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Model Y UK Delivery

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I'm positive these figures are completely wrong, there's no way a model Y LR is 507bhp.

I was under the impression the LR was about 335 without acceleration boost and 385 with, the below looks similar.

View attachment 847429
I really don't understand the bhp figures either.

On my insurance doc for MYLR it definitely shows 507bhp.

My M3P I've just sold shows 483bhp but the acceleration is on a different level.

Even with AB I'm surprised if the MYLR is really 507bhp.

It even cost me £30 more to insure over 11 months than the M3P. On the plus side, hopefully AB won't increase the insurance any further if I go for it.
Interesting about delivery, I ordered MYLR white 19’s tow hitch and black interior in Mid July, the original delivery was early 2023 but I am collecting tomorrow!

Presumably I have a cancellation, I live not far from Southampton and I see an earlier post mentions being close to a delivery centre.
Still, tomorrow is quite a turnover, unless Tesla logistics team know with absolute certainty that your car will be the first one unloaded from the ship tonight, given they also need time to prepare, affix reg plates, etc…
Are you certain it was on Glovis Companion or can it be a coincidence and be leftover inventory unloaded from Splendor or Morning Peace two weeks ago?
Was quite busy so didn't check over the weekend. I allowed myself a small dose of hopium as I caught up and read end of May dates being fulfilled for happy TMCers, but this was rapidly dashed when I logged into my account. Bumped to Q4 with a revised EDD of Oct 30th to Dec 24th. Guess I'll be driving my stalwart 18 y/o Peugeot 206 for quite a while yet. Not ideal with a new job starting this week with a lengthy(ish) commute. Hey ho, them's the breaks (or so BoJo says). Xmas jumpers out of the cupboard I guess. Maybe us Q4ers can all arrange to have a festive jumper on collection (even if it is October ... ;) ).
My gosh. I had lost all hopium for Q3. However, the Tesla EDD gods were listening. I logged in to the account just now, not sure why, maybe out of sheer habit, and there was a button prompting payment. Hidden VIN check moments later and I've actually gone and gotten one. EDD updated to 13th to 27th Sep. Hidden VIN makes me a 447 class. Any clues on what boat I might be on? Cancellation at this stage? So much to do now ...!
I logged in to the account just now, not sure why, maybe out of sheer habit, and there was a button prompting payment. Hidden VIN check moments later and I've actually gone and gotten one.
Congrats! Seems like red is a lucky colour!

447 VINs are thought to be on Glovis Sunrise, currently in the Indian Ocean enroute to Suez.
It doesn’t get into SOU until around the 16-Sep, but I suspect your collection date will sometime between 23-30 Sep.

I’m VIN 447xxx collecting from MAN on 24-Sep.

For others who are hoping - if there are any cancellations they will be over the next week or two, as people have to get insurance and actually pay for the car, etc.
You can just keep refreshing the VIN checker, but to be honest its likely only a slim chance.
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Today, many of us can actually say: "WE'RE PICKING OUR CARS UP THIS MONTH!"

What a feeling 🥰
Literally counting down the days, minutes & seconds 😂😂😂


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I wonder how far along the process Tesla might "cancel" a delivery slot for a non payer? Asking for a friend 👀

TBH I would ask Tesla in writing and get a confirmation in writing. They seem to offer help in their texts if anyone has difficulty as far as I remember. They repeatedly claim payment to be made at least 7 days in advance. Alternatively you can delay collection up to 7 days I believe. As much as I understand they want to sell the vehicle, at the same time I don’t think they will have any issues to shift/sell the car to someone else in the waiting list instead.
TBH I would ask Tesla in writing and get a confirmation in writing. They seem to offer help in their texts if anyone has difficulty as far as I remember. They repeatedly claim payment to be made at least 7 days in advance. Alternatively you can delay collection up to 7 days I believe. As much as I understand they want to sell the vehicle, at the same time I don’t think they will have any issues to shift/sell the car to someone else in the waiting list instead.
Yeah that was what I was thinking. When might any last re-allocations happen before I finally resign myself to Q4?
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Today, many of us can actually say: "WE'RE PICKING OUR CARS UP THIS MONTH!"

What a feeling 🥰
I know its a great feeling! When did you all start on the Y journey? I don’t mean order dates as can get that from signatures etc. but when did you seriously start to think “I’ll get a Y”?

I had to go down EV route for work in January this year, and was seriously tempted by MachE and Audi Q4 for a while, but it’s probably March this year I knew the Y was for me. So from that decision until delivery in 3 weeks from now is only 6 months in total. Not bad at all. A colleague ordered a Audi Q4 LAST September and has a loose EDD of this December 😬

We made the right choice!!!
I know its a great feeling! When did you all start on the Y journey? I don’t mean order dates as can get that from signatures etc. but when did you seriously start to think “I’ll get a Y”?

I had to go down EV route for work in January this year, and was seriously tempted by MachE and Audi Q4 for a while, but it’s probably March this year I knew the Y was for me. So from that decision until delivery in 3 weeks from now is only 6 months in total. Not bad at all. A colleague ordered a Audi Q4 LAST September and has a loose EDD of this December 😬

We made the right choice!!!
I placed my order on the 25th of March, pick up is 13th of September… so just shy of 6 months
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I know its a great feeling! When did you all start on the Y journey? I don’t mean order dates as can get that from signatures etc. but when did you seriously start to think “I’ll get a Y”?

I had to go down EV route for work in January this year, and was seriously tempted by MachE and Audi Q4 for a while, but it’s probably March this year I knew the Y was for me. So from that decision until delivery in 3 weeks from now is only 6 months in total. Not bad at all. A colleague ordered a Audi Q4 LAST September and has a loose EDD of this December 😬

We made the right choice!!!
Always loved Tesla’s especially with Elon at the helm with his ambitions and innovative mind. Seriously considered M3 but with the rumours of MY (in my head a bigger M3) delayed until MY was on horizon. It won our hearts during test drive in March and ordered in April. Having said all this I must admit I am still nervous with the thought of any quality issues both during collection and ownership - I do not know how easy or complicated it would be to get potential problems sorted and the customer service which would be available at the time…it would be a new journey that’s for sure…