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Elon & Twitter

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Claiming low cop retention in SF/Portland or any place is selectively picking news/stories they like. Even Florida offers a bonus to get cops to move to that state.

Yes - being a cop is hard. But it is much harder being a cop in a Blue City that basically decriminalizes shop-lifting (under $1,000), encouraged BLM protesting, considering reparations (SF) and allowing open drug galleries with massive homeless populations. All the while these cities have hostile mayors, DA's and city council members ready to throw the cops under the bus for any mistake. Who would want to work (or live) in that environment? I have personally watched beautiful San Francisco implode over the last 20 years.

Hence the reason why we are seeing historic migration from Blue States to Red States.

The Blue State Exodus Continues​

There is a reason why big box stores are closing up shop in Blue cities due to safety concerns.

Walmart closes 4 Chicago locations permanently, leaving residents with fewer shopping options​

Walgreens to Close 5 San Francisco Locations Due to Continued Crime​

Not no collusion, no conspiracy since collusion isnt a crime. Now I include page 10 of volume 1 of Mueller report which explains why not enough evidence. Not no evidence, but not enough. Also you are aware that the reason obstruction is a crime is because it blocks the gathering of evidence.
Some key information in this page.

  • Some individuals plead the 5th
  • Individuals gave false or incomplete statements. Some of who were charged with crimes.
  • Members of Trump Campaign deleted relevant communications or use communication apps that were encrypted or automatically deleted communications.
As for Steele dossier. Show links to claims that have been proven false. Some proven true, some uncorroborated, but none proven false.

I'm sorry, but if memory serves me there is still this "Innocent Until PROVEN Guilty" thing in this country.

The MSM and Dems sold this to the US public as there was OVERWHELMING evidence to convict Trump of, essentially, treason. That NEVER materialized. It was a house of cards, but they presented it like it was some freaking concrete castle full of rock-hard evidence.

You do realize that this is why those of us that are not affiliated with either party view both sides as dishonest at best?
As for Steele dossier. Show links to claims that have been proven false. Some proven true, some uncorroborated, but none proven false.
That is not how this works.

It is up to the government to PROVE its allegations are true. The government and Media can't just throw a bunch of crap against the wall before an election and say "Get to work disproving our lies against you!"

Even NPR admits the Steele Dossier was discredited. Yet Bezos' Washington Post and the NYTimes are still hanging onto their Pulitzer Prizes over their garbage reporting.


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A jury on Tuesday acquitted on all counts a think tank analyst accused of lying to the FBI about his role in the creation of a *discredited dossier* about former President Donald Trump.

The case against Igor Danchenko was the third and possibly final case brought by Special Counsel John Durham as part of his probe into how the FBI conducted its own investigation into allegations of collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

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I'm sorry, but if memory serves me there is still this "Innocent Until PROVEN Guilty" thing in this country.

The MSM and Dems sold this to the US public as there was OVERWHELMING evidence to convict Trump of, essentially, treason. That NEVER materialized. It was a house of cards, but they presented it like it was some freaking concrete castle full of rock-hard evidence.

You do realize that this is why those of us that are not affiliated with either party view both sides as dishonest at best?
My response was to this 100% false statement.

"So does that apply to our entire "Mainstream Media" that pushed the Russia collusion hoax that has now been thoroughly debunked?"

To add Mueller point blank said that if he could clear Trump he would have.
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Doesn't matter. He doesn't have to be proven INNOCENT. By DEFAULT he's innocent and the evidence MUST prove guilt.

No if's, and's, or but's about that. It is literally the cornerstone of Democracy. Period.
So what do you call a criminal that is let go on technicalities or police misconduct. I am sure you simply say they are INNOCENT.
they don’t have some motive for an agenda
Ha ha ha.. I wasn't born yesterday.

Take a look at the articles between Lora Kolodny (CNBC), Russ Mitchell (LAT), Linette Lopez (BI), Dana Hull (Bloomberg) and Faiz Siddiqui (WaPo). Between them they would have authorized around 200+ articles. Close to 99% 100% of them are negative. A company that has transformed the auto industry and shown the way to the legacy giants on how EVs should be built, with industry leading profit margins, and yet all these reporters have written is all out and out negative stuff.

Ya no agenda there..
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You can find bad parts in any city and there have always been bad parts to cities.
I had a great time and didn't see any problems so it's definitely not as bad as Elon wants it to be.
BTW, the solution is not more police. The solution is better social services (housing, food, health services). Of course, Republicans don't want to pay for any of this. They want to keep their tax breaks and whinge about the homeless.
Solution is a Rudy of the early 90s. That will fix SF, Chicago and Detroit.

