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Massive data uploads since 2017.34 2448cfc

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Does "] RAW: Uploading archive: anonymize = 0" really mean it's uploading a specifically identifiable crash dump into the cloud?
I think so. though I do not know how is it identifiable. When it's 1, the filename is replaced with "<anonymous.tgz>" which does not matter since inside the dir structure still referenced the (random) uuid, possibly they just do it to avoid being able to scrub the logs and see what car sent it? but they can cross reference against fake_board_id (part of any snapshot, regenerated at every ape reboot) to see what car sent it if there was any other snapshot from that instance (and the very first snapshot sent after boot typically includes all logs from some past time) + every 5 minutes or so a calibration is uploaded while driving.

It seems that when you request a snapshot of the cameras and (the anon flag is set by that), you cannot include any logs into that same snapshot.

Still overall it looks like it would be really easy to cross reference any video snapshot back to the car that took it if you have all the snapshots sent by that car.
I'm hoping the massive data uploads are actually contributing useful data to their Neural Network and am engaging autosteer and allowing it to fail as often as possible in the hope I'm helping get them out of the current EAP doldrums.
It's probably all the same crash, I guess I need to take a look where is it it crashes to make sure of that.
It's probably all the same crash, I guess I need to take a look where is it it crashes to make sure of that.

I'm curious what you'll find. The sane engineer side of me wants to think they have a faux crash somewhere to gather information on an interesting event. They pushed this update out to 15% of the fleet, for like a week before it rolled out to everyone, they had to have known the vision task crashes a lot.
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It's not terribly hard to do. It'll show up as an unidentified device(just an IP address), where most other things on the network show up as named in some way. So turn off as many wifi devices as possible, connect the car to wifi and see what shows up. Then you can edit the name to whatever you want.

Or you can find out the MAC address of the car's WiFi interface (IIRC you can get this by tapping on the WiFi icon on the CID) and look in the ARP cache or DHCP server logs (whichever is appropriate) to figure out what IP address maps to that MAC address.

(On my home network, the DHCP server is configured to hand out a known IP address to my car every time, so it's kind of a no-brainer.)

We just got this yesterday and installed it last night so haven't had time to drive on it. I don't recall if we signed up for participating in the filming of the roads program they announced a while ago but wonder if the large uploads have something to do with it. Better mapping and wonder if they would turn on certain areas at a time to process info for maps they are working on.

As for the update install, the message said it would take 1hr 40 min. but didn't note the time we started it. Anyone keep track? Surprised with something so long to install, it just came up with it contained only minor fixes and improvements.

Did notice this morning when I went to the car to sit in it (making sure COP was activated for the day), the mirrors stayed retracted. Didn't drive it just touched the door handle with key nearby to have the driver's side present. Saw another thread just now that people were saying their mirrors were unfolding now every time they approached. Will check it out later when we go out for dinner driving the car. I really hate the vagueness when they don't tell you what's been changed/improved. Also would love to have a manual with correct info on the car's operation. I never checked the in-car manual but does that get updated when new updates are pushed to the car?
We just got this yesterday and installed it last night so haven't had time to drive on it. I don't recall if we signed up for participating in the filming of the roads program they announced a while ago but wonder if the large uploads have something to do with it. Better mapping and wonder if they would turn on certain areas at a time to process info for maps they are working on.

As for the update install, the message said it would take 1hr 40 min. but didn't note the time we started it. Anyone keep track? Surprised with something so long to install, it just came up with it contained only minor fixes and improvements.

Did notice this morning when I went to the car to sit in it (making sure COP was activated for the day), the mirrors stayed retracted. Didn't drive it just touched the door handle with key nearby to have the driver's side present. Saw another thread just now that people were saying their mirrors were unfolding now every time they approached. Will check it out later when we go out for dinner driving the car. I really hate the vagueness when they don't tell you what's been changed/improved. Also would love to have a manual with correct info on the car's operation. I never checked the in-car manual but does that get updated when new updates are pushed to the car?
The updates always show that it'll take that long, but they rarely(never?) actually do. I actually saw the download show up for this update. It was roughly 31MB.
I'm curious what you'll find. The sane engineer side of me wants to think they have a faux crash somewhere to gather information on an interesting event. They pushed this update out to 15% of the fleet, for like a week before it rolled out to everyone, they had to have known the vision task crashes a lot.
so I just did some errands and that resulted in just one captured core, but it's truncate, the compressed size is ~3.5M, uncompressing it results in ~17M file, but when you load it in GDB, gdb says that the size is expected to be upwards of 294510592 bytes.

As such very little could be gleaned from this file other than it was caused by SIGABRT, so likely assertion of some sort.
I looked into how are those cores generated and essentially they have a core collector registered that takes the core, passes it through gzip -1 and writes output to /var.
now should the system power disappear of course the write would be incomplete. Interestingly I also have a lot of cores of zero size too that falls well into this picture if we assume that majority of the crashes are happening on or shortly before ape shutdown.

Now obviously I can only speak about my car, but given how external snapshot requests are firmware-independent and people associate this release with increased uploads only, the reason seems to be internal and so likely the core dumps. If a crash happens not before shutdown (or well enough before shutdown so all of it is written), the core seems to be quite big and as such would show up as a bigger uptick on the uploads graph. Or if you do a bunch of stops (doctor mode?) then I imagine even smaller partial dumps would accumulate to a significant amount.

I'll keep an eye on it in the coming days to see if anything else interesting arises.
I'm hoping the massive data uploads are actually contributing useful data to their Neural Network and am engaging autosteer and allowing it to fail as often as possible in the hope I'm helping get them out of the current EAP doldrums.
Just FYI, I believe data is gathered even if autopilot or not running (or even purchased).
Maybe this will mean we can safely drive in a carpool lane in so cal in the near future? 6-12-18 months.... things are really cranking now guys!

So lame but thank you to all you engineers and awesome coders and hackers etc to give us normal folk a glimpse of what is going on behind the scenes with our vehicles. It's exciting I just wished it worked better.
Well, another data point, it seems the ape is woken up every once in a while while the car is stationary and uploads those crashdumps (that seem to be multiplying) to the mothership. Just over last night (= last 12 hours really) there are 72M of crashdump snapshots on my car.

Looking at the upload charts seems to be happening every 2-4 hours.
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Definitely hugely increased traffic. Sitting for an hour in my parking lot it used 400MB or so of mobile hotspot data. Unfortunately I don't have a breakdown of how much was up vs down…. But I've never seen this happen before short of a software update, which doesn't seem to be the case here.

(Bought way too much data this month, first world problems…)
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Well, another data point, it seems the ape is woken up every once in a while while the car is stationary and uploads those crashdumps (that seem to be multiplying) to the mothership. Just over last night (= last 12 hours really) there are 72M of crashdump snapshots on my car.

Looking at the upload charts seems to be happening every 2-4 hours.
I knew there would be a day when I couldn't avoid using "crash" when talking about cars. I guess it's here. Bummer.
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