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Israel/Hamas conflict

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You hold it against me that I'm on team none?
Absolutely 100% I hold your so-called "team none" status against you. Hamas went into Israel then purposefully and brutally murdered over 1200 people, including putting babies in ovens, taking hostages, torturing, and raping, all to incite a war that would purposefully drag massive destruction onto the Palestinian people. The fact that look on and say, "I'm not taking a side"? Don't get me wrong. There are levels of reprehensibility. You're not Hamas doing the crime. You're not Black Lives Matter Chicago posting a solidarity picture of a Palestinian paraglider. You are, however, apparently OK with all this happening. In fact, you even give them some middling support. You say you don't take a side, but your stance is clear, and it's reprehensible.
You hold it against me that I'm on team none?
That's what it's like when you try to be reasonable when discussing things with a partisan.
don't speak with such blatantly offensive ignorance mixed with certainty
You should try taking your own advice, but I suspect you are incapable of that.
Atheists aren't any more peaceful or virtuous than anyone else. They're just less prevalent.
Atheists don't kill people because their religion is wrong. That turns out to be the cause of most wars, so, yeah, that makes us more peaceful.
I'm not sure how this devolved into whose religion or lack of religion is better, but let's not be children here.

We have entered the age of laser defense systems. Somewhere (or nowhere), Ronald Reagan is smiling.

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China. Cambodia. Soviets. The atheists are stone cold killers.

The conflicts over the years there though were for reasons other than their atheism.

Most wars, including the current Gaza/Israel one are rooted in religion. Take religion out of the equation, especially the fundamentalists, and things would likely be better.

Atheists aren't any more peaceful or virtuous than anyone else.

True. Most disputes are power grabs and/or territorial. and despite the words written in most religious texts, religious people are in no way nicer than atheists either.

However there is a major difference, in that often religion is very often used as a basis to rally popular support for a given war or against a specific opponent. That is absent with Atheists. Its harder to get public support for a conflict when you can't claim your god is demanding it, or that another group is challenging your belief.

The conflation of Religion and politics is a dangerous one, whereas Atheism and politics is most probably a net positive.

Don't get me wrong here, I support Israel's right to defend itself, and Hamas deserves what it gets. It's the religious bit I can't stand, and that, ultimately, has led to us to being here in the first place.
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Pretty good piece on the absolute "denialism" of some in our Media.

Al-Shifa Hospital and the pathological distrust of Israel​

The proof of Hamas’s criminal misuse of al-Shifa as a base for torture, murder and warmongering is abundant. Palestinian dissidents have pointed to it. Amnesty has documented the Room 101-style horrors committed by Hamas’s ‘Internal Security officers’ there. Israel has shown us weapons, trucks, tunnels, hostages. Anyone still saying ‘Hmm’ following almost two decades’ worth of proof that Hamas exploits al-Shifa has clearly left the realm of reason and entered the hell of dogma. This is not scepticism, it’s denialism. It is not a noble hunt for ‘the truth’ of war – it’s the sickness of post-truth thinking, where nothing as trifling as evidence can ever be allowed to interfere with one’s ideological bias. Which in this case is that Israel is evil and always lies.

It isn’t hard to work out why so many in the woke elites, from CNN to the influencer left, are clinging for dear life to the lie that al-Shifa was a normal hospital. It’s because they have staked so much on this battle in the Israel-Hamas war. Israel’s conquering of al-Shifa is, in their eyes, the ‘war crime’ that proves beyond doubt that Israel is uniquely malevolent among the nations of Earth, and that they, in contrast, are righteous for opposing it. Every piece of evidence that points to the true war crime being Hamas’s, this fascistic movement that is even willing to hide lethal weaponry among the sick and the newborn and elderly, is a blow not just to their infantile narrative about Israel-Palestine, but also to their own moral prestige, their own cultural authority to determine what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. They experience Israel’s assault on Hamas’s base at al-Shifa as an assault on their own reputations – and they are right to.

