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Israel/Hamas conflict

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I know there is a media narrative that kids are being taught this or that terrible thing in school, but while there have been a few examples to support the claims, most of the time kids get nothing. Most Millennials and Gen Z got very little education on the Holocaust in school and they got little in school.

What they do know about the Holocaust was often crafted by outside forces who told them a narrative they wanted to infuse into the population. Russia especially wants to sow maximum conflict in western countries. They have been doing it since the middle of last decade.

As recently as 10 or 15 years ago the vast majority of Americans didn't really care one way or the other about whether someone was Jewish or not. I had a friend who I have lost track of now who was married to an Israeli immigrant for a while. They lived in Dallas, Texas and found even there in the South that if people had any reaction to his being Israeli, it was just curiosity.

He told one anecdote about when his parents visited. They went out to eat and the waitress noticed the accent and asked where they were from. His parents went stiff, but when the waitress was told by my friend that they were from Israel, the only response was "that's cool" and she moved on to the next table. They were shocked she didn't really care they were from Israel.

In any movement there are the hard core believers and then there are people who have much softer feelings about the cause, but are going along with it because the herd seems to be moving in that direction. Bad actors like the social media manipulators from Russia play on this herd instinct to convince people the herd is moving in the direction they want, and it tends to happen.

Change the herd narrative and only the hard core believers will be left. That was the situation about antisemitism 15 years ago.

Most Palestinians live in the West Bank or Gaza which are communities that are much poorer than the rest of Israel. These communities are controlled by Israel, though they also have local Palestinian governments. The voice of these people in the Israeli government is limited.

For a Palestinian to leave one of these areas and enter Israel proper they need to endure long lines at check points and go through extensive security. Many of these people have low paying jobs in Israel and have to enure the time suck and humiliation every day just to earn a living.

Black people in South Africa who lived through Apartheid would probably recognize a lot of these things. The white SA government was straight up racist and were keeping the black South Africans as real, legal second class citizens. The Israelis are doing this because the Palestinian population has bred a large number of terrorists and they are trying to prevent the next terrorist attack.

As I said the reasons are different, but on the surface there are a lot of similarities.

No need to be snarky. I was not giving anyone permission to do anything. People are going to do what they are going to do.

I don't see anything about race wars on the left. There are people on the far right who want race wars.

I thought the US actions post 9/11 were incredibly stupid and said so at the time. The US should have pulled the plug on Afghanistan a long time before it did. By the time Osama bin Laden was killed, al Qaeda was badly weakened, even if the US hadn't killed bin Laden the organization probably would have continued to weaken.

The school district my son is at has hired a leftist organization to make anti-Israel curriculum. The board and staff told us to eat *sugar* and die when we protested. The community did jack to support us. I'm not some moron reading newsmax and stroking his guns. You need to stop believing everything you're told to believe in the NYT.

15 years ago, there were plenty of hate crimes against Jews in America. Today, there are more. Your anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal evidence. You want some anecdotes back at you? I got plenty. Go look at the FBI statistics. Per capita, Jews get hate crimes worse than the blacks. Your understanding of reality is inaccurate.

Israelis of Arab descent have full rights and don't go through checkpoints. There's racism? Sure. Of course. Where isn't there racism? Better than some places and worse than others But these people have the right to vote, etc. I wonder why people like you are so focused on Israel. Oh, wait. No, I don't wonder that.

If you don't want snark, don't speak with such blatantly offensive ignorance mixed with certainty. You're not close enough.

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is a direct call for a race war. The Chinese dictatorship government is carrying out a race war against the Uighyars. They're a communist party, so I guess that qualifies as left too.

Al Quaeda was supplanted by ISIS. The fact that AQ weakened didn't really matter. AQ, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis are all the same where it counts. These are all factions in the same religious war. They all want to establish a caliphate and take over the world, no matter ho much blood is spilled, and preferably all Jewish blood. You're a target almost as much as I am.

Some of the Al-Shifa hospital staff are surely complicit with Hamas, but a large percentage are terrified by them. Hamas terrorizes the Gazan people as well as Israelis.

