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Delivery chaos continues

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Well after weeks of nothing Tesla must have renewed their mobile contract and now have unlimited texts :D

On top of the text yesterday confirming my order details, I got another this afternoon congratulating me on my M3 order and advising me to expect delivery in August / September. The first time I’m had ANY communication on delivery timescales. August or September work fine for me so I’m happy with that.
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I think anyone who gets their car within 3 months of ordering should be pretty happy considering it's the launch of THE most widely anticipated car for many years. When they started delivering the very first US cars in 2017 with all the production ramp up woes, I was thinking it would be 2020 or later before they started appearing over this side of the pond. Now it's looking like all UK orders will probably be satisfied in 2019. Of course delivery was always going to be chaos with 5000 orders to deal with at once! It will settle down next year for sure. Tesla might well be crap at informing people, but at least they are churning out their EVs at a decent rate. If I get my M3P in September I will be well pleased.
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Well after weeks of nothing Tesla must have renewed their mobile contract and now have unlimited texts :D

On top of the text yesterday confirming my order details, I got another this afternoon congratulating me on my M3 order and advising me to expect delivery in August / September. The first time I’m had ANY communication on delivery timescales. August or September work fine for me so I’m happy with that.

Well that’s a good start then. When and what did you order, if you don’t mind me asking? And did you have a reservation?
Interesting. Exactly the same order as us, except we reserved in 2016 and ordered July 1st. Edinburgh SC.

I’m near Bristol but was offered Heathrow or Birmingham for delivery. I chose Birmingham as it’s slightly easier for me to get there on on a train and pick up, but on reflection should probably have picked Heathrow as that seems to be the centre of attention for deliveries thus far.
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Timing hasn't been perfect for me - lease car has just gone back. So now needing a car short-term until my order arrives. But for how long?

In terms of comms - I got a +47 call on the 4th July (couldn't answer), followed up with a text asking if I wanted to change my order and stating that deliveries would be July-Sept. I replied with 'no change requried'. Got another text on the 9th, thanking me for my confirmation and stating that deliveries will be August onwards. Still no VIN.

I've ordered a LR AWD, blue, white interior with FSD - no finance. Very, very tempted to move to P-, both due to performance and I am guessing that I'll get my order quicker - but don't really need a car that does 0-60 in 3.x seconds, and guessing insurance will be a step higher. I ordered by 7:52 on the 1st May. Order number 02xx. But only reserved in Nov 2018. Only thing I would change is adding a tow-bar, for a bike carrier - but I'd lose the discount on FSD for the early order.
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I've ordered a LR AWD, blue, white interior with FSD - no finance. Very, very tempted to move to P-, both due to performance and I am guessing that I'll get my order quicker - but don't really need a car that does 0-60 in 3.x seconds, and guessing insurance will be a step higher. I ordered by 7:52 on the 1st May. Order number 02xx. But only reserved in Nov 2018. Only thing I would change is adding a tow-bar, for a bike carrier - but I'd lose the discount on FSD for the early order.

If you upgrade to a P- you will not be able to add a towbar as things stand today.
Was it a P-, by any chance? I get the impression that the P+ models may be being prioritised...

FWIW I should be behind you in the queue (October ‘16 reservation, July 1st order) and have also ordered P-. The only difference might be collection location - I’m Edinburgh SC which perhaps is quieter? I got my source code VIN this morning.

Honestly I think this can all be taken with a large pinch of salt. It seems somewhat random and unpredictable despite the collective effort to make sense of it all. Perhaps my VIN will disappear shortly. ‍♂️