Scepticism? Please. In instantly disbelieving everything Israel says, these people implicitly buy everything Hamas says. Their Israelophobia translates into a tangible, objective acceptance of Hamas’s own lies about Hamas’s own horrors. The woke love to call themselves anti-fascists, but it’s a strange anti-fascist that gives moral succour to fascists.
Pretty good piece on the absolute "denialism" of some in our Media.

Al-Shifa Hospital and the pathological distrust of Israel​

So true......the BBC has become the voice of Hamas.....and are positively reveling in the baby angle at the expense of a truth it doesn’t want to investigate because it doesn’t want to know
Supposedly a tentative deal has been reached to release some or all of the women and children hostages. Still needs Israeli approval. If the terms are remotely like what I've been hearing, Netanyahu would be a fool to reject the deal.

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Supposedly a tentative deal has been reached to release some or all of the women and children hostages. Still needs Israeli approval. If the terms are remotely like what I've been hearing, Netanyahu would be a fool to reject the deal.

We criticize our leaders no matter what decision they make....but the Prime Minister has to balance his decision with what a re-energized Hamas is capable of
Pretty good piece on the absolute "denialism" of some in our Media.

Al-Shifa Hospital and the pathological distrust of Israel​

FWIW, per Spiked Magazine - Bias and Credibility


Also, building on @SmokyPeat "I'm not sure how this devolved into whose religion or lack of religion is better, but let's not be children here."

Please let's try to be balanced in this discussion. Because some posters understand the complex causes (and misinformation) around Palestinian suffering doesn't mean they condone or agree with Hamas or its history of terrorist acts. Because some posters understand how extremists in Israel have exacerbated that suffering doesn't mean they don't support Israel's need to defend itself. Remember that many Israelis were demonstrating against extremists, and many American Jews were supporting the anti-extremist point of view as well.


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The conflicts over the years there though were for reasons other than their atheism.

Most wars, including the current Gaza/Israel one are rooted in religion. Take religion out of the equation, especially the fundamentalists, and things would likely be better.
Southpark had an episode on this. One of their rare spot on episodes. Doesn't matter, though. You're not going to remove religion from this conflict. It's as integral as the battery to a Tesla. Beyond religious beliefs, you have the entrenched honor/shame culture of one side, which I have mentioned before.
In America, you do not get to kidnap a child, and have all charges dropped if you give it back.
You do not get to murder someone, and have punishment suspended because you got caught.
The fact that Israelis love their own more than they hate the terrorists...
Lulz. Do you also check Fakespot?
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Raz Segal - an Israeli associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University in the US, gives a rather dry, legalistic (international law), and academic analysis of the situation in Israel/Gaza. Summary: Israel is engaged in genocide.
An Academic (even an Israeli?) accusing Israel of genocide? I never!

What is the legalistic and academic analysis that explains how virtually every non-Muslim religious minority has been booted out the "Muslim/Arab World" in the last 50 years out of fear of repression, imprisonment or even death? Ancient Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Yezidi and Baha'i communities completely wiped out since the founding of the UN, but nary a single UN condemnation let alone charges of ethnic cleansing or genocide.
1200 Israeli citizens were brutally murdered. Trust me, no charges will be dropped. Israeli security forces will hunt Hamas to the far corners of the globe. However long it takes.
9/11 didn't happen during his term, but Obama made sure Bin Laden got justice.
An Academic (even an Israeli?) accusing Israel of genocide? I never!

What is the legalistic and academic analysis that explains how virtually every non-Muslim religious minority has been booted out the "Muslim/Arab World" in the last 50 years out of fear of repression, imprisonment or even death? Ancient Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Yezidi and Baha'i communities completely wiped out since the founding of the UN, but nary a single UN condemnation let alone charges of ethnic cleansing or genocide.

It doesn't need deep analysis. You need 2/3 of the votes and unanimity in the Security Council. So anything that ever passes is pretty meaningless.
FWIW, per Spiked Magazine - Bias and Credibility

View attachment 992686

Also, building on @SmokyPeat "I'm not sure how this devolved into whose religion or lack of religion is better, but let's not be children here."

