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By far. For us, both of our cars are our college purchases a decade ago. We're firmly middle class and a car half this price would be "normal" for us. But we have saved aggressively and my wife basically said "we're ahead of our projections...reward yourself." While it slows our current savings pace, we're still ahead of the original plan. Another catalyst was losing a college friend recently reminding me that saving everything for later may never be experienced so enjoy some now, too!
Nice job having a plan! Much harder to meet goals and know when you can splurge on without knowing where you want to be and when.

Really sorry for your loss. And obviously not a positive, but glad you've gained that perspective now.
I’m in that same boat, I just want to do away with gas, I’m work 37.5 hours a week at a gate house, and I do Uber when I’m off from there. So no it’s not cheap but the 105,000 that I will be saving by switching to electric for 7 years is worth it to me. Sure my car payment rose by $200 but I’m still happy.
Yep and what I've seen from you on this forum is you do value the status and the vision created by the car. And that is perfectly OK. It's a little different than me but that certainly doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that prioritization.
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Two things that felt amazing in my life.

It only took the Mets 51 years to throw their first no hitter.

It only took Tesla 86 days to give my wife’s Model Y LR a VIN! 249 for her! EDD is 8/22-8/28 now.

Hi! I can’t find the original thread but can you send me a referral for DCU? I picked up the MSM demo from inventory yesterday. Thanks! [email protected]
Same here - no update to my EDD.

Still sitting at 9/3-9/18. Today marks 104 days since I ordered, and tomorrow will be exactly 15 weeks.

Big road trip starts on 9/23...for weeks I wasn't worried about that and figured there was no way I wouldn't have it by then. Especially since at one point I had June EDDs. But every day that passes without a VIN, I am becoming more and more certain I may have to take the old gas guzzler and put a ton more miles on it before I sell it while will continue to bring the value down. 🤞 🤞 Really hoping they pull through and get me my car by middle of next month!

Congrats to those that have gotten VINs today!! Hoping it is just the start!
Same, really. This is the most expensive car We have ever bought. But Ive wanted one since the S was in concept, dreamed about, and then i turned my car in when I started working remote, have banked all the funds for a year. I was looking at the id.4 too, but got an unexpected huge promotion that basically covers the expenses of the car, so my husband encouraged me to go for it. I wouldnt be considering it yet otherwise, I think.
Same here...by a lot. Previously the most expensive car I ever purchased was my SR+ M3 I bought last year. Most expensive car I've ever owned, and also by far the best and the one I have loved the most. I'm very fortunate to have been able to experience driving a Tesla now for about a year and a half. Soon after getting it I knew there was no way I would ever be able to go back to an ICE car.

I have 3 kids, all older now (13, 15, and 19) and when we go anywhere together (which is rare these days) I always make them all cram into my M3. I do everything I can to avoid driving the Sequoia. It is a great truck, very comfortable, but city driving we are lucky to get 13 MPG. But driving the Tesla, especially on a road trip, is just exponentially more enjoyable for me. Which is why I am really hoping we get the MY before our road trip next month. I can't cram the kids in the M3 for an 8 hour drive - they will be terribly uncomfortable, kill each other, and my wife would kill me.
9/7-9/27, has not changed in a week.
6/24 order.

im not optimistic ill see it in september.
I'd imagine you will, September 30th is the end of the quarter. Based on the google sheet, we should be seeing a bunch of VINs show up next week.

Here's a screenshot of the VINs being assigned about a month from the end of last quarter.


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I don't remember if it was someone on here, or something I read elsewhere, but I have heard that many "influencers" on social media are placing orders for the Plaid, paying the $100 and showing their confirmation pages to all their followers assumedly as proof of their wealth. Then they cancel their orders.

My wife and I do really well in my eyes, but this is not a cheap car for us. I still don't understand how so many people seem to make so much more than us to be able to afford these easily. I have wanted a Tesla for a while and have been planning/saving for 2 years (originally for a Cybertruck, but updated the plan because I'd like a car before 2025), including paying off her car and redirecting the recurring amount of her payment into a savings account for this.
I've been stashing money away ever since I paid off my Altima 5 years ago, paid down all my credit cards in the past 2 years, refinanced the mortgage to get a better rate, and my commute to work I average about 200-250 a month in gas/oil changes. So when I take that into account (once there is a return to office) plus the money I've been stashing aside and saving from other things, I felt this was the year I could finally pull the trigger on this car, I don't move quickly on big purchases and my girlfriend says I'm overly cautious about spending money, but I don't think a Tesla is a frivolous purchase at Target.