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FSD now $8,000. Who's buying?

How much does FSD need to be for you to buy it?

  • $5K

    Votes: 16 8.2%
  • $4K

    Votes: 10 5.1%
  • $3K

    Votes: 21 10.7%
  • $2K

    Votes: 35 17.9%
  • $1K

    Votes: 46 23.5%
  • $99 a month is the way to go.

    Votes: 65 33.2%
  • $6K

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • $7K

    Votes: 2 1.0%

  • Total voters
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I think a lot of people do not appreciate FSD is an evolving solution, and a very different one at that. Consider the first autopilots in airplanes were nothing more than “wing levers” which could not hold a heading or altitude, it just tried to kept the wings level. Decades later we now have Autoland! However, autoland cannot be used everywhere, only at major airports and on specific runways. And even then the pilots have to monitor the system. And these are million dollar systems.

When we think about fully autonomous cars that can drive on public streets without running into other cars, and people, and to be available at a reasonable price, we need to appreciate what a tall order this is. While we may have robotaxies I don’t see a true, Level 5 autonomous car that car drive anywhere happening, at least not for a long time.

So don’t be fooled by Elon’s marking hype. FSD as it exists today is pretty good, but is just a work in progress.
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I think a lot of people do not appreciate FSD is an evolving solution, and a very different one at that.
That’s likely because a lot of people took Musk at face value in 2016 when he faked a demo and claimed they’d solved autonomous driving.

8 years later… if I wanted to blow $8k to babysit a driver and maintain a heightened state of awareness at all times to keep from dying, I’d just pay my 16 year old to drive me around.

FSD is a joke.
There is zero chance Tesla hw3/hw4 will be L3 at highway speeds. Indirect liability is automatic and not optional as soon as you say L3. Civil suites will be massive when you say people need not watch the road and you kill/injure them. That's why no one does it over 60 km/h.

I think you're dissing the queue chauffeur too much. its a fine use-case that isn't science fiction (like L3 at highway speeds with vision only).

I seriously doubt there will be any city L3. Too complex ODD.
L3 is getting more interest as you can see by this popular podcaster. (Farzad)
Owners are beginning to wonder how FSD can actually help them and L3 is the best chance in the near term. Let's hope BYD offers L3 pushing Tesla to respond.

I _might_ rent FSD for the month that I would actually use it for a long road trip. Key word is might. At this point, too many broken hype statements to invest anything in what Full Self Deception might be in the future.
I hear this a lot as an excuse to try it out but I’ve gotta say, there’s just no world right now where FSD is a stress reducer on a long trip. It requires SO much more attention than basic autopilot.

Simple AP is a game changer for long drives - stay between the lanes, follow the car in front of me, no funny business. But as soon as the car starts trying to think for itself, it’s a whole different scenario.
I hear this a lot as an excuse to try it out but I’ve gotta say, there’s just no world right now where FSD is a stress reducer on a long trip. It requires SO much more attention than basic autopilot.

Simple AP is a game changer for long drives - stay between the lanes, follow the car in front of me, no funny business. But as soon as the car starts trying to think for itself, it’s a whole different scenario.
I'd agree with you for older versions, but not 12.3.4. I rarely have to take over, and it is very smooth now. I still always pay attention, but definitely have way more confidence in the software than before. I've already figured out where it will need some assistance (mainly highway merges). Most of issues I've noticed shouldn't be too hard for them to fix.
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When I get a 50% discount from USAA for FSD, I will balance that against the monthly subscription costs vs my insurance costs then jump.

I figure by 2050 when I have cataracts, a diaper, and drive 40 MPH in the fast lane, I will get FSD to help me get to my VA appointments. I might pay $2K for it, or get a competing car that comes with it. By then it should actually work pretty well.

Big Government will probably mandate it for use at that point, as I will be over 80 in 2050.
We (foolishly?) paid $6K for EAP, so at current prices, we're willing to pay zero more dollars to get FSD. When they simply flip the switch and give us FSD, we'll consider using it. Until then, it's EAP / NOA all the way.

Alternatively, it would be fine by us if they decided to refund the entire $6K to us and terminate the EAP offering we bought to reduce overhead / software maintenance costs, but given this price cut I expect them to eventually offer better incentives to move us to FSD vs. refunding our $6K and bumping us off EAP, or continuing to maintain the EAP code for stubborn folks like us. ;)
FSD is now selling for $8K, but it looks like a bad deal. Really, really, really bad deal LOL

You can subscribe to FSD for $99/month, and it would take 8 years to reach $8000 total spend. Considering Tesla does not allow you to transfer FSD to a new vehicle except under limited promotions that makes buying FSD outright a really bad deal.

Funny thing, I'm sure many of you may have thought this also, is I was telling some friends if Elon really wanted to generate income for Tesla he should just drop the price of FSD from $199/mo to $20/mo and a week later he dropped it to $99. I don't understand Elon math. He should just drop the price to $19.00/month and albeit 80% of Tesla owners will subscribe. Easy money he's just leaving on the table.