This woke coddling with couched words like mental disease and such, should stop. Be firm, be ruthless and the disease will just magically vanish
So... basically he’s shooting his mouth off constantly about some pretty important things and suggesting all kinds of grandiose malfeasance ...because someone gave him inaccurate... expectations?
Maybe he should try not Tweeting until he knows what he’s talking about.
This is a good point. If one expects Twitter to become the de-facto town square of the public, certainly one should expect those who are presenting their views to do some homework on the subject before doing so.

If you are going to expect journalists to do so but then also expect the average joe to effectively become journalists, shouldn't the bar be set at the same level?

In reality, I don't think that anyone expects Twitter to become the de-facto town square because people that have the most time to become prolific tweeters don't have the time to become subject matter experts - or even do a basic google search - on the subject of their tweets.

If Elon can't do that and he has the biggest megaphone on Twitter - how can you expect anyone else to?

I don't think Elon truly realizes the impact of the changes he's making to Twitter - and I don't think he realizes the loudness of his megaphone. Though to be fair, I think that all the random BS he spouts actually reduces the loudness - there are, after all, rules in the algorithm which reduce the "loudness" of tweets of people who veer outside of their primary domain - not to mention that I'm sure a lot of people no longer give things he says anywhere near the same weight on the "truthiness" scale.

(Desperately trying to keep this thread on-topic, here!)
So what do you call a criminal that is let go on technicalities or police misconduct. I am sure you simply say they are INNOCENT.
You really think Trump got off due to a technicality and not due to the fact that the Steele Dossier was a total fabrication funded by Hillary Clinton's election team?

Again, the same party that is willing to invent new legal theories over payments to adult stars in New York (let alone creating false dossiers) would certainly be motivated and dishonest enough to try and convict Trump with at least some crimes on "attacking our Democracy" if there was any meat on the bone.
My addicted family member thinks he is as honest & impartial as the mega church preacher they watch. The one with all the private planes.
My wonderful (but uber-liberal) mother in law basically has shrines set up for Anderson Cooper, Jim Acosta, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Fauci and the ladies at the View.

Both parties have their sycophants and believe only what they want to believe.
See - people still need to believe! You cite lots of "evidence", but where are the indictments and crimes for all the allegations listed above?

Are we to believe the same partisans in our Media and the Democrat party that are supporting the indictment of Trump over Stormy Daniels payments in New York would hesitate to charge Trump with any crimes after all these investigations, special councils and impeachments for "attacking our Democracy"..............if they had the goods?! Look how far the Democrat prosecutor in New York is having to stretch the law to indict Trump this past month.

Hillary Clinton (along with most of our Media) colluded with foreign agents (Christopher Steele) to push a bogus dossier during the 2016 election - but that is not considered foreign campaign assistance?

Biden has been shoveling in millions from Chinese government connected firms for years - but that is not considered foreign campaign assistance?

We can't live in a society where we have 2 sets of rules where the Media and one political party collude to set the narrative and rules.

Elon buying Twitter is a threat to the near monopoly Democrats have over our Media and public discourse - and hence all the crying and complaining by those who are losing power making bogus claims of increases "hate speech" on Twitter like that Twit at the BBC did last week.
More fantasy not even worth debunking. The dossier for example, was a working document never meant for release, and Hillary of course didn't. All major candidates in both parties develop opposition research (“opposition”). The dossier was created as an early step, at the beginning for a candidate who was NOT Hillary, gathering the rumors floating around among solid and not so solid circles in Russia.
And it’s not worth your effort to start saying 45’s behavior re: Putin, his endless efforts to get deals there etc didn’t throw fuel on the fire.
The next step with that dossier would have been to start vetting anything any it that seemed likely to be accurate and a big enough deal to worry about and see if it would be true and useful in a campaign.
But...Some of the accusations were important enough to bring to the FBI’s attention at an early phase. It would have been negligence for any rational, patriotic American not to do that.
Bringing something to the FBI’s attention is not at all the same as making a serious public accusation. It’s saying hey guys, this is pretty wild... 85-95 percent chance it’s inaccurate but it needs checking out.
Trump and his minions then weaponized it by misrepresenting its actual nature. And now it is cemented into right wing legend and lore in their terms.
As you can see with this one talking point, no one here needs to go down your list wasting time refuting the rest.
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If one expects Twitter to become the de-facto town square of the public, certainly one should expect those who are presenting their views to do some homework on the subject before doing so
Not necessarily. Average Joe with 100 followers can spout all the nonsense he wants. And so can Elon with his huge mega phone. No one cares about Average Joe, because very few people listen to what he says. As for Elon, people get tuned out of what he spouts on things where they believe his past pronouncements has been questionable. He loses credibility. And that is true for Media and Presstitutes too. The number of people who jumped on Elon on his Pelosi tweet is proof of that. Even long time Elon worshippers were turned off by that tweet.

And that is the beauty of Twitter. You may think you have a big megaphone, but credibility is built and lost by how truthful one is. If you write news and opinion out of context, people will jump in and point out right away.
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