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Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

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>>I wouldn't be surprised if they did offer refund even with vin. It's not like they won't be able to sell the car to someone else :)<<

Probably, but that is not in the agreement. Full refund if a car (meaning VIN) is not assigned to you yet is in the purchase agreement.

I would assume we will get a VIN pretty soon; that's why they are quoting 1 to 3 months if you order today. Really, it is not the end of the world.
I was reading on facebook what people are saying about our issue and its disgusting.
Things like:
If we can afford 65+ car we can afford the 14k
They cannot afford changing a car why they would support us
They dont want us taking their tax money for our benefits

People dont even know whats going on. And it makes it harder to call attention ou8f anybody who is not in our situation. We should fight this srongly together...

Um... I'm not seeing how you're making a compelling case that Tesla owner-wannabes (like me) deserve sympathy for not being given free money. Those are legitimate criticisms. Maybe you're thinking any way to decrease GHGe is worthwhile, but you didn't say that. Care to explain?
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People tend to use their own situation as determinative in whether someone else’s is worthy of sympathy or disdain. If they don’t have what you do, they are incapable of understanding issues like fairness and equal treatment most of the time.

The intellectual sophistication of these people runs out of charge at ‘I didn’t get 14k to buy my car, why should you?’ Unfortunately this is about as mentally agile as most people get.

To them it’s about need. The rebate was never about need. It was about persuasion.

Sorry, this just sounds too much to me like "let them eat cake".

I think what Ford and those Facebook commentators are saying is that they believe the rebate itself was unfair. HOW it was cancelled is irrelevant.

The "fair and equitable" thing to do, in their mind, is to cancel it. The fact Tesla can't deliver expensive cars quickly enough so we got cut off is not any reason to give us sympathy.

That said, I would agree Ford is favouring dealers. But imagine if the Liberal government suddenly stopped subsidizing the oil industry, who on this forum would be upset when those companies would cry foul about the investments they'd made? We'd say "you deserve it, you rich bastards!" Be honest now, what would you say. Now tell me again why somebody making $40,000 / year should want to donate his/her taxes to us ☺
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What happened with that House of Commons e-petition? Is anyone working on formulating something? Is anyone interested?

Elon likes having open channels of communication with governments and power brokers. Perhaps he's looking at a bigger picture and doesn't want to get off to a huge conflict with a new regime. So I don't anticipate him doing anything provocative or engaging in any brinkmanship though he's certainly not immune from doing so.

The PC's have the upper hand in any "game" that might be pursued by Tesla as they have the power to do things like changing the rules of engagement as has already been done once already. I'm sure they would do so again if necessary. You have to choose your battles.

I think the biggest statement we can make is to fight back with our pocketbooks. Cut back on travel and anything that's loaded in taxes or non-essential and if you need the money, save it towards buying a Tesla in protest and as soon as you can afford. And never forget.

My plan is to cut back on expenditures dramatically. For example, I was to go on a 13h return trip this Friday which I'm now cancelling. I'll create my own "slush fund" and hopefully buy the LR AWD in early 2019. If you want it bad enough, you'll do what it takes.

I don't see the automakers that sell EV's taking a stand and saying Tesla shouldn't be excluded or even complaining that the program has ended and I'm sure most of their dealers are ecstatic. Hopefully more information will come out that allows us to understand the degree to which this was Tesla being targeted or not. They may have just been collateral damage. We may never know.
What is it with these people on this forum who can’t see the actions of the PC government are bias and unfair? Do I not have the same right as any other buyer who was eligible to purchase a car on the EV Rebate list. This should have nothing to do with a brand of a car and who is losing in the end? We are! Those who pay their taxes and work our ass off! I say, Tesla you should fight back and not let them treat you this way.
I have a vin assigned and i have until tomorrow to get my refund...

I know that; however, you are the ones that are immediately affected by it. For others that have days/weeks to think about it, Tesla may not be that generous, esp if there is lots of cancellations.

Based on the feedback in this forum, there are quite a few to have/will cancel the order. I'm being one of them.
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What is it with these people on this forum who can’t see the actions of the PC government are bias and unfair? Do I not have the same right as any other buyer who was eligible to purchase a car on the EV Rebate list. This should have nothing to do with a brand of a car and who is losing in the end? We are! Those who pay their taxes and work our ass off! I say, Tesla you should fight back and not let them treat you this way.

