350,000 cases and more than 7,800 deaths - a lot more than its Scandinavian neighbours.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said he agreed with the king's remarks.
"Of course the fact that so many have died can't be considered as anything other than a failure," Mr Lofven told reporters."
Dave Ramsey defies COVID-19 to keep staff at desks

Ramsey Solutions, the company founded by the bestselling author and radio host, plans to host “Boots & BBQ,” a large in-person Christmas party, for hundreds of staff members at the company’s Franklin, Tennessee, headquarters, despite an outbreak of more than 50 cases at the company’s headquarters as late as mid-November.

An invitation, sent to the company’s 800 staffers in a newsletter obtained by RNS, advises that no children are allowed at the Christmas bash and that employees are limited to one guest apiece. No mention is made of masks being required.

Ramsey Solutions does not require masks at its offices — Dave Ramsey himself has been a vocal opponent of mask-wearing and other COVID restrictions. In a clip from his daily radio show, posted on YouTube in November, Ramsey railed against what he called “totalitarian” government restrictions and mask mandates, saying he wanted to “start a crusade” against them.
Tegnell on Sweden deaths: "A plateau that possibly slopes slightly upwards."

Coronavirus: Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf says coronavirus approach 'has failed'

"Sweden's king has said his country "failed" to save lives with its relatively relaxed approach to the coronavirus pandemic.
King Carl XVI Gustaf made the remarks as part of an annual TV review of the year with the royal family.

Sweden, which has never imposed a full lockdown, has seen nearly 350,000 cases and more than 7,800 deaths - a lot more than its Scandinavian neighbours.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said he agreed with the king's remarks.
"Of course the fact that so many have died can't be considered as anything other than a failure," Mr Lofven told reporters."

Yep. They reported 100 deaths yesterday, and the maximum recent day on the epi curve is December 6th with 76 deaths. Well on target to go over 100 deaths occurring around December 10th/11th as Marc Bevand (zorinaq on Twitter; excellent follow) predicted a few weeks ago. All very predictable with case line data (data on cases by age, which exists for Sweden).

Just going to keep getting worse for a while there (on reported data...hopefully actual deaths actually plateau soon - charitably, maybe that's what Tegnell was talking about???). They're also locking down, to some extent - lots of new restrictions in place. Sweden was wrong - they have had a remarkably bad performance, given their culture and socioeconomic circumstances (compare to other Nordic countries).

Not looking good at all, as you can see from the slope of recent dates. Of course, seems like nothing with the bodies piling up in the US. Reporting 5000 deaths on a Wednesday in the US at some point in our future (~3 weeks) is a possibility (not certain yet) now:
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They started giving the Pfizer vaccine at my wife's hospital today. Only 10 doses and they had a lottery for order. Tier one are ER personnel and Hospitalists. She was incensed that the Hospital president and the Chief Medical Officer were the first to get it. But her partners said they did that because some of the staff were questioning the safety of the vaccine. Several people who could have taken the vaccine today refused so others took it instead. That's just crazy. These are people who deal with COVID everyday as part of their job.
Nice thread with a link to a study, discussing the likely future implications of mutations of COVID-19. My take: We should try to completely eradicate it worldwide. It's a no-brainer. That way we don't have to worry about making quick modifications to a vaccine, in future.

Hopefully, though, at least a mutated C19 virus would be somewhat better tolerated by a body that had been vaccinated, even if it escapes the protection, just because it is not as "novel." I have no idea how that would work.

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Tegnell on Sweden deaths: "A plateau that possibly slopes slightly upwards."

Yep. They reported 100 deaths yesterday,...
They only report 4 days a week, so 175 per report would be 100 per calendar day.
Well on target to go over 100 deaths occurring around December 10th/11th as Marc Bevand (zorinaq on Twitter; excellent follow) predicted a few weeks ago. All very predictable with case line data (data on cases by age, which exists for Sweden).
I'm not so sure. Dec 10/11 seem to be more or less tracking Dec 3/4 which look to be headed for 70-80. I do believe they'll get there, but it might take another week or two to surpass the prior peak of 100/day average. Or maybe the reporting lags have lengthened so much that I'm misreading the numbers.
Sweden was wrong - they have had a remarkably bad performance, given their culture and socioeconomic circumstances (compare to other Nordic countries).
They're at a slight disadvantage to Norway and Finland due to a more direct connection with the rest of Europe. But there's no excuse to be so much worse than Denmark.
Of course, seems like nothing with the bodies piling up in the US.
Sweden is reporting 45 deaths per million per week, the US about 54.
Congrats, and glad to hear you seem to be clear of the side effects.
Some muscle and joints aches resolved with some Tylenol and Motrin the first day, feeling almost normal the second day.

They started giving the Pfizer vaccine at my wife's hospital today. Only 10 doses and they had a lottery for order. Tier one are ER personnel and Hospitalists. She was incensed that the Hospital president and the Chief Medical Officer were the first to get it. But her partners said they did that because some of the staff were questioning the safety of the vaccine. Several people who could have taken the vaccine today refused so others took it instead. That's just crazy. These are people who deal with COVID everyday as part of their job.
WOW, our CEO stated she is in group 2 and not likely to be vaccinated till the Summer. We received 17K doses and will be able to vaccinated all 1A and 1/2 of the 1B healthcare workers in our system, another 17K anticipated withing 3 weeks. I was in 1B and was chosen by lottery. Given Moderna's approval, we should finish up the other half of 1B.

Of interest, 93.5% of those offered the vaccine has either scheduled a vaccination or has already received the first dose. We had 1K doses given by Wednesday.
Or maybe the reporting lags have lengthened so much that I'm misreading the numbers.

Lags are way up. When deaths go up, lags go up. (You can actually see it in the plot.)

December 6th is at 75 or whatever (and still rapidly increasing) and while there is a stochastic nature to it, it's unlikely that 5 days later it's going to be lower, and it most likely will be higher!
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Big uproar at Stanford. Administrators and their friends are getting the shots first.

The current rollout strategy is a bit of a disaster, but predictable given the political environment.

They should do healthcare workers first, a few critical people for national security, followed by everyone else strictly by age. This stuff about pre-existing conditions is a disaster, because it's designed for rich people to game the system, with their boutique medical care.

There are a few front-line workers who MUST interact with people to do their jobs, and they should probably be prioritized as well, but still, age should be the dominant factor. That can't be gamed.

The science says that age is what matters. We should follow the science.
December 6th is at 75 or whatever (and still rapidly increasing) and while there is a stochastic nature to it, it's unlikely that 5 days later it's going to be lower, and it most likely will be higher!
Previous peak was 11/24-25 at 67 and 70. 4-5 days later 11/28-29 were 49 and 50.

Their epi chart shows a lot of daily variation. If you pick a local peak then it's quite likely the number 5 days hence will be the same or less.
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