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Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

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Why write this post?
A lot of people are starting to get interested in IO. I don't think Octopus do a very good job of spelling out the benefits in their website. They have some FAQs, but the same questions keep coming up over and over on the forums.

What is it?
In a nutshell, IO is a split tariff that gives you a cheap off-peak rate for charging your EV and other electrical items in the household, including home batteries.

Isn’t that the same as Octopus Go or Go Faster?
The principle is the same, but in exchange for some benefits which we’ll explain, you allow Octopus to control the timing of your EV charge, so they can choose low carbon intensity and/or cheap wholesale priced time slots.

So I’m not in control of my charge? I don’t like the sound of that!
Well yes…and no. You’re in control of how much to charge and when you want the car to be ready, just like you would be normally. Within those parameters, you’re allowing Octopus to control which half-hour slots the car chooses to get to that target % charge. And you can always override IO if you want to “bump charge” through the day.

OK, but what are the benefits you mentioned for this trade off?
First of all, you get a larger guaranteed off-peak window for using household appliances and charging home batteries, etc. It’s six hours between 23:30-05:30. Go, for example, is a fixed 4 hour window.
In addition, when IO schedules your EV charging slots it sometimes creates schedules that fall outside of the fixed, six hour window. If that happens your EV charging and all your household use in these extra-slots is also charged at off-peak rates.
I have frequently had schedules give me seven or more hours of off-peak rates. On one occasion, I had a total of ten hours of off-peak rates.

Am I eligible?
You need a smart meter and a compatible car and/or charger. Since you’re reading this here, I assume you’ve got or are thinking of getting a Tesla. IO works with the Tesla API to create the charging schedules. The advantage of this is that IO will work with any* home charger. If you have a charger with smart features, you need to disable them so that the charger acts as a dumb switch. IO will control everything via Tesla’s API to start and stop your charging.
*Even your granny charger - but you need to tell IO what the max throughput is when you go through setup so that it can work out your schedules properly.

Some of this sounds too good to be true.
Phantom drain caused by having smart charging enabled in the Octopus app has been fixed as of 30th August 2022. One small side effect appears to be that schedules sometimes take longer to appear in the app after plugging in.

Further questions (to be updated in the main thread body once the edit timer on this post expires)

I have two EVs, can I charge the other while on IO?

Not with IO scheduling the charging, but you can charge any other car in the fixed 23:30-05:30 off peak window or at any other time at peak prices.

What are the rates etc?
Octopus do a decent job of explaining the peak and off-peak rates along with contracts etc. Head over to their pages to discover that.

I asked for a target % of x, but I got less than x.
There are two or three reasons for this.

The first, most common reason, is that Tesla reports battery % differently depending on where you look. The API (that IO uses) reports the gross battery %. This is generally fixed but can fluctuate very slightly. The Tesla app shows usable %. Apps like Teslamate and Teslafi can display both. Quite often, there is a delta of 2-3% which may be down to battery temp or other factors. This usable % will often be recovered as the battery warms up during a drive.

Some users have reported charging % being way off, perhaps 10% or more. This could be down to an error in the onboarding process. Some of the charger database entries incorrectly assume the charger you are onboarding is the 11kW version, without actually saying so in the charger description. The Andersen A2 was an early example of this. If you suspect this may be the case, the easiest thing to do is go through the on-boarding again and choose "Generic 7.4kW charger". It won't affect your functionality on IO in any way.

Lastly, it has to be mentioned that occasionally IO just craps out. It may be down to a comms error, a server error at Octopus' end, or just reasons. IO is a beta product and it's wise to expect one or two quirks from time to time
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The IO bills also give the average rate you have paid per kWh during the billing period. Presumably if that average rate is less than whatever standard single rate tariff you are considering, IO is the cheaper option? I do quite a lot of vehicle charging (20k miles per year) and load shift as much as possible into the cheaper rate window - we have got our average rate down to about 14p per kWh (7.5p off/39 peak). The standard tariff is going to have to fall a hell of lot before it even comes close to competing with that!
It’s a good ready reckoner for sure, though my OCD prefers the Octopus Compare approach as it factors in standing charges and whatnot.

