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Questions For Uk Model 3 Owners (delivery Complete)

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Of course. And it's well integrated with the voice control, so just one steering wheel button press and saying “call <name of contact>” will connect you. The voice recognition works extremely well, much more so than in my former cars.
My experience is that the voice recognition is pretty bad. As compare to Google Home, Alexa, Siri and my old Parrot system in a previous car, this one is definitely the worst. I just use Siri to make calls as it took me about 6 attempts before I gave up last time.
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Thats weird as when I tried it in a static car I was quite impressed with it - I don’t think it missed getting a radio station or (I think I was trying) random destinations but never tried it with a contact.

My current car is OK but has let me down a few times with the odd contacts but I found these to be worded differently in phone contact list (like call ‘a & b’) normally fixed by making it more voice friendly.
As compare to Google Home, Alexa, Siri

They are sending your "voice recording" to some massive computer to do the recognition. Dunno if other in-car systems do that? but without that (i.e. using only local computing horsepower) the job is not particularly easier.

I think Tesla should have voice control for all main car-controls, in addition to music/phone ... but I suppose it would be important that recognition is spot-on for that. "Turn the lights on" ... "No ... not OPEN THE BOOT" :)
Well, I've put in a help request, so will see.

The way I see it is if they don't give you an opportunity to thoroughly inspect the goods prior to driving off that's their risk not mine.

difficult to prove though as you sign a paper or tablet and have accepted the goods as seen which removes there responsibilities. This also applies to ICE vehicles too, Let us know how you get on
Picked up from Dartford yesterday. That place was packed with model 3’s. Every inch of parking space had a car on it. Weather was horrendous so from what I could gather they had three handover bays inside where they would bring a car in from outside dry it off and go through the handover process with the customer. Each handover took around 25 minutes and wasn’t rushed.

I’ve not found anything wrong with the car whatsoever. No paint issues nothing not working etc. Maybe a very very slight door alignment issue on the one of the rear doors but only if you were being extremely picky so I may just insist this is adjusted whenever it needs to go in for anything else.

The biggest gripe is the rear number plate holder which is pretty poor and I’ll look to change that soonish. The plate holder they have chosen to use is a rigid rectangular shape and doesn’t mirror the curvature of the panel it’s attached to so the two ends stick out away from the car.

Apart from that it’s fantastic. Couldn’t be happier so hang in there and this madness will be completely worth it when your time comes around.
Is it weird that the wiper button is on the left stalk? I know that wipers are auto, but still seems a little odd to have them on the left stalk.

You get used to it, Mercedes have had all stalk functions on the left for years and it becomes second nature. If I remember correctly Toyota always had the indicator on the right and wipers on the left years ago which was the opposite of nearly every other manufacturer at the time. Not sure if they are still like this.
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Is it weird that the wiper button is on the left stalk?

I was in neutral several times when it was raining and the car was new ...

Brain was going "WTF ... Traction is bust" ... "Ah! Doh!" :)

I think?? this is normal for Automatics with Drive/Reverse/Park "shift" on the right stalk. Long time since I have been to USA but seem to remember "all the [Auto] Rentals were like that"

I've had cars with wipers / indicators on "opposite" side too ... Japanese maybe? ... annoying when wife and I had one of each whenever we swapped cars :(

that’s a bit crap

I doubt they will make any fuss in practice. Can't guarantee it but Tesla has been more forgiving / tolerant of all sorts of situations where other brands would just turn the screws.

Price change - if you would be better off with the new price help yourself.
"I've changed my mind on model / colour / fittings" - "OK"
Warranty repairs - generally they just fix it (even if technically "Warranty" is a bit dubious)
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