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Model 3 Performance Waiting Room [2020-2023]

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Minor EDD update today. Almost not even worth sharing, but since that's what this board is for...

EDD was 08/22-9/26 but this morning it changed to 08/24-9/21 (window start pushed back only 2 days, window end pushed forward 5 days). Clearly seems to be an automated algorithm that manages this, at least until you start hitting the ~2 week windows.

For those on mobile who can't see my sig: OD was 7/1, MSM/Black, location is somewhere in the Rockies.
Thanks. Weird how it works. No movement or news today. I’m looking forward to Tomorrow morning to see. I’m glad I don’t have to wait until Sunday anymore, I can be pissed off at work and enjoy the weekend. 😂. I will say if I get a 7th 2 week window or longer. It will be 7 out for me, new shooter.
I said yesterday I would be 7
Out if it extended longer. Well it did extend longer but by 2 days. I don’t feel that falls in the 7 out category. I think it’s more In line with one of the Dice fell off of the table. “Same Dice!” I’m gonna let it roll. Window is now 13 days and updated this morning around 330-445 am pacific time. As I looked at 3 am and 320 am.
So if you guys, gals and those undecided will allow me to stay, I willing to take another roll.


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I said yesterday I would be 7
Out if it extended longer. Well it did extend longer but by 2 days. I don’t feel that falls in the 7 out category. I think it’s more In line with one of the Dice fell off of the table. “Same Dice!” I’m gonna let it roll. Window is now 13 days and updated this morning around 330-445 am pacific time. As I looked at 3 am and 320 am.
So if you guys, gals and those undecided will allow me to stay, I willing to take another roll.
It might feel a little meaningless to you at this point, but I was on a 13 day window for 5 days when my VIN dropped.
It might feel a little meaningless to you at this point, but I was on a 13 day window for 5 days when my VIN dropped.
For some strange reason, This movement kind of makes me believe the VIN will come any day. and they only bumped it back two days from the 18th to the 20th. It might be real or they leveled up on their "Let's F with Flatbroke" LOL
Well boys, it's delivery day for me this morning. I have enjoyed lurking/contributing posts. For anyone curious about my order length, I ordered on 6/16 (MSM/White) and taking delivery August 5th. This forum has been nice to chill in and helped me take comfort in the fact that you guys are all going through the same wait for the same car. I've learned a few things knowledge wise from reading posts in here. I hope that everyone takes delivery in the timeframe they'd hope to and that the car is in perfect condition. Flatbroke, this last part is for you. At this point, whenever you take delivery, Elon should literally be standing by your car. If I were you, I would go in on delivery day and ask if Elon is in today. Lmao
I had a slightt two day bump back within the 5 days but kept the same 13 day window if that helps
Yeah that dog wont hunt. if i get bumped back any more I am probably out, unless the rates stay the same. It's been 3 full months since i switched to Performance. the rates have gone up quite a bit since I ordered in April. I checked yesterday and can still get in the high 2 percent so im in. it goes past 3.25 im out, no particular reason other then the line needed to be drawn somewhere and that's what I picked.
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Well boys, it's delivery day for me this morning. I have enjoyed lurking/contributing posts. For anyone curious about my order length, I ordered on 6/16 (MSM/White) and taking delivery August 5th. This forum has been nice to chill in and helped me take comfort in the fact that you guys are all going through the same wait for the same car. I've learned a few things knowledge wise from reading posts in here. I hope that everyone takes delivery in the timeframe they'd hope to and that the car is in perfect condition. Flatbroke, this last part is for you. At this point, whenever you take delivery, Elon should literally be standing by your car. If I were you, I would go in on delivery day and ask if Elon is in today. Lmao
Congrats!!!!!! I am looking forward to some pictures and report of how the delivery process went along with any tips. Most definitely will and take a bottle of "spray on tan" as a gift. lol
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Well guys, third update to EDD. Down to a 14 day window! Though start day shifted back 4 days i will take it!! For those curious, my order journey has been as follows:

OD: 06/27
Color: White/White
Region: Washington DC);

1. Jun 28: Aug 26 - Sep 30
2. Jul 30: Aug 21 - Sep 17
3. Aug 05: Aug 25 - Sep 08

Pretty standard automatic EDD updates.
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Well boys, it's delivery day for me this morning. I have enjoyed lurking/contributing posts. For anyone curious about my order length, I ordered on 6/16 (MSM/White) and taking delivery August 5th. This forum has been nice to chill in and helped me take comfort in the fact that you guys are all going through the same wait for the same car. I've learned a few things knowledge wise from reading posts in here. I hope that everyone takes delivery in the timeframe they'd hope to and that the car is in perfect condition. Flatbroke, this last part is for you. At this point, whenever you take delivery, Elon should literally be standing by your car. If I were you, I would go in on delivery day and ask if Elon is in today. Lmao
Graduation day for me too! On the way now to the DC. Fingers crossed for excellent QC and a smooth delivery process!
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