Let's not make this a left/right political morass. Times like these call for a unified front.
This is a problem of the far left and the far right... and the not so far left and far right.

To quote rick and Morty:
That's... everywhere.
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15 years ago, there were plenty of hate crimes against Jews in America. Today, there are more. Your anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal evidence. You want some anecdotes back at you? I got plenty. Go look at the FBI statistics. Per capita, Jews get hate crimes worse than the blacks. Your understanding of reality is inaccurate.
Anti-Semitism is at an all time in the US and has always been much higher than virtually all other hate crimes according to FBI statistics,

Yet within just a few weeks after the biggest pogrom against Jews since the Holocaust and days after the appalling pro-genocide marches in major Western Cities and Universities - our President and VP are posting this?

Anti-Semitism is at an all time in the US and has always been much higher than virtually all other hate crimes according to FBI statistics,

Yet within just a few weeks after the biggest pogrom against Jews since the Holocaust and days after the appalling pro-genocide marches in major Western Cities and Universities - our President and VP are posting this?

You'll have to do a screenshot or something, because I do not and will never again have a twitter account.
You'll have to do a screenshot or something, because I do not and will never again have a twitter account.
That's a shame. I think the platform has been indispensable in debunking Hamas propaganda in real time.

It has also been indispensable in holding people accountable for some of their outrageous claims against Jews and Israel.

That's a shame. I think the platform has been indispensable in debunking Hamas propaganda in real time.

It has also been indispensable in holding people accountable for some of their outrageous claims against Jews and Israel.

View attachment 992357
I have zero problem with this. I am not Islamophobic. I want Muslims in America to feel as safe as I want to feel. There is plenty of hate against them, though it's far more from the right. It's the extremists of all stripes that I fear, including the atheists.
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For anyone who isn't familiar with the "Son of Hamas", aka The green prince, I highly recommend his many interviews on YouTube. He grew up the son of a Hamas leader, spent time in an Israeli jail, became an Israeli informant, and now lives in the US. He has unique insight into this whole situation.

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I have zero problem with this. I am not Islamophobic. I want Muslims in America to feel as safe as I want to feel.

Sure - but the data clearly suggests that there is not an "Islamophobia" problem in the US.

Yet the President and VP are out there touting a "National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia" just a few days after 10/7 and worldwide anti-Semitic marches calling for genocide and "gas the Jews"?

Are these people running the Biden administration this extremely tone deaf or just absolutely ignorant of the data? Or is it something worse?
Sure - but the data clearly suggests that there is not an "Islamophobia" problem in the US.

Yet the President and VP are out there touting a "National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia" just a few days after 10/7 and worldwide anti-Semitic marches calling for genocide and "gas the Jews"?

Are these people running the Biden administration this extremely tone deaf or just absolutely ignorant of the data? Or is it something worse?
Here's a poll to consider:

The term "hate" is generally reserved for extremists and fortunately these hate groups are a tiny segment of the US population. On the other hand, it is interesting to me as to how people perceive certain religions and/or their members. It's a tricky question to phrase correctly, but it probably doesn't undermine the overall credibility of the poll.
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Sure - but the data clearly suggests that there is not an "Islamophobia" problem in the US.

Yet the President and VP are out there touting a "National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia" just a few days after 10/7 and worldwide anti-Semitic marches calling for genocide and "gas the Jews"?

Are these people running the Biden administration this extremely tone deaf or just absolutely ignorant of the data? Or is it something worse?
There are hate crimes against Muslims. Any number of hate crimes is a problem. I believe that the Biden administration is trying to run a narrow path between pleasing Muslims who hate Jews and Israel and being supportive of Israel. That's an impossible path to stay on, so perhaps they're being a bit stupid, but I see what they're up to. I don't blame all Muslims for hatred by some Muslims. I haven't seen the polls, but I'm betting there's a lot of support from American Muslims for Hamas. Doesn't mean I want hate crimes against American Muslims.
Here's a poll to consider:

