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Hydrogen vs. Battery

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You still lookign for that cheap Mirai and free fuel? Post it away! What's taking so long?
Here's the Toyota website. $7500 Trailblazer Cash and $15k in fuel.
Offer Details | Local Toyota Offers | NorthernCalifornia.BuyAToyota.com

Edit in case the link is location-based. $7500 + $15000 + $5000 = $27,500 of incentives. These things are going to be flying off the shelves.

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Already posted....

I've read that some of those used cars come with a $15k fuel card. It's not often you can say 'They can't give them away' that literally...
You said $15k fuel card is for used Mirasi, that I quoted at around $15k.
The link is for "An ARTICLE" about new Mirai deal during a brief period of fuel shortage.
You guys need to do better here.
And the article just talks about hearsay but posts no solid proof. These FUD authors also need to do better.

@ohmman, that $7500 is there ever since fed tax credit of $8k was withdrawn for FCEVs. Notign new there.
The article speaks of an additional $15000 discount for a NEW Mirai, for a brief period, and still has NO LINK.

But the original message made it sound like those free cars are plentiful and I could find one easily.
You said $15k fuel card is for used Mirasi, that I quoted at around $15k.
The link is for "An ARTICLE" about new Mirai deal during a brief period of fuel shortage.
You guys need to do better here.
And the article just talks about hearsay but posts no solid proof. These FUD authors also need to do better.

@ohmman, that $7500 is there ever since fed tax credit of $8k was withdrawn for FCEVs. Notign new there.
The article speaks of an additional $15000 discount for a NEW Mirai, for a brief period, and still has NO LINK.

But the original message made it sound like those free cars are plentiful and I could find one easily.

It's still a $15k fuel card for a Mirai. Although I do question the value since that $15k is going to go quick of if costs $20 in fuel to drive to fill up... IF the nearest H2 station isn't offline :(

Although to some extent I have to hand it to toyota. The H2 lure is tailor made for intransigent people that hate change. Give's them the perfect out. 'I'm waiting for a fuel cell car to kick the petrol habit'; 'There are H2 cars you say? Unfortunately I live in not CA... ' I have an uncle like that.... he really likes fuel cell cars because he can't have one and it's the perfect excuse to keep his current gas guzzler :(
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I gave you a link to Toyota’s page. And a graphic screen shot. Give it up.
?? Give up what? @nwdiver claimed $15k free hydrogen on USED Mirais., but produced no link.
Then you post a link of $15k fuel card on a NEW Mirai, that pretty much everyone knows about.

Did you read the prior posts and understand the context?
Post a link of USED Mirai selling for under $17k with $15k fuel card.
?? Give up what? @nwdiver claimed $15k free hydrogen on USED Mirais., but produced no link.
Then you post a link of $15k fuel card on a NEW Mirai, that pretty much everyone knows about.

Did you read the prior posts and understand the context?
Post a link of USED Mirai selling for under $17k with $15k fuel card.
I quoted what you said. You suggested that it didn’t exist for a NEW Mirai (your emphasis) and I showed it.
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@ohmman, please quote my message. Don't just say that I said something. It doesn't look good that you claim I said something but can't quote that message.
Who doesn't know about $15k free fuel on new hydrogen cars? It's even there on cafcp website.
were you thinkign that I am not aware of this so commonly known fact?

To get back on topic, here is some new development in China. Not sure anyone posted it earlier.
China’s ‘Elon Musk’ Sees Big Future For Hydrogen Cars | OilPrice.com

Key points:
* Only 12 stations with 1500 FC cars today
*1 mill car chargers for 2M electric cars? That's crazy 2:1 ratio!
* Shanghai opened up 1920 kg/day h2 station
* Toyota working with Foton to bring cars, vans, trucks.

There are only about a dozen of these hydrogen stations in place so far in China. Compare that to about 100,000 gas stations and over a million EV charging stations.

Mr Gang doesn’t seem to worry about the challenges that typically come up over backing fuel-cell vehicles and their hydrogen fueling stations.

“We will sort out the factors that have been hindering the development of fuel-cell vehicles,” he said.

One of the strengths that FCVs have over EVs is driving range and fast-fueling time. Once these hydrogen stations become more common, vehicle buyers are expected to be drawn to the technology and fuel by being able to go 400 or more miles on a fueling and refilling the tank in less than five minutes at the pump.

Mr Gang’s vision is that EVs will provide a tangible solution for dealing with inner-city traffic and pollution in the near future. Hydrogen-powered buses and trucks would perform well on highways for long-distance travel.

When will Real Elon Musk switch sides and join #teamhydrogen? ;)

* Signing off for today. Gotta get some work done.
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?? Give up what? @nwdiver claimed $15k free hydrogen on USED Mirais., but produced no link.
Then you post a link of $15k fuel card on a NEW Mirai, that pretty much everyone knows about.

Did you read the prior posts and understand the context?
Post a link of USED Mirai selling for under $17k with $15k fuel card.

