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Current Delivery Times

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I don't mean to be tooting Fartmandan's horn here, but he makes a lot of sense... I know it's a stinker, but we all need to keep things in perspective rather than let 'er rip on a Tesla SA... Once everyone has their Y's, we'll be happily passing gas stations with no need to stop...
Nicely done! Love it hahaha 🤣 😂 🤣 😂
I feel like I'm the only one here who ordered knowing full well my car wouldn't be here until November. I honestly wasn't going to order mine when I did because November was the earliest I wanted the car but I saw tesla was sold out for Q3, the price has just gone up, and the website was showing November. So before another price increase or orders got pushed back further (which I also wouldn't mind), I put in my order. If I get my car early, great. If not, I'm not going to be upset. Sorry some of y'all have been waiting and have been living each day through your EDD but if you're so angry about it you're attacking each other on here, you should probably step back and just wait on the email.
When I ordered my expectation was November too, though my SA gave me a glimmer of hope that it might be sooner. I'll hold out for that glimmer of hope, but won't expect a car until November.
I feel like this is how the Tesla EDD updates went today for the majority of the group.


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No man, it's woke just by mentioning "for men and women" on a license plate frame ad. It's completely unnecessary, stupid and woke!

I don't think woke has anything to to do with it. I think it's just that someone with English as a second (or third+ language) wrote the product description and some of it was lost in translation.
As someone who speaks semi-fluent Mandarin Chinese, definitely yes. Translations are insanely difficult because there's so much cultural baggage with words from either language. Sometimes two languages are just too damn different. What is commonplace in one language can sound downright bizarre if literally translated into another language. It's what makes a rookie from a pro!
I think the point of the forum is to give people a place to share their story/wait time. It is ok to be frustrated by the wait, and this is a perfectly fine place to vent. If you are annoyed by the venting or "don't care" then you are free to leave the forum. What's really not ok is seeing people who have ordered in July/August telling us April/May orders that we are being ridiculous or impatient. We are just trying to share and gather information in order to better estimate our own deliveries. Since Tesla's Estimate Delivery system is so unreliable. So I will continue to share my experience and I hope others will too.
This is how I feel. ❤️
My Tesla order journey has been an interesting one. Started out with a Model 3 Order, had my heart set on a Model Y (for the family, dog and work I do). I swapped my order to a MYP, and then got scared of that super high payment, so I switched back to the MYLR. I know, I know, I am all over the place. lol.

I am sticking with the MYLR and was expecting January as stated. Ordered yesterday and the EDD is at 11/5-11/25. Maybe all that jumping around and indecision will work out in the end. On a side note, I really enjoy reading all the craziness in this forum. It's been entertaining to say the least!
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I know that they are not the only game in the town and having owned a Chevy Bolt for the last 3 years I also know that they are not as good as they are hyped up to be. Bolt drives as good as an M3 at a fraction of the cost with zero hype. But sometimes we need to waste money on hype to impress society (
). That's the only reason I need a Tesla. Otherwise I won't be wasting time and money here.
True. I already bragged about my not-yet-delivered Tesla to some friends. Though, i tried my best to justify for it:
- Safety: Tesla EVs rank among highest if not the highest vehicles
- Tesla’s supercharging network
- Tech: i can trust Tesla’s autopilot/autosteer, but not so much for other brands. Software is a huge deal and tesla is still miles ahead

At the end of the day, it’s what makes you happy. If you’re happy because other people like your car, then thats fine too as long as you dont pay an arm and a leg for it.
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As someone who speaks semi-fluent Mandarin Chinese, definitely yes. Translations are insanely difficult because there's so much cultural baggage with words from either language. Sometimes two languages are just too damn different. What is commonplace in one language can sound downright bizarre if literally translated into another language. It's what makes a rookie from a pro!
Similar background with experience on Aliexpress and Taobao. Not sure if I'd chalk it up to translations. But definitely like some attempt to improve search visibility on these websites with a bunch of unnecessary keywords. I don't think I've seen anything remotely similar in Chinese listings, so not sure if it's translation. But definitely not "woke" lol.
Just made my payment! SA texted me to know I could pick up my car on the 24th. Literally the day AFTER I leave to drive halfway across country my daughter back to college - so I have to wait an extra week. picking up on the 31st. And... burning 75-100 gallons of gas instead of driving the Tesla. :(
For this very reason I'm telling my wife we're not traveling across the country to visit family over the holidays until we have the Tesla. I dunno that I'll win that battle, but it's worth a try!
Notice my signature? I've never been here to share my EDD. Don't have one. Won't have one (for a while).

It's been my goal to dish out dating advice this whole time. Mission accomplished! Anyway, people are probably just feeling down - it's another Wednesday, and the news is full of bad stuff happening all the time. Who am I kidding, no one cares. Only thing people are down about is that they don't have their brand new Tesla. It's alright people, hang in there! I'll be here, watching, commenting, and doling out unnecessary relationship advice.
I can’t score a boyfriend, how do I get one?
True. I already bragged about my not-yet-delivered Tesla to friends.

I'm trying REALLY hard to not tell anyone. I've been mulling a new car purchase for over three years, so this is the culmination of a lot of conversations with my family about "what should I buy?"

That is also why I'm here. To yammer to you all about it because my wife couldn't care less.
We have same order dates, both on East Coast. Two weeks ago SA said mid to late September. Anecdotal evidence seems to indicate average East Coast deliveries to be at 90-100 days. Don't cancel on the whim of some algorithm that's calculating EDD's. This is where seeing the "inner workings" is more troubling than just saying "wait 90-100 days".

You'll regret having canceled when you're at the end of September wondering what if.
I too ordered way early. Then i was to take delivery in July, but declined the VIN as it was right after TV no radar announcement. So I waited until an EDD of November to push button again. To my surprise, I got an immediate delivery date for end of July (and it was a brand new build).

It just happened they planned to load a truck of blues for MtKisco, not all spoken for. Lucky me. So don’t cancel yet- “ya neva kno”