The term "hate" is generally reserved for extremists and fortunately these hate groups are a tiny segment of the US population. On the other hand, it is interesting to me as to how people perceive certain religions and/or their members. It's a tricky question to phrase correctly, but it probably doesn't undermine the overall credibility of the poll.
One can have a favorable view of a group and still feel hate. I've met people who speak positively of Jews wanting to be educated and so on then negatively of how greedy Jews are. This poll is useless because it doesn't capture how people really are.
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Here's a poll to consider:

The term "hate" is generally reserved for extremists and fortunately these hate groups are a tiny segment of the US population. On the other hand, it is interesting to me as to how people perceive certain religions and/or their members. It's a tricky question to phrase correctly, but it probably doesn't undermine the overall credibility of the poll.
The problem with those kind of polls...is that the people who wish to see Jews harmed or planing to do it, don’t really respond to pollsters
The school district my son is at has hired a leftist organization to make anti-Israel curriculum. The board and staff told us to eat *sugar* and die when we protested. The community did jack to support us. I'm not some moron reading newsmax and stroking his guns. You need to stop believing everything you're told to believe in the NYT.

In the last year the only time I've looked at anything put out by the NYT has been either looking up some election results (they do have good election coverage if you just want the raw data) and a few links posted in threads here on this forum. Otherwise I never read anything there.

I assume you're talking about this
Castro Valley schools approve 'liberated' ethnic studies curriculum – J.

It looks like they took a well intended curriculum directive from the state and ran to an extremist end. Unfortunately I have seen that sort of thing happen in the Bay Area a number of times. My sister is not on board with the current state of the Republican party but is vehemently anti-Democrats because of some of the extreme leftist positions the Bay Area Democrats take and their heavy influence on Sacramento politics. She votes straight line Republican because ot it. I haven't manage to get it through to her that other blue states have a different type of Democrat.

15 years ago, there were plenty of hate crimes against Jews in America. Today, there are more. Your anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal evidence. You want some anecdotes back at you? I got plenty. Go look at the FBI statistics. Per capita, Jews get hate crimes worse than the blacks. Your understanding of reality is inaccurate.

I did some exploration of the statistics. Finding comprehensive statistics in one place is not easy.

This site has a history of hate crimes against Jewish and Islamic people by year
Statistics on Religious Hate Crimes

This has numbers against all groups in a given year, but you have to keep changing the year to build up numbers for all groups like the site above

The total incidents against black people are around 3X those against Jewish people, but if you are going per-capita there are more incidents against Jewish people. Blacks make up about 13.6% of the US population, Jewish people 2.4%. Out gay men are only 1.8%, but have numbers almost as high as anti-Jewish incidents. So per-capita incidents against gay men are more common.

You are correct that incidents against Jewish people have stayed relatively steady over time. But usually only the hard core haters commit violence and I did say the hard core have always been there and haven't changed. The amount of hate speech online and in person has increased. I've seen it anecdotally and many news sources have reported on it, but there is probably some organization tracking it. The hard core are contributing, but the increase is from the softer support for these positions.

The increase in hate isn't just Jewish people. Hate talk has increased against a lot of groups. The soft support seems to follow whatever trends are in the news. When the previous president was ranting about Hispanic immigration, my partner, who is Mexican, got attacked online frequently. Now that immigration is out of the mainstream news and replaced with other issues, she gets attacked a lot less.

Hate talk against both the Jewish community and the Arab/Muslim community are up because of this war. Though the anti-Jewish talk is getting more attention and is probably more widespread.

Israelis of Arab descent have full rights and don't go through checkpoints. There's racism? Sure. Of course. Where isn't there racism? Better than some places and worse than others But these people have the right to vote, etc. I wonder why people like you are so focused on Israel. Oh, wait. No, I don't wonder that.

You are misinterpreting what I said. I know a lot of information has flown by in this thread, but I have talked about Arab and Muslims who are Israeli citizens being treated equally as Jewish Israelis. And I said on the surface the Palestinians are treated like black people in South Africa were under Apartheid. I also said the reasons for the treatment are different than they were in South Africa.

The point is that most people don't understand subtlety in why things happen. And the types of people jumping on the pro-Palestinian band wagon are the same who jumped on the anti-Apartheid bandwagon in the 80s. I agreed with the anti-Apartheid movement in the 80s, Apartheid was straight up racism created by a tiny minority trying to hold onto power.

