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I retrofit MCU2, IC2, Tuner2, and FSD Computer into my HW2.0 Car

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Here's my story of my DIY HW2.0 retrofit for MCU2, IC2, TUNER2, and FSD Computer:

I want to begin this post by offering the most honest caveat I can: I do not encourage you to repeat anything I have done. In fact, now that Tesla is offering the MCU2 and FSD Computer retrofits officially, I highly recommend you go do that. MCU2 + FSD is wonderful. I am presenting this post to hopefully provide some guidance and entertainment to members of this great community – a place that I’ve found endlessly fun for the past several years during my Tesla ownership. I make no claims that the guidance offered below is correct or suited to your circumstances.

Towards the end of January, late one night while tinkering with my Tesla, I had a realization – I finally knew enough about the Model S/X hardware & software architecture to attempt one of the most involved retrofits I’ve ever done on a vehicle – an MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 retrofit into my HW2.0 MCU1 Model S. After a LOT of research, and with tons of help from others in this community (thank you to those that helped; you know who you are), I wanted to share my success story of retrofitting MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 to work in my car. All told – I have a fully working MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 with all the Theater, Arcade, Caraoke, FM Radio, Web Browser, Dashcam, Sentry, FSD visualizations and other goodies you would expect.

“But Tesla now offers an official MCU2/APE3 retrofit!” you say…” Why would you want to do a retrofit yourself?” Good question…there’s a couple reasons I chose to do this myself:

  • I completed the retrofit a couple months before Tesla finally came out with a public announcement that MCU2 retrofits were officially official. I’d been waiting for Tesla to follow-through on Elon’s never-ending tweets promising a retrofit was coming and finally just decided I’d do it myself.
  • Tesla charges $2,500 for the MCU2/IC2 retrofit and does not include the XM/FM Tuner2. I thought I’d try getting Tuner2 to work – which I did.
  • I found a person with a wrecked 2018 Model S who was willing to sell me the MCU2, IC2, Tuner2, and wiring harness out of the car – everything I needed from a hardware perspective for a reasonable price. All in, I saved roughly $1,000 doing this myself compared to asking Tesla to do it. Honestly though, I probably put 100+ hours into this project and went from knowing nothing to knowing a lot. I didn’t really save time/money; quite the contrary. I did this because it was a ton of fun.
  • I got the APE3 (FSD Computer) unit on loan from a friend. I did purchase FSD from Tesla and will have Tesla install my forthcoming APE3 unit whenever they actually do it.

Come along as I take you through my journey of retrofitting the MCU2/IC2/Tuner2/APE3 hardware into my HW2.0 car.

Aha I merely wanted to blame the restriction of using toolbox by Mothership. However it’s already history, for a few hours toolbox could be downloaded for free last year, discovered by @verygreen. Those lucky guys are free folks in the north. Anyway, still wondering what we can do if with toolbox in the gateway infortainment configuring.


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Long time this topic was not replied, but I hope there are still fellows reading it and keen to help :)

I am searching for buletin/manual of Tesla, describing their process of retrofit MCU2.
Similar to tons of other official Tesla buletins already published over internet.

If anyone would have such and could share, would appreciate.
Long time this topic was not replied, but I hope there are still fellows reading it and keen to help :)

I am searching for buletin/manual of Tesla, describing their process of retrofit MCU2.
Similar to tons of other official Tesla buletins already published over internet.

If anyone would have such and could share, would appreciate.
I've never see one, because the is not a recall or a service bulletin. The optional Infotainment Upgrade Package (Infotainment Upgrade) is an optional purchasable item, so I think they look up the instructions on their terminal when they are performing the install as part of the RN...

However, if someone has a screen shot it would be nice to see it.
I've never see one, because the is not a recall or a service bulletin. The optional Infotainment Upgrade Package (Infotainment Upgrade) is an optional purchasable item, so I think they look up the instructions on their terminal when they are performing the install as part of the RN...

However, if someone has a screen shot it would be nice to see it.
The recall only covers the MCU1 eMMC replacement... 8GB eMMC Recall Frequently Asked Questions
I'm sure the bulletin exists. Tesla always provides step-by-step instructions to their technicians on how to do work/upgrades on the cars.