Please let's try to be balanced in this discussion. Because some posters understand the complex causes (and misinformation) around Palestinian suffering doesn't mean they condone or agree with Hamas or its history of terrorist acts. Because some posters understand how extremists in Israel have exacerbated that suffering doesn't mean they don't support Israel's need to defend itself. Remember that many Israelis were demonstrating against extremists, and many American Jews were supporting the anti-extremist point of view as well.

Israel did exactly what Hamas wanted them to do and now they are being condemned by the world for it. Hamas had shaped things to such an extent that Israel was screwed one way or another no matter which course they chose to take. Hamas knows Netanyahu well and figured he was most likely to take one of the most aggressive courses of action and they had their PR primed and ready to go in the west.

An Academic (even an Israeli?) accusing Israel of genocide? I never!

What is the legalistic and academic analysis that explains how virtually every non-Muslim religious minority has been booted out the "Muslim/Arab World" in the last 50 years out of fear of repression, imprisonment or even death? Ancient Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Yezidi and Baha'i communities completely wiped out since the founding of the UN, but nary a single UN condemnation let alone charges of ethnic cleansing or genocide.

Timothy Snyder has talked about genocide and what it is quite a bit. He came up with a list of markers:
1) Denying the statehood of the people a colonizer wants to control
2) Declaring that a historic people or nation is neither
3) Denying the humanity of others
4) Refusing to admit that one has previously committed genocide against a certain population
5) Propagating “replacement” theories claiming that “others are taking our space so we’re going to take it back”
6) Overloading the world’s conceptual circuitry by committing so many acts of cruelty that those not directly affected, stunned, ask whether what’s going on is really “genocide

The list is in this article, but he's talked about it in many places
Genocide in Ukraine? | George Weigel

From lectures I've seen he has stated that not all of these have to be there, but the more that are, the more clear the actions are genocide. I have seen him talk about this list in the context of the Ukraine war and Russia pretty much ticks every box.

The Middle East situation gets more murky. Israel has denied statehood to the Palestinians (#1). Quite a few Israelis, and not just the far right will talk about Arabs being animals(#3). And Israel may be a bit guilty of #4 and #6.

The Palestinians aren't in a dominant role so they can't actively deny statehood to the Israelis, but at least Hamas would like to. #2 is tricky because both sides have a historical claim to the territory that is Israel today. The Israelis were moved out of the territory almost 2000 years ago, but it's the world's oldest historic claim to land. But the Palestinians were there much more recently. The Palestinians definitely are guilty of #3 and #4, #5, and #6 are also in play.

There is, to some degree, an attempt at mutual genocide going on. Palestine ticks more boxes, though they are the underdog power in this situation, which is unusual for genocide. Pretty much unique.

The whole situation is just locked in a loop. There are no permanent solutions that both sides are going to agree to. If an agreement looks close, there are enough people who can't accept compromise on both sides who will blow up any tentative deals. It looked like Israel was going to make peace with Saudi Arabia just before Hamas attacked. The October 7 attack probably had, as one of its goals, blowing up any deal with the Saudis.

Israel will probably root out most of Hamas' current leadership and destroy a lot of Hamas assets this round. But Gaza is going to be left with severe scars and no money to fix them and a lot of civilians in Gaza will be killed and even more displaced. Joe Biden has asked for money to help the refugees and he will probably ask for money to help rebuild Gaza after the fighting stops, but the House of Representatives is so dysfunctional right now the US is going to be lucky if it can keep the government funded until the 2024 election. Extras for foreign aid might happen, but, unfortunately, humanitarian aid to Gaza is going to be lower on the priority list.

Then if aid is allocated, or charities come up with money, watchdogs need to ensure the money doesn't get stolen and end up rearming Hamas.

The destruction of Gaza that comes out of this war is an ideal recruiting tool for Hamas. This generation of Hamas fighters will likely be killed, but the next generation are being recruited right now. I don't see much changing after the shooting stops.
Raz Segal - an Israeli associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University in the US, gives a rather dry, legalistic (international law), and academic analysis of the situation in Israel/Gaza. Summary: Israel is engaged in genocide.

Yeah, bettSSla. We get what you're doing. The Nazis also found some Jews willing to throw their coreligionists into the oven.
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