I have never agreed with the pro-Palestinian people because the reasons for the treatment are different. I don't like the way that Palestinians are treated, but the core reason is not racism, it's Israel trying to protect itself from terrorists and the Palestinians are where the terrorists are coming from and where they are hiding.

Israel has been a bit harsh in their security measures and the Palestinians are living in deep poverty in a corner of the land their families used to inhabit. They were never a prosperous population. That region is not high on natural resources, but their poverty is in sharp contrast with what the Israelis have done with the same land thanks to outside investment and 1st world immigrants moving in.

I have said in this thread, I think both sides have done things wrong and I don't support either side's political group. I personally have no issue with either ethnic group. A two state solution is the best answer, but convincing enough people on both sides to go with that is difficult. All it takes is a few people willing to do something big to disrupt progress towards a 2 state solution. That's what Hamas has done every time steps have been taken in that direction.

What Hamas did to start this conflict was horrific. I knew Israel has to respond, and they should have, but I also knew that Israel's response was going to stir up resentment against Israel because:
1) Israel is a first world army against a rag tag insurgency army
2) Hamas ensures maximum civilian casualties because they position all their assets within the civilian population
3) Israel was going to use their first world weapons to bomb Hamas targets which was going to cause guaranteed civilian casualties
4) The optics are bad Israel taking about 1100 dead and inflicting 11,000 Palestinian dead
5) Every Palestinian killed recruits several more people into Hamas

I'm not coming at this from a pro-Palestinian point of view. I have tried to remain objective throughout this war. Israel was going to cause a lot more Palestinian casualties than they suffered themselves because of the nature of Hamas' defense. But it doesn't play well within the greater world where there are a lot of Palestinian sympathizers.

The Palestinian sympathy movement has been cultivated by the PR wing of the Palestinian organizations, and they do have some points. People in power in Israel have been sabotaging the two state movement for years. Hamas set things up to make Israel look as bad as possible on the world stage.

In military parlance, there is something an army can do called a shaping operation. Ukraine has been doing them on Russia for over a year. In a shaping operation one side (usually the weaker side) makes particular moves that cause a reaction from the enemy. Each move nudges the enemy a little bit so they are faced with ever increasingly bad choices. A shaping operation's ultimate goal is to put the enemy into a position where all choices are bad ones.

Hamas has done that with Israel here. No matter how Israel chose to respond to the attack by Hamas, they were going to be in a worse position. Israel has become a pariah among many in the west because Hamas engineered it.

If you don't want snark, don't speak with such blatantly offensive ignorance mixed with certainty. You're not close enough.

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is a direct call for a race war. The Chinese dictatorship government is carrying out a race war against the Uighyars. They're a communist party, so I guess that qualifies as left too.

Communism is supposed to be a leftist movement, but wherever communism took power it ruled conservatively. Palestine is a cause celeb for a lot of liberals in the west, but the Islamic terrorist groups are all quite conservative in nature.

Al Quaeda was supplanted by ISIS. The fact that AQ weakened didn't really matter. AQ, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis are all the same where it counts. These are all factions in the same religious war. They all want to establish a caliphate and take over the world, no matter ho much blood is spilled, and preferably all Jewish blood. You're a target almost as much as I am.

Al Qaeda was Osama bin Laden's organization. That organization was weakened by the time he was taken out to a point where it was not significant. The other organizations were run by other people. bin Laden was essentially a retiree at that point with him and his organization mostly put out to pasture. Other leaders were running the other organizations at that point and were much more dangerous.

Killing bin Laden was akin to catching another SS death camp guard who escaped and lived a different life after the war. It's bringing some form of justice, but the perp is not and has not been a serious threat by the time they were caught.

This is a problem of the far left and the far right... and the not so far left and far right.

To quote rick and Morty:
That's... everywhere.

I have said for years that the far left and far right end up meeting on the backside when they get extreme enough. Technically the USSR was liberal and Nazi Germany was conservative, but the way Stalin and Hitler behaved was not much different.

