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Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

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Here is the latest situation on the potential EV tax credit:

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Woke up today to the Vision Agreement and a 2022 VIN! MSM M3LR with black interior, 18” wheels, and no FSD. I ordered on 7/28, and the delivery window is now 11/20-24. Now to go through the EV tax credit language and see what my chances are for a rebate. Kind of inclined to just take delivery as it’s been a long wait.
take delivery, no point in waiting. Prices will go up to match credits anyway.
Just watched a vid by The Bearded Tesla Guy speculating that folks who are putting their cars on hold to take delivery in early 2022 may be waiting until March, something about how Tesla historically allots much of first quarter production to out of country markets.

What say you all who are planning to do this?

In my case, if I don’t take delivery by Jan 1, I will have to pay sales tax on the car ($~3,473) since more than 60 days will have elapsed since I sold my previous car, but if the BBB passes as it currently is, I could recoup $7500 during my next year’s tax filings so net a positive ~$4k. I just wouldn’t see it for a year since, as the bill is currently, cars sold in 2022 will have to receive it at tax filing time in 2023, whereas cars sold thereafter will see it as an immediate discount at the point of sale. And it would mean continuing to drive an old beater and bum rides for potentially months longer.b

Decisions, decisions….and all basically moot anyway until Congress acts on BBB.
Agree. All moot until Congress passes BBB. With the Infrastructure bill now passed, I am fearful that will now lead to less pressure to pass BBB. If BBB does pass in some form, I am guessing passage may have to wait until next year, likely making its EV tax credit retroactive to January 1. I just hope it passes.

In any event I have put a "hold" on purchase until January - though I have yet to receive confirmation. However, I do hope I don't have to wait until March!

I watched that same video by the Bearded Tesla Guy as well. He does seem well-informed & has clarified what we might reasonably expect from the bill should it become law.
Here is the latest situation on the potential EV tax credit:

Thank you for the update!
Thank you for the update!
Here is the latest situation on the potential EV tax credit:

More confused than ever. This seems to imply the retroactive 7.5k is a done deal if this ends up passing. Everything I’ve read so far is the expectation is for the retroactive portion to be dropped and only cars delivered on or after January 1, 2022 would be eligible.
So, I have an order in for M3 LR here in Utah. I've completed the Delivery and Registration portions of the onboarding process but have not submitted the trade-in and payment options. I realize that once I submit all 4 of these, I'll be given next steps (such as Insurance) but will also be officially "in the queue" for a VIN.

My SA had had told me that while there are no guarantees, if I submitted everything ASAP, my associates VIN/ car would be estimated to get here around or before December 18 (which is a short turnaround). With the potential EV tax credit, I was hoping the car wouldn't be ready until January anyways but that doesn't sound like it'll be the case. I believe I read somewhere that Tesla has changed verbiage in the order agreement so that you can really defer delivery for that long anymore.

So my question was, can I sit on filling out these steps for a couple of weeks in hopes the date gets pushed? Or if I'm "inactive" for a period of time will Tesla just flat out cancel?
You are already in the queue. You don’t fill out trade in info and payment info until you have VIN assigned. My trade in estimate already expired and need to wait until I‘m closer to delivery since offers are only good for 30 days. But I confirmed with SA that trade in and payment info aren’t needed to be in queue
More confused than ever. This seems to imply the retroactive 7.5k is a done deal if this ends up passing. Everything I’ve read so far is the expectation is for the retroactive portion to be dropped and only cars delivered on or after January 1, 2022 would be eligible.
Retroactive bit has been removed for a while. That site isn't the most up to date version.
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Retroactive bit has been removed for a while. That site isn't the most up to date version really knows until
No one really knows what's going to happen until it's passed. The Senate had retroactive parts the house didn't. In the end it may be modified significantly from where it is now and may not pass until next year if at all. I wouldn't count on it passing this year.
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You are already in the queue. You don’t fill out trade in info and payment info until you have VIN assigned. My trade in estimate already expired and need to wait until I‘m closer to delivery since offers are only good for 30 days. But I confirmed with SA that trade in and payment info aren’t needed to be in queue
Hmmm my SA encouraged me to get in my loan request asap to get in the “December delivery window” (currently have EDD Dec15-31) Now I’m worried I will have to reapply and have the terms change on me. Really weird they would ask me to do that only to need to reapply.
This has been a wild ride. The delivery pattern has remained. Out of country first followed by East to West coast deliveries. This scenario being for LR M3 without FSD. Then the new cycle begins again with the start of each quarter seeing the top end models produced and delivered in just a few weeks. After much thought I am accepting my EDD 11/20 - 12/4. After watching pricing I could sell at the end of the year and buy new getting the tax credit. The sale would have the tax incentive for the used car buyer if I read it right....
More confused than ever. This seems to imply the retroactive 7.5k is a done deal if this ends up passing. Everything I’ve read so far is the expectation is for the retroactive portion to be dropped and only cars delivered on or after January 1, 2022 would be eligible.
So the site is up-to-date. It is that the Senate version was retroactive but there is no mention of it in the House version. It will depend on
1. If the House votes on it
2. If the retroactive part is added back into the final version

I do not rely much on this being retroactive, that's why I put my order on hold.
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