Pretty sure the added accuracy makes little difference in reality, but quieting the OCD is worth it 😂

FWIW my IO p/kWh average without trying at all is 18.63p (44.45 / 10p) billed on 11 Apr. Given the lion’s share of our leccy goes into the cars I expect the recent drop to 7.5p to make a difference when the bill comes out 12 May!
Whilst I was on Octopus Go my smart meter displayed units used on tariff 1 (peak) and tariff 2 (off peak). Since going onto IO all power is being metered as tariff 1. Is this the experience of others? I’ve had a bill which included 2 days of IO and it was correct so I’m not unduly concerned. However the meter was a handy check on usage at each tariff rather than having to extract the figures from bills.
Whilst I was on Octopus Go my smart meter displayed units used on tariff 1 (peak) and tariff 2 (off peak). Since going onto IO all power is being metered as tariff 1. Is this the experience of others? I’ve had a bill which included 2 days of IO and it was correct so I’m not unduly concerned. However the meter was a handy check on usage at each tariff rather than having to extract the figures from bills.
Yes, I believe IHD can handle 2 day rates, especially when they are at fixed times (0.30-5.30). WIth IO as you have this dynamic schedule aspect the IHD cannot change every time so you have only 1 tarif displayed sadly.
Mine is always set on tariff 2 actually (off peak) so constantly gives a price grossly underestimated during the day. For this reason I now set it in kWh rather than in £..
Yes, I believe IHD can handle 2 day rates, especially when they are at fixed times (0.30-5.30). WIth IO as you have this dynamic schedule aspect the IHD cannot change every time so you have only 1 tarif displayed sadly.
Mine is always set on tariff 2 actually (off peak) so constantly gives a price grossly underestimated during the day. For this reason I now set it in kWh rather than in £..

I find disabling/re-enabling Smart Charging in the Octopus app (Account & Settings > Devices > Intelligent Octopus > Smart Charging) normally gets me a schedule within a few minutes...

Good luck!

@browellm ;

Two very useful posts.

Maybe you can add both these points to the WIKI ?
I've just switched over from Go Faster to IO this afternoon as my Go Faster fixed rate expires tomorrow.

I have an Ohme Home Pro charger, so from what I uinderstand it's quite a different experience to most of you guys as IO talks to the charger as opposed to the car. I've gone through the setup steps in the Octopus app and successfully connected to the Ohme charger, and the IO app shows the "devices" icon.

When I select the Devices tab, I get a screen saying that I need to use the Ohme app to control my charging.

In the Ohme app I've modified my single charge schedule from the 4 hour Go Faster window to have a departure time of 05:30 and I've ensured that the "price cap" is disabled.

My (hopefully simple!) question is - where do I see what charge schedule(s) have been given to me by IO?
I've just switched over from Go Faster to IO this afternoon as my Go Faster fixed rate expires tomorrow.

I have an Ohme Home Pro charger, so from what I uinderstand it's quite a different experience to most of you guys as IO talks to the charger as opposed to the car. I've gone through the setup steps in the Octopus app and successfully connected to the Ohme charger, and the IO app shows the "devices" icon.

When I select the Devices tab, I get a screen saying that I need to use the Ohme app to control my charging.

In the Ohme app I've modified my single charge schedule from the 4 hour Go Faster window to have a departure time of 05:30 and I've ensured that the "price cap" is disabled.

My (hopefully simple!) question is - where do I see what charge schedule(s) have been given to me by IO?
I have the same set up and assume this screen displays the schedule although I'm yet to actually see any slots outside of the off-peak window. I found the Ohme FAQs linked in the Devices page of the octopus app quite helpful in regards how the settings should be in the Ohme app


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I find disabling/re-enabling Smart Charging in the Octopus app (Account & Settings > Devices > Intelligent Octopus > Smart Charging) normally gets me a schedule within a few minutes...

Good luck!
That’s useful information, thanks.

I often try to bump charge on a Friday evening as I will have a long journey later, but invariably this fails so I try to start the charge from the Tesla App.
This also invariably fails after a few minutes, presumably because IO is in control, so hopefully this tweak will fix it: disable smart charging and use the Tesla App to ‘bump’ charge.
I have the same set up and assume this screen displays the schedule although I'm yet to actually see any slots outside of the off-peak window. I found the Ohme FAQs linked in the Devices page of the octopus app quite helpful in regards how the settings should be in the Ohme app

Thanks. I'd looked there and I got a charge yesterday evening at about 7PM for about 40 mins to get me to my target, and this seemed a bit weird to say the least, hence the question!

In terms of settings in Ohme, I've got a single charge schedule set for every day, 97% target, departure time of 05:30 and preconditioning disabled.
I've got "price cap" disabled, and favour green energy, optimize for battery life and save money all toggled to OFF.