A healthy political system is one where the bulk of the participants are around the center. Sometimes good ideas come out of the extremes and they change society in healthy ways as they move towards the center. Allowing women to vote, decriminalizing homosexuality, breaking down forms of official racism, etc. Most of these movements started as far left movements. In a healthy democracy the right serves as a brake tap to slow down progressive movements from going too far or too fast.

Sure - but the data clearly suggests that there is not an "Islamophobia" problem in the US.

Yet the President and VP are out there touting a "National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia" just a few days after 10/7 and worldwide anti-Semitic marches calling for genocide and "gas the Jews"?

Are these people running the Biden administration this extremely tone deaf or just absolutely ignorant of the data? Or is it something worse?

Anti-Muslim violence in the US is less common than anti-Jewish violence, but Muslims are also about 1/2 the population of Jewish people in the US.

This war in Israel is a no win situation for Israel, but it's also a no win situation for Biden. A lot of younger Democrats are pro-Palestine while a lot of older Democrats are pro-Israel. And while being sympathetic to the humanitarian cause in Palestine is good, there is also a terrorist organization tied to them. Supporting Palestine too much leads to supporting terrorists which the US does not want to do.

And it doesn't help that the government running Israel right now are a bunch of reprehensible people.

There are hate crimes against Muslims. Any number of hate crimes is a problem. I believe that the Biden administration is trying to run a narrow path between pleasing Muslims who hate Jews and Israel and being supportive of Israel. That's an impossible path to stay on, so perhaps they're being a bit stupid, but I see what they're up to. I don't blame all Muslims for hatred by some Muslims. I haven't seen the polls, but I'm betting there's a lot of support from American Muslims for Hamas. Doesn't mean I want hate crimes against American Muslims.

One can have a favorable view of a group and still feel hate. I've met people who speak positively of Jews wanting to be educated and so on then negatively of how greedy Jews are. This poll is useless because it doesn't capture how people really are.

Biden has to walk a tightrope here. He has been active in supporting the Palestinian people while condemning Hamas. In the $106 billion he requested for foreign aid he asked for $10 billion to help displaced people around the world, including Palestinians who have become refugees because of this war. That's the proper thing to be doing.

The problem with those kind of polls...is that the people who wish to see Jews harmed or planing to do it, don’t really respond to pollsters

The actual people who act out and perform hate crimes is always a tiny minority. There are about 8 million people of Jewish descent in the US, about 45 million people of African descent, about 4.3 million Muslim Americans (including people who are Muslim but no Arab), only about 2.1 million Arab Americans, and about 6 million out gay men. The recorded acts of violence against all these groups is well below 10,000 incidents a year. The highest is against blacks and it runs around 3000 a year. In an ideal world it would be 0, but we don't live in that world.

The actual acts of violence are out on the fringe, but because they are easily recordable, they make the statistics. What flies under the radar of the statistics are things like the antisemitism going on Twitter/X right now which are more difficult to record.

After 9/11 incidents of anti-Muslim/anti-Arab hate skyrocketed, but the actual physical assaults on Muslims did not go up by much. Same thing with Asians during the pandemic. Incidents of physical violence went up, but not anywhere near as much as anti-Asian rhetoric online and in person.

The war in Israel is a very deeply divisive subject with people on both sides getting worked up. Both anti-Mulsim/anti-Arab sentiment and anti-Jewish sentiment are up in discussions online and elsewhere. Technically anti-Arab and anti-Jewish sentiment are both antisemitism since both people are considered Semitic, but the term is usually only reserved for anti-Jewish attitudes.
Killing bin Laden was akin to catching another SS death camp guard who escaped and lived a different life after the war. It's bringing some form of justice, but the perp is not and has not been a serious threat by the time they were caught.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Bin Laden was in hibernation. Who knows when or if he might have resurfaced for a final hurrah. His "Letter to America" has just recently become a TikTok sensation among certain ignorant youth.
And it doesn't help that the government running Israel right now are a bunch of reprehensible people.
Reprehensible is a pretty strong word and not helpful in terms of this conflict IMHO.

