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Elon Tweeting about Thailand and Reputation

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Last Thursday, PEPCO, large electricity supplier outside of washington DC, in Rockville, Maryland, held an EV car "get ready for the flood of EV's coming" at Montgomery Community College to a greatly oversubscribed with lots of interest. There are lots of EV fans around here and a Tesla Model 3 was a prominent display. There are "islands" of interest that are becoming larger islands of interest and just driving around Sunday I saw probably 10 Tesla's just driving around, 3-4 of them model 3's (2 blue and 1-2 red)(not sure if same red one). the ?always on? headlights are very distinctive and draw attention (?wuzzat? lookatthat!?)
What a bummer all the good news is drowned out right now. I’d say it’s a buying opportunity, but if Elon can’t stop tweeting he’s going to win the battle for Chanos. Fate loves irony indeed.
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It’s certainly a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.

People shouldn’t be knocking Elon and team for coming up with a solution especially if he was solicited for help.

Elon also should ignore the noise, but the reason why people love him is because it’s odd for a CEO/person like this to respond so quickly via Twitter. It’s a double edged sword.

With that said, the rescue diver making an accusation that this was a PR stunt is a tool. I am in the camp that calling him a pedo is just a response with equal level of intensity. Apparently there was a drawing involved with a submarine going up Elon’s rear from what I understand but the tweet got deleted much sooner. If this was the case, screw that guy, he had it coming. We have too many armchair warriors these days.

Ok, one of these men risked his life to save people trapped in a cave. The other man, having no background in caves/diving, decided to build a submarine and just show up at the rescue site and expect rescuers to immediately use his submarine he had built in just a few days after explicit plans had already been made to rescue the boys with divers. Then attacks multiple people involved in the successful rescue on social media, and calls one of them a pedophile, then doubles down on the accusation shortly after.

Who's the tool again?
luckily the yearly shareholders meeting is over, along with the vote for him as both chairman/ceo

jeezus! can someone slap some sense into him or throw some ice cold water on him. he needs to wake up. he needs a goddamn PR team and needs to put the phone down for a while. tweets should be about company related stuff, or not at all, maybe.

yes i’ve seen it escalate over the years. i’m well aware of the difference between then and now. i know about the 10s of thousands of twitter bots. i know about the fud, the lies, etc.

but he plays right into their hands, repeatedly.

elon, if you’re listening, please stop it. don’t let them pressure you into more errors.nobody is on your side more than i, but you gotta grow a set, because it doesn’t get easier from here. this weekends antics currently taking a couple billion of mkt cap away, because of your thin skin? grow up! honestly the whole sub thing, and the way it was handled, crowdsourcing on twitter, was kinda surreal anyway. right from the start they spun it to be about you even though it wasn’t, and you were repeatedly asked for help.
but now what? all for not! put twitter down - focus for gods sake. now everyone that’s with you is paying for it.

you want to rebuke the twittersphere? ...have a PR team do it. they can rebuke every nonsense post if you want. otherwise it should not be you. you should be using for positive developments, product excitement, etc.

this whole thing is just unbelievable nonsense. meanwhile your employees, fans, and customers are paying the price. you owe us an explanation, because we’ve been fighting for years... grow up, smarten up, put it behind you, move on.
This tweet has unleashed a torrent of bots. Crazy political crap which looks like heavy hitters with friend in Helsinki. I’m sure this could blow over, but this guys blood is probably boiling and unless it wasn’t just an insult, he’s going to get complimentary lawyering and a bot army on twitter. If a dirtbag like Tripp can get a lawyer and a story, some guy who saved a soccer team is a poster child for the shorts.
If he can’t find or trust anyone else, bring Gwynn’s over as COO for six months so he he dedicate his team to plant production and getting the semi, Roadster and shanghai plants on track-out of public. This would create its own ship storm, but it would stop digging in the current hole.
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Don't forget that his Thai sub tweets are nothing to do with Tesla company, and certainly not TSLA. (SpaceX and Boring Company engineers worked on it... no-one from Tesla) The Tesla company have their own Tesla Twitter account for PR. Elon tweets whatever he wants.

Tesla and Elon are inseparable, for better or for worse. There is a reason his pay package made it through the shareholder vote so easily despite being called 'outlandish' (and outlandish it would've been... for anyone else but Elon). Everything that reflects poorly on him, reflects poorly on the company.
It’s certainly a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.

People shouldn’t be knocking Elon and team for coming up with a solution especially if he was solicited for help.

Elon also should ignore the noise, but the reason why people love him is because it’s odd for a CEO/person like this to respond so quickly via Twitter. It’s a double edged sword.

With that said, the rescue diver making an accusation that this was a PR stunt is a tool. I am in the camp that calling him a pedo is just a response with equal level of intensity. Apparently there was a drawing involved with a submarine going up Elon’s rear from what I understand but the tweet got deleted much sooner. If this was the case, screw that guy, he had it coming. We have too many armchair warriors these days.
I’d say dinged if you don’t and damned if you do, with regards to responding to mean people. Most people recognize a jerk. Elon doesn’t need to address mark spiegal, cause he swears, is vulgar, repititious and wrong. Let third parties poke fun at the marks of the world and just stay on message. I’m building the best cars and making the world cleaner—not saving the planet, just trying to make it better. Being boring to improve commute time, maybe make distant commutes more practical improving access to cheaper housing and better jobs, and space...