I've never seen it though. I have seen / do have the MCU1 -> MCU1.5 upgrade procedure that includes moving some wires in the connectors to the back of the MCU and adding a backup camera cable extension. I've successfully completed this bulletin (upgraded my car to a 1.5). Haven't gotten my MCU2 to work in the car, but haven't given up yet either.
I'm sure the bulletin exists. Tesla always provides step-by-step instructions to their technicians on how to do work/upgrades on the cars.

I've never seen it though. I have seen / do have the MCU1 -> MCU1.5 upgrade procedure that includes moving some wires in the connectors to the back of the MCU and adding a backup camera cable extension. I've successfully completed this bulletin (upgraded my car to a 1.5). Haven't gotten my MCU2 to work in the car, but haven't given up yet either.
how far have you gotten? i.e. where are you currently stuck?
Can't get redeploy to proceed with MCU2 in car. Been a few months since I tried last, but as I recall, couldn't get the gateway to pull the HWIDs or something to that effect.

Pulled the LCD from my IC2 to repair leaky IC1 and waiting on new LCD from china before I try again. Maybe December.
I hoped to see biuletin how Tesla is doing entire swap to better understand their process. I would be interested on the processes they have to run (e.g. using toolbox) to backup data, to reteieve data on new MCU2 and so on.

I also works on retrofit. Have all parts (I believe) from wreck car and problems I fouds are:
1. How to run IC2 on bench? MCU2 is working fine, but IC2 is not starting.
2. Had not changed gateway, although have few ideas how it could be done. This not bother me.
3. Had no idea how to write certificates (to run e.g. Tesla apps) except jtag, which wouldl ike to avoid due to lack of experience. Wonder how Tesla is pushing certificates onto MCU. They did it on mine MCU1, once they expired. They did it on mine feiend MCU2. How?
4. Had no idea how they backup user partition and write to new MCU2 (including odometer...I heard that all data are in backup, or in BMS - not sure if this is true and how to triger restore from backup or BMS). If this would be from backup - how they initiate it. I do not think they trust last backup, as during reteofit my car could lost miles I deove since backup was done (lets assume I have to drive houndreds miles to SC)
5. Mentioned redeploy... Have not tried, but on bench it starting...so I hope it want be a problem
Can't get redeploy to proceed with MCU2 in car. Been a few months since I tried last, but as I recall, couldn't get the gateway to pull the HWIDs or something to that effect.

Pulled the LCD from my IC2 to repair leaky IC1 and waiting on new LCD from china before I try again. Maybe December.
What is your IP when connecting to MCU? I was having issues until I changed my IP address...it was magical when it actually worked.

Did you transfer all the required info to the GW from your MCU1?
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Long time this topic was not replied, but I hope there are still fellows reading it and keen to help :)

I am searching for buletin/manual of Tesla, describing their process of retrofit MCU2.
Similar to tons of other official Tesla buletins already published over internet.

If anyone would have such and could share, would appreciate.
@KyleDay wrote a guide on how to do this yourself; though it’s not for the faint of heart. He’s also a cool guy and will answer some questions in my experience :)
Had no idea how they backup user partition and write to new MCU2
There is a script on the car designed for this purpose

I have root access to the MCU2. I don't have any trouble connecting to it.

I may not have the gateway sorted.
Perhaps your gateway config does not match the modules it is trying to deploy to. I’d advise checking your gtw config and attempting to update the gtw (unless it’s critical to your root)
There is a script on the car designed for this purpose
This is what I also heard.
Still however not clear how it works. I belive this is one of the odin process, which backup all my personal data to cloud like garage or to bms or to usb. Running it (I believe require tbx with special priviliges) is alternative to what @KyleDay wrote in his manual, which btw is very helpful and I (and believe many others) are grateful.
This is what I also heard.
Still however not clear how it works. I belive this is one of the odin process, which backup all my personal data to cloud like garage or to bms or to usb. Running it (I believe require tbx with special priviliges) is alternative to what @KyleDay wrote in his manual, which btw is very helpful and I (and believe many others) are grateful.
If you’re doing it yourself, it just gives you a list of files to transfer over. It doesn’t actually do the work unless you’re Tesla.