Calling Netanyahu "reprehensible" is like all the throat clearing I hear from my friends on the Right who go on about Zelensky being a corrupt thug etc. Zelensky and the Ukrainian government are far from perfect, but they are light years better and less culpable than Russia in the current conflict......just as I see Netanyahu and the Israeli government compared to Hamas and their supporters in Iran and Russia.
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All hate crimes are appalling. The most appalling hate crime in the US since 10-7 that I'm aware of was the stabbing death of a 6 year old Muslim boy (and wounding of his mother) by a deranged landlord in Illinois. Any anti-hate messaging is a-ok with me.
I fully agree with this statement. I'm sure there have been more appalling crimes, though. Americans are good at that stuff. Just not necessarily hate crimes.
what have we done?!
China. Cambodia. Soviets. The atheists are stone cold killers.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Bin Laden was in hibernation. Who knows when or if he might have resurfaced for a final hurrah. His "Letter to America" has just recently become a TikTok sensation among certain ignorant youth.
The problem with OBL's death is that he didn't suffer more in the process.
Reprehensible is a pretty strong word and not helpful in terms of this conflict IMHO.

Calling Netanyahu "reprehensible" is like all the throat clearing I hear from my friends on the Right who go on about Zelensky being a corrupt thug etc. Zelensky and the Ukrainian government are far from perfect, but they are light years better and less culpable than Russia in the current conflict......just as I see Netanyahu and the Israeli government compared to Hamas and their supporters in Iran and Russia.
Netanyahu may be a pile of crap, but that's beside the point. The issue is not with criticizing him. I've been doing that for years. The issue is with criticizing him as a way of attacking Israel and the Jews while bolstering Hamas. Context is everything, and context is out of the intellectual reach of most people. Even for smart people, PhDs and the like, context is hard if not impossible to grasp. I haven't put wdolson on ignore yet, but it's pretty clear who he stands with.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Bin Laden was in hibernation. Who knows when or if he might have resurfaced for a final hurrah. His "Letter to America" has just recently become a TikTok sensation among certain ignorant youth.

Possible, but bin Laden would have probably died of natural causes by this point. There were rumors about his health. Though the rumors about having kidney disease were not true. He would be 66 today.

Reprehensible is a pretty strong word and not helpful in terms of this conflict IMHO.

Calling Netanyahu "reprehensible" is like all the throat clearing I hear from my friends on the Right who go on about Zelensky being a corrupt thug etc. Zelensky and the Ukrainian government are far from perfect, but they are light years better and less culpable than Russia in the current conflict......just as I see Netanyahu and the Israeli government compared to Hamas and their supporters in Iran and Russia.

The stories people have ginned up about Zelensky are mostly fiction. He campaigned on rooting out the corruption in Ukraine and at it has been slower than most people wanted, but he has been doing it. He had a long way to go and still does.

Netanyahu was under indictment for crimes and he made another bid for PM to delay the trial. Then as soon as he got back into power he went about tearing the judiciary apart to make it more difficult to convict him. He has filled his cabinet with people who are also corrupt and are working to break Israel's democracy.

Netanyahu is not good for Israel.

I fully agree with this statement. I'm sure there have been more appalling crimes, though. Americans are good at that stuff. Just not necessarily hate crimes.

China. Cambodia. Soviets. The atheists are stone cold killers.

Those are atheist governments who are/were invested in everyone marching to their tune. Those governments were more than just atheist.

Individuals who profess to be atheist are primarily quite peaceful. Atheists have committed hate crimes, but they are very rare. It's much more common for people who commit hate crimes to belong to a religious group and use that as an excuse for their crimes.

The problem with OBL's death is that he didn't suffer more in the process.

Netanyahu may be a pile of crap, but that's beside the point. The issue is not with criticizing him. I've been doing that for years. The issue is with criticizing him as a way of attacking Israel and the Jews while bolstering Hamas. Context is everything, and context is out of the intellectual reach of most people. Even for smart people, PhDs and the like, context is hard if not impossible to grasp. I haven't put wdolson on ignore yet, but it's pretty clear who he stands with.

You hold it against me that I'm on team none?