The details don’t matter, the point is, don’t be a disk, or as the Chicago Cubs motto says, don’t suck. This is a tough one to forgive if it was not true. Even accidentally implying could lead to a lawsuit. Unchallenged it could ruin that guys life. Even if true, it’s not the venue.

Meanwhile, real garbage, like CNBC promoting buyers to wait until 2019 to order a model 3 can’t be addressed because of pedo.
Ok, one of these men risked his life to save people trapped in a cave. The other man, having no background in caves/diving, decided to build a submarine and just show up at the rescue site and expect rescuers to immediately use his submarine he had built in just a few days after explicit plans had already been made to rescue the boys with divers. Then attacks multiple people involved in the successful rescue on social media, and calls one of them a pedophile, then doubles down on the accusation shortly after.

Who's the tool again?
You did see this didnt you?

Elon Musk on Twitter
This email chain is between Richard Stanton the lead diver in charge and Musk, Stanton asked him to continue repeatedly. If I was Musk Id be pissed too.
For the non-Tesla fanatics this FUD is having an effect. Hopefully there are enough "friends" around to keep people on the right side of reality. Every car sold should add to the Tesla "friends" list. I am a little concerned that as we start to get into the everyday car buyer that the fake news is going to start having an effect.

I think positive (usually ecstatic) word of mouth from friends, backed by a ride in a new M3 will wash any FUD pollution from those interested in Tesla and its products. Every month 20+ thousand more M3 are delivered and the ripple effect is dramatic. Each new owner is giving dozens of rides to friends, families and even interested strangers. Even better, the expanding ripple never really stops. I've owned my Roadster for over seven years and every time I take it out here in southern Vermont, I get one or more residents asking me about the car and what it is like. I never get tired of taking a few minutes to answer their questions and let them know that affordable small SUVs and pickup trucks are coming. No biased FUD spreading media is going to hold this back for long. Reservations (now relevant only for the not yet available SR model) will stay at 400K + for rest of year and beyond until M3 is fully ramped. Then there will be reservations for model Y and eventually the Pickup.
(Edit) Of course we don't know if Tesla will want to rehabilitate the reservation process or not have them for Y and Pickup. Rehab could be as simple as having people specify which version they think they will want. SR, LR, AWD, Perf, etc. Telling everyone up front that higher cost models will be produced sooner than cheaper ones.
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Hard to separate the twitter response from the market thread as it’s obvious to me they are related.

Real shame this is taking up the bandwidth when there are a lot of positives to discuss ... went to Santa Monica yesterday and stopped counting Model 3 sightings as they are everywhere. It makes me wonder if the California market is any different than the rest of the US ? Or the world for that matter ?

Also just returned from a 3 week family vacation that took us to the UK, France and Italy .... I did spot a few Tesla’s over there but obviously not many ... even saw one in Monaco ! Which IMHO looked better than the cars around it which easily cost 3-10X the Tesla.

In any case it’s obvious to me Tesla has huge opportunities available in markets around the world.

Cheers to the long .... I have to admit my long position has really been challenged after this latest round of nonsense.
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You did see this didnt you?

Elon Musk on Twitter
This email chain is between Richard Stanton the lead diver in charge and Musk, Stanton asked him to continue repeatedly. If I was Musk Id be pissed too.

For those who don't click links:
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I live in Pittsburgh and received my Tesla 3 Midnight Silver Metallic ahead of schedule on April 28. Until just last week, I had not seen another Model 3 on the road in our area. Last week, I followed a beautiful white Model 3 into the Squirrel Hill Tunnel, the driver saw me in his rear view and gave me a thumbs up and I returned the gesture. We both were feeling very smug. :) I saw my second Model 3 in the wild on route 28 near downtown yesterday. Today the Pittsburgh Post Gazette had this article on the front page: As Pittsburghers start getting their Tesla Model 3s, doubts remain about company's future

I am a Tesla stock holder and big believer in the company but I wish our CEO would be a little less sensitive to criticism on Twitter-not that should really have any bearing on the company or the stock in the long term.

More people seeking attention, and more media seeking clicks, are going to continue to snowball this story until Tesla / EM makes a statement or does something. Of course Linette Lopez re-tweeted this.


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This email chain is between Richard Stanton the lead diver in charge and Musk, Stanton asked him to continue repeatedly. If I was Musk Id be pissed too.

A rational planner in a desperate situation would follow all available independent paths to a solution. This including looking for places to drill even though drilling was almost certainly impractical. I'm sure they also had a team exploring the implications of staying in the cave until the dry season.

The planner was faced with the possible end game of dead boys and the question "Did you do everything you could possibly do?".

The guy who said Musk was stupid was the guy who had done the detailed mapping of the cave that was used to find the boys initially. He's the guy who has done the most crawling around in the cave system. He would know implicitly if moving a cylinder though the passages was possible.