I've just unplugged and plugged back in just now and it's started a charge almost immediately, so can't see me having permanent off peak, so something must not be right. What do you have your "Don't charge above 7.50p" set to when you click the "Change Target"? I had it disabled (assuming IO would do everything, so wanted nothing to interfere!). I've just toggled it to on and it's stopped the current charge....
Anyone else have a schedule in the app last night but didn’t charge?
Here's the word from Octopus:

Thank you for getting in touch this morning. Intelligent Octopus suffered a widespread outage last night which meant that the vast majority of Tesla customers were unable to charge their vehicles after 9:05pm. I have been advised that this should be resolved by this evening. Apologies again for the inconvenience caused by this.
This is, however, the 6th time by my reckoning that we have not received a charging plan and then subsequently had no charge overnight. It's an ongoing issue that they do not seem to have found a cause for.
Thanks. I'd looked there and I got a charge yesterday evening at about 7PM for about 40 mins to get me to my target, and this seemed a bit weird to say the least, hence the question!

In terms of settings in Ohme, I've got a single charge schedule set for every day, 97% target, departure time of 05:30 and preconditioning disabled.
I've got "price cap" disabled, and favour green energy, optimize for battery life and save money all toggled to OFF.

I've just unplugged and plugged back in just now and it's started a charge almost immediately, so can't see me having permanent off peak, so something must not be right. What do you have your "Don't charge above 7.50p" set to when you click the "Change Target"? I had it disabled (assuming IO would do everything, so wanted nothing to interfere!). I've just toggled it to on and it's stopped the current charge....
Interesting.. When I plug in, I always get charging started then, almost immediately, charging stopped notifications. I have the "don't charge above" toggle switched off as well. Until I get my first bill I'm going to assume that IO is working as expected and any charging is at lower rate
Interesting.. When I plug in, I always get charging started then, almost immediately, charging stopped notifications. I have the "don't charge above" toggle switched off as well. Until I get my first bill I'm going to assume that IO is working as expected and any charging is at lower rate
Thanks - if you could report back the results of that assumption it would be appreciated. I'm considering leaving the toggle on as an abundance of caution, and theoretically it should work fine anyway as IO and Ohme should know if I'm on an off peak window at any time so should not prevent the "intelligent" stuff from working outside of the 6 overnight hours.....
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Thanks - if you could report back the results of that assumption it would be appreciated. I'm considering leaving the toggle on as an abundance of caution, and theoretically it should work fine anyway as IO and Ohme should know if I'm on an off peak window at any time so should not prevent the "intelligent" stuff from working outside of the 6 overnight hours.....
The way these 2 points read, as long as you have an active schedule and max charge is toggled off then any charging it does should be at the lower tariff... That will be my defence anyway!


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Hi Everyone and thank you for all your very informative posts about IO. And thanks @browellm for all the FAQ’s and your patience (😉)

I’ve finally read and digested all 91 pages and as a current customer of OVO (smart charging, which works perfectly but also delivers 1-2% less on odd occasions (some of you will be pleased to hear that it’s not just IO); I’m getting Solar and batteries soon and plan to switch to intelligent Octopus 🐙 after my install in a couple of months.

I have a Model Y, Tesla Gen 3 charger.
Will have: Solar and 38kW of GivEnergy batteries and 2x 5kW GE hybrid inverters. I am a high user. 19,000kW pa including (4,500 for the car). Plug in every night to get to 80%, blah blah, blah.

The extra slots seem like a bit of a blessing and a curse if you have solar batteries. Obviously Octopus are more than likely picking and choosing the cheapest 30 minute price slots (for them), sorry I meant to say greenest 😂 before your “ready” time. But we’re still paying them a fixed ‘low’ off peak price. So it’s a win-win. But for Solar battery users it would be better (possibly? and maybe better for the health of the car’s battery and reliability of a charge completing successfully?) to just have a fixed continuous 6 hours of charging, instead of stop/ start, stop/start for 10-12 hours. That’s a different discussion and one that’s already been discussed a bit.

I have 2 questions;

1) Regarding solar battery drain when you get extra slots. How do you automate the extra slots being allocated using home assistant? I’ve never used it, I’m tech savvy but not a programmer! Are there currently any other options? and what happens if/ when the slots change during a charge (which they seem to do) does home assistant get the updated slots? Is there somewhere you could point me to that explains how to set this up with GivEnergy? So I don’t dump all my solar/ off-peak stored from the battery into the car when extra slots are given/ changed!

2) What works best? setting a 23:30 off peak start time or an 05:30 off peak end time in the app/Tesla? And does this become unnecessary when integrated with Home Assistant or similar?

Thanks in advance and yay! to the off peak price drop 👍🏻