I'd say act now before it's gone... but let's be honest... there's probably no rush.

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When will Real Elon Musk switch sides and join #teamhydrogen? ;)

When you can drive a FCV >200 miles with 100kWh of Electrical grid energy. So... when the laws of physics change.
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@ohmman, please quote my message. Don't just say that I said something. It doesn't look good that you claim I said something but can't quote that message.
Who doesn't know about $15k free fuel on new hydrogen cars? It's even there on cafcp website.
were you thinkign that I am not aware of this so commonly known fact?

To get back on topic, here is some new development in China. Not sure anyone posted it earlier.
China’s ‘Elon Musk’ Sees Big Future For Hydrogen Cars | OilPrice.com

Key points:
* Only 12 stations with 1500 FC cars today
*1 mill car chargers for 2M electric cars? That's crazy 2:1 ratio!
* Shanghai opened up 1920 kg/day h2 station
* Toyota working with Foton to bring cars, vans, trucks.

When will Real Elon Musk switch sides and join #teamhydrogen? ;)
Post 3106. Since you have had trouble reading back/searching/etc, here is a second effort for you.
@ohmman, that $7500 is there ever since fed tax credit of $8k was withdrawn for FCEVs. Notign new there.
The article speaks of an additional $15000 discount for a NEW Mirai, for a brief period, and still has NO LINK.
There you go. Maybe English isn’t your primary language (Arab American News/Breitbart) and you misspoke. But you did indeed say it.
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I will back up @nwdiver on the San Francisco thing. Toyota screens people before leasing the Mirai. You have to either live or work within a reasonable distance from a filling station. So, imagine someone who lives in San Francisco and works in San Mateo. They drive past the South San Francisco filling station on their commute. When that station is working, it's fine. Not much different than filling gas. However, when that station has no fuel supply for 3 months, there's no way they're going to drive all the way down to Palo Alto for fuel. That extra distance is hellish during commute hours. I would ask Toyota for a gas loaner car because the Mirai is unusable in that situation.
That linked to a different story than I suspect you intended, though it was hysterical I Shat Myself In A Lexus Press Car

This was your intended link https://jalopnik.com/behold-the-most-mysterious-used-car-for-sale-in-americ-1837933507

Not so far from the truth... Sewage-powered hydrogen fueling station opens in CA - Roadshow

It's a very slow progress. The hydrogen tech is like in a 10 year innovation cycle. Here is their 2030 goal published recently. Target is a modest 1 million FCEVs by 2030. So, yes, it is a slow progress they have planned.

And this is what they said a decade ago... Hydrogen Vehicles Coming Soon? Two Million Could Be On Roads By 2020
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@ohmman You are just digging a deeper and deeper hole. You missed the context entirely. I reserve comments on your comprehension skills.

That is a curious advertisement.

If the car has 36,000 miles on it, and it costs about $70 to drive 300 miles...that card should have ~$7,000 left.

The owner getting free H2 from somewhere? Do not all stations take the free fuel cards?
Exactly! I will give @nwdiver credit to have even found this scam post, true to his claim.
@nwdiver was feeling all excited to have found proof that no one wants these cars in CA.

@nwdiver Did you just pick this from another H2 FUD article on some other pro-EV site? Another of the bogus posting by the author?
It looks like a scam for sure. First clue was already pointed out.
Second clue: 99% fo Mirais are leased. What is the chance some odd private owner buys it and posts a scam like ad?
Third clue: It is near Santa Monica. That doesn't have the fuel shortage.
The card also has name, and it comes in two chunks I believe. There are some doubts about teh card claim also. If ti was from a dealer, I could understand.
i looked it up on cars.com. No such listing.

I contacted the seller. but I doubt I hear anything from the scammer or author.

He has me on ignore, so he can't see it. Therefore it doesn't exist. For him.
Must have missed it among too many heckler posts, some by yourself. You gave me a good idea.
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  • Funny
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I will back up @nwdiver on the San Francisco thing. Toyota screens people before leasing the Mirai. You have to either live or work within a reasonable distance from a filling station. So, imagine someone who lives in San Francisco and works in San Mateo. They drive past the South San Francisco filling station on their commute. When that station is working, it's fine. Not much different than filling gas. However, when that station has no fuel supply for 3 months, there's no way they're going to drive all the way down to Palo Alto for fuel. That extra distance is hellish during commute hours. I would ask Toyota for a gas loaner car because the Mirai is unusable in that situation.
True. These are the 25% people most severely impacted and are the most unhappy ones.
Toyota etc. are giving them free rentals. Which also helps relieve the fuel shortage for others. HOV access can be the issue for some. Some exceptional ones are driving all the way to San Ramon from Mill Valey, Oakland etc.
But they don't have to commute exactly during the commute hours. They could go out at lunch hour, decide to have lunch at Palo Alto, for example.

Good news for that area. At least 3 new ones expected to open in San Francisco late 2019. 3 more on other side of bay.

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