Nobody cares about the detail; esp those ones that cannot/will not buy a EV car. All they see is those people that buy the luxury cars are being subsidized by the government in the tone of $14000. It is a losing battle. :(
I know that; however, you are the ones that are immediately affected by it. For others that have days/weeks to think about it, Tesla may not be that generous, esp if there is lots of cancellations.

Based on the feedback in this forum, there are quite a few to have/will cancel the order. I'm being one of them.
I am on the same boat. If we do not get incentive, we have to cancel it. We are still interested in Tesla, but we will have to wait longer to buy our Tesla.

I think Tesla will offer cancellation and full refund to everyone, even weeks later. They will have no trouble selling this amazing car.
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I don't believe what I'm saying but play along... I could say the same thing about people on welfare... or other programs... why should they get a free ride? Can we just cancel all government handouts to be fair? The bottom line is the rebate was there, the government should honour their commitment and move on. He's happy to pay out millions to a CEO now pay out to the rest of us.
I don't believe what I'm saying but play along... I could say the same thing about people on welfare... or other programs... why should they get a free ride? Can we just cancel all government handouts to be fair? The bottom line is the rebate was there, the government should honour their commitment and move on. He's happy to pay out millions to a CEO now pay out to the rest of us.
I totally agree.
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Sorry, this just sounds too much to me like "let them eat cake".

I think what Ford and those Facebook commentators are saying is that they believe the rebate itself was unfair. HOW it was cancelled is irrelevant.

The "fair and equitable" thing to do, in their mind, is to cancel it. The fact Tesla can't deliver expensive cars quickly enough so we got cut off is not any reason to give us sympathy.

That said, I would agree Ford is favouring dealers. But imagine if the Liberal government suddenly stopped subsidizing the oil industry, who on this forum would be upset when those companies would cry foul about the investments they'd made? We'd say "you deserve it, you rich bastards!" Be honest now, what would you say. Now tell me again why somebody making $40,000 / year should want to donate his/her taxes to us ☺

I’m sorry but I don’t agree. My sense of fairness isn’t affected by $ signs. Moving those yardsticks doesn’t make it more or less palatable to me when someone gets hosed. The more money a person or group has shouldn’t make them less able to avail themselves of fair and equal treatment.

That fair and equal treatment however, is doled out at the whim of the decision makers and it’s generally in lock step with the popularity contest I mentioned earlier.
Tesla, take them to court! The Government has been challenged before and lost. It’s important that the PC’s realize they can’t get away treating some companies like this while favoring others (i.e. their friends). This is setting a precedent and if they can do this as soon as they are in power, imagine what else they feel they can get away with in the next four years.
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It may not have been Tesla that was targeted so much as the dollars that would be paid out to all of us squeezing in before the deadline.

While I sympathize, Tesla isn't going to waste their money and energy on this. They'd be far better off providing us with a small incentive and if they were going to do that it probably would have been done already.

The government is allowed to make up rules as they go unfortunately. There is no legal argument here in my mind though I'm not a lawyer. However courts do take into consideration costs when they assess damages. It would likely be a very long, drawn out affair costing huge amounts of money.

Not that I think this should just go away. I hope people continue to email their MPP's etc and have your voice heard. Let them know that lies = lost votes.
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It may not have been Tesla that was targeted so much as the dollars that would be paid out to all of us squeezing in before the deadline.

While I sympathize, Tesla isn't going to waste their money and energy on this. They'd be far better off providing us with a small incentive and if they were going to do that it probably would have been done already.

The government is allowed to make up rules as they go unfortunately. There is no legal argument here in my mind though I'm not a lawyer. However courts do take into consideration costs when they assess damages. It would likely be a very long, drawn out affair costing huge amounts of money.

Not that I think this should just go away. I hope people continue to email their MPP's etc and have your voice heard. Let them know that lies = lost votes.

So because there were a lot of Tesla buyers and the cost was too high? Correct me if I’m wrong but was it not the goal of the program to move as many people over to electronic car as possible? All I’m saying is that everyone should be treated fairly and Tesla buyers were not. If there were special rules for us we should have been told before we made a purchase based on the incentive. This not Tesla’s fault but the PC’s