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Maybe. Elon has hinted that the CT is really expensive to make with the Stainless.
What he did say a long time ago was’’ if it flops we can build something else’’.

I say we are at that point now.

I mean they had what 6-7 years of design time at least, from the ground up and yet it’s not as good as the Ford or Rivian and more competition is on the way. Elon got smoked on every important issue. Look at Fords frunk as an example.
The disappointment for me today is it doesn’t seem EV tech has advanced in 4+ years, but vehicles continue to become more expensive. (If they could make a 500 mile truck, the 500 mile car should be easily achievable). IMO Tesla needed to hit their originally advertised range OR price to be successful and they did neither. My hope is that the price will drop after the initial hype subsides.
The disappointment for me today is it doesn’t seem EV tech has advanced in 4+ years, but vehicles continue to become more expensive. (If they could make a 500 mile truck, the 500 mile car should be easily achievable). IMO Tesla needed to hit their originally advertised range OR price to be successful and they did neither. My hope is that the price will drop after the initial hype subsides.

The only way that will happen is by people showing their dissatisfaction with what was developed.

Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen and Tesla thinks it’s perfect.
What he did say a long time ago was’’ if it flops we can build something else’’.

I say we are at that point now.

I mean they had what 6-7 years of design time at least, from the ground up and yet it’s not as good as the Ford or Rivian and more competition is on the way. Elon got smoked on every important issue. Look at Fords frunk as an example.
Agreed. Get this. I canceled my order as you know and now they email me this insult.

Yeah, disappointing but not very surprising release. But I was never really in the market for this thing anyway. A few points though:

Scaling the weight and kWh of the Powerwall to estimate the weight of the range extender is wrong. Powerwall is a fixed installation application and uses much less energy dense cells than the cars (optimized for cost and longevity). No way the range extender is 2000 lbs. A whole Model 3 Long Range pack (~80 kWh) is only about 1000 lbs.

I assume CT is 800 V architecture, but Tesla has not rolled out any 800 V V4 Superchargers yet in North America. So this means they are using some sort of DC-DC conversion for 400 V charging (either dedicated or something cleaver like Hyundai/KIA do with the motor inverter). Hence the 250 kW charge rate, and the poor apparent efficiency (conversion losses). I expect native 800 V charging will be somewhat faster and more efficient.The cells will probably have the same C-raiting as the Model Y 4680 cars. So scale from that. Just assuming CT is a little bit more that twice the pack size as the Y 4680 cars you are probably looking at 400 kW or so peak charge rate (at 800 V), and probably the same 30 minutes 0-80% as the Y.
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Time for Musk to step down.
I think that's a bit extreme. The company has gone from zero to being profitable and successful. The same has been accomplished with his other companies. One product that doesn't meet expectations doesn't equal a complete failure.

I see 3 primary challenges they had with this:

1. The battery development which was to lower costs is difficult and slow. That has always been the case in this space. Battery development is much more difficult than people think.
2. Working with stainless steel was more expensive than anticipated.
3. Tesla is now faced with actual competition in the marketplace. They need to stop cutting functionality and features to reduce costs, and they need to match what the competition is offering. The whole spartan approach, deleting turn signals, steering wheels, screens, Sirius XM, etc, etc, doesn't work when I can now buy another model which offers so much more.