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Model X December Deliveries

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We need to create a group of future owners like us to file a claim or lawsuit on later-than-expected deliveries and at least request a substantial discount on our X if not free, you know like what amazon does when their delivery are out of the expected time frame. Maybe @AudubonB can help us with that? :)

Lol! Yeah that'll be great I have a 60D and they can upgrade me to 75D that'll keep me from whining lol. My wife said the same thing and I agree! Because a company delaying their product and to top it off bad and inconsistent communication with the consumer I think we deserve a small discount for our troublesome :p
Today is the big day! I'm hoping that my car gets there today and we take delivery of it. The charger is calling! Had that installed yesterday. So anxious!


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We need to create a group of future owners like us to file a claim or lawsuit on later-than-expected deliveries and at least request a substantial discount on our X if not free, you know like what amazon does when their delivery are out of the expected time frame. Maybe @AudubonB can help us with that? :)

I guess the normal production time is average 5 days, the prolonged production time is due to either qualities issues or part sourcing and the time to fix it is probably more than the time to build new car. So the factory may just choose to continue building 2017 car rather than finish those cars waiting in production line to bump the delivery number by end of the year.
@flying_things who knows why they're delayed. Mine is at 15 days production time now. Would be nice to get some info, I'm still holding on hoping for a 2016 delivery because they haven't changed my VIN to 2017 yet.
You do realize that the website status isn't accurate, right? Mine said in production up until a few hours after I picked it up. I suspect that the DS is responsible for updating your website status, so accuracy is all over the map.
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I guess the normal production time is average 5 days, the prolonged production time is due to either qualities issues or part sourcing and the time to fix it is probably more than the time to build new car. So the factory may just choose to continue building 2017 car rather than finish those cars waiting in production line to bump the delivery number by end of the year.

So that's why we deserve some compensation for giving up our spots for someone else. Someone please tweet to Elon Musk about that?
Lol! Yeah that'll be great I have a 60D and they can upgrade me to 75D that'll keep me from whining lol. My wife said the same thing and I agree! Because a company delaying their product and to top it off bad and inconsistent communication with the consumer I think we deserve a small discount for our troublesome :p

I think you are right: 60D to 75D that's what we need to ask for. I am just thinking how I should show my frustration to my DS when I actually pick up my X. Any suggestion? :D
I think you are right: 60D to 75D that's what we need to ask for. I am just thinking how I should show my frustration to my DS when I actually pick up my X. Any suggestion? :D

I recommend that you do not bring this up with the DS at all. Ask to speak to the store manager. Explain your situation calmly and ask that person to help you escalate to Tesla Corporate.
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DS says he can send me documents for my car which will "hopefully" be on the truck Wednesday so I can take advantage of the years tax credit After all these delays (44 days in production and counting), I'm supposed to sign for a car sight unseen that may or may not be delivered by year's end.

I'm debating on options. Help!
DS says he can send me documents for my car which will "hopefully" be on the truck Wednesday so I can take advantage of the years tax credit After all these delays (44 days in production and counting), I'm supposed to sign for a car sight unseen that may or may not be delivered by year's end.

I'm debating on options. Help!

Just my 2 cents:

1. Will you be able to get the tax credit without the delivery of the actual vehicle? If IRS thinks signing all the paperwork = delivery of vehicle then it will work for you.

2. I will email my DS with all the concerns and to confirm that they will be held responsible for fixing any issue that you find during delivery. Then at least you have some black and white to show them to avoid any confusion.
My DS finally gave me a call just now to set up an appointment next Wed for delivery. He said my X is in the final stage of production and blah blah blah BUT if it is not ready by Wednesday then we will need to reschedule. I am still skeptical about this appointment although I feel relieved for a second when I saw his number ringing in my phone. :eek: