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Safety Score

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I'm about 95% confident in the other direction. You must not talk to Tesla folks much outside these forums and Twitter ;) Outside these circles, which are pretty tight knit, there's virtually nobody that even knows FSD Beta is a thing, or that this "mini-game" even exists. The take rate for FSD is incredibly low, and of those, most aren't on Twitter or other Tesla Social nets. If you count how many individuals you actually see posts from on all platforms, you'll probably count under 100 - which would itself be 10% of the 1000.

I fully expect to be part of the 1000. We're a special kind of weird. haha.

Similar to EV adoption in the public... you'd think everyone would know about this stuff. It has absolutely frustrated and stumped me for a good 10 years, why people don't understand and want EVs. Yet, today there are still people stumbling into dealerships and driving off with gas cars. There are a lot fewer informed people than you might think.
You are correct. Outside those venues my Tesla crowd interactions are limited to only a few individuals. Again, i really hope I’m wrong (I’ve put in the work!). I see so many folks posting about their “100” that it leaves me very skeptical.
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It’s really not hard at all to score 99-100. Busy city or otherwise. I’ve done about 50-60 miles over the past week in downtown LA (not counting miles on the freeway fighting LA traffic to and from DTLA from my suburb) and have gotten 100s everyday except for one without making a conscious effort to change my normal driving style. It’s not surprising that most people are over 96, imo. I will say that because it is the last day, I am actually feeling nervous about going out to drive right now; I’m not sure I will be able to help changing my driving style today to be super conservative today given how it would suck to blow it on supposedly the last day, lol.
yes, lots of positive skew. with over 50% above 96, well it's going to take a beat.
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I've never had that happen randomly, even once. Here's an example of a hard braking event I had October 1st, though; I removed my foot from the accelerator immediately after the light turned yellow. But I knew this event had happened! I did very very lightly feather the brakes at the end (because I was going to roll across the crosswalk) - and that is all it took. In retrospect I should have applied them even more lightly, earlier. Hills are NOT our friends. 3% hard braking for that trip, 0.5% for the day (was not able to fully recover it to 100; didn't want to drive randomly around the neighborhood for 20 miles at 11PM).

I've had three braking events over the past three weeks, and they've all been very clear. I wouldn't have previously called them hard braking, but such is life. The first day's was the worst (yellow light I should definitely have gone through). The other two were on substantial downhill grades and involved extremely light brake application (this is one of them).

As a counter-example, I've consciously hit the brakes a number of times, and even had TACC (snapped out of AP by steering, to hug the left of the carpool lane for motorcycles at low speed), have to slap on the brakes while following a car that themselves nearly ran into someone...

And guess what? 0.0% there. Oh but a random instance where I literally never moved my foot over to the brake? lol here have 1.3%.

I didn't believe it could happen to me, after hearing reports of it... but when it did, oh... oh I became a believer pretty quickly. Thus my Ubering today. haha. I don't want anything to risk it! But I'll still take a short drive to a corner store later tonight, to get miles in. Nervously.
Yet, today there are still people stumbling into dealerships and driving off with gas cars. There are a lot fewer informed people than you might think.
You're calling anyone that buys an ICE car "uninformed"?

You're aware that Tesla can only make about 1%-2% of the world's cars, doesn't have dealerships, has a 6 month wait, only has 3 car models for sale (nobody has seen an X in about a year), and quite reasonably has put some people off with their various practices and leadership style?

EV's are clearly the future, but in 2021 you can't call someone dumb or uninformed for buying an ICE, given the current market and manufacturers.
and even had TACC
TACC is not a surprise. I very much doubt that hard braking events by TACC count at all. Though obviously I haven't tested it - the unsafe following experiment I did makes me think quite strongly that TACC events (specifically FCW, hard braking, and unsafe following, but not hard cornering) are masked.

As far as hitting the brakes: You can hit the brakes consciously - just not on a hill, and not too abruptly. Not recommended though!
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In retrospect I should have applied them even more lightly, earlier
This sounds like a dangerous strategy that could result in a very long 0.31g braking event!
Perhaps a quick stab of 100% brake at 45mph would have been the optimal strategy. Your RE71R tires are capable of 1.2g of grip so a half second pulse would drop 13mph off your speed. Then it would be 7 more seconds of 0.2g regen to get down to 0mph.
I really should have bought FSD, this sounds like a fun game!
This sounds like a dangerous strategy that could result in a very long 0.31g braking event!
Definitely a possibility. The thing is, during high-speed regen at 45mph at the beginning of the event, the stopping force from regen might be a little lower than it is at its peak, because the regen power limit may be reached (Force = Power/velocity). It depends at what speed that stopping force rolloff happens at and exactly how Tesla tunes it (they obviously don't tune it for constant power either!). I don't know. The hill is also slightly more gradual at the beginning of the video which may provide a little more margin for brake application there.
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Who is going to stay up until midnight to see if the FSD Beta is released?
100% definitely me here 🥴 Got no reason to sleep tonight... it's all about FSD Beta! I'll be stalking Tesla Twitter as usual. Maybe even trying to reinvent my social media image in preparation... 👀 love my ole' birb avatar but he's gotten a bit old, and lacking color. If I'm actually gonna become an FSD Beta influencer 😂 I'd better at least "do my hair"! haha
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Your RE71R tires are capable of 1.2g of grip

They should introduce a "calibration mode" into the Safety Score, where you do emergency stops from 60mph to ascertain the maximum capability of your vehicle's tires. And then the Safety Score limit should be a scaled version of that result. I'm pretty sure my hard braking limit should be more like 0.4g as currently equipped. Swapping wheels is detectable, and would require recalibration (though swapping tires would not be detectable I guess). This would make dealing with the infernal noise of the RE-71Rs more tolerable.

Having proper tires in good condition is a major factor in vehicle safety, so this all makes sense.
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I wonder what percentage of Android users will get FSD in this first round. I know for me I had 10 days without any knowledge of my safety score and found out on the 11th day I had a 97 mostly due to Aggressive Turning. I do not believe I had more than 1 day at 100 before getting the Safety Scores. Since the Android app update, I have had all 100s. I found it pretty easy to get 100 when I had some indication what to adjust. Unfortunately with 10 days of 97, 3 days of 100 have only gotten me up to 98.

We Android users are at a big disadvantage for this first round.
Me too..I have android...did not know about the score later...too late!
No you don't.

Same is true of the other factors-
Yes...try it..
At first it was advertised as 7 days.
Then it was 30 days.
Now it's a rolling 30 day window.
And magically, they're only going to let in a few percent each week with their 1K, then wait for data process, so some people could end up going months like this if they live in an area that the score "obviously" is designed to discount (cities).

Looks a lot like a really broad data collection effort in disguise, with a little "let's get people to drive their cars more and wear them out faster" mixed
Only way to get perfect 100...


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yes, lots of positive skew. with over 50% above 96, well it's going to take a beat.
I'm trying to understand the chart. From reading the title it indicates that the percentages shown represent the top 10% of vehicles equipped with FSD and below that this chart represents 1,704 vehicles total. This would mean that only about 170 got a score of 100%. I have seen the correspondences from Musk that indicates more than 1000 with a score of 100%. So is this old data or have I missed something again! I some times take a nap and when I wake everything has changed.

I had no choice but to drive through busy areas today. Was super paranoid because of crowded highway, yet part of me was like f*ck this, I'm not using AP to make it easier. Managed to get a daily score of 100 with 0.4% unsafe following, which was likely caused by a motorcyclist that crossed over 4 lanes instantly to get to the exit, and lucky me, he zipped in front of me for a second.

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This would make dealing with the infernal noise of the RE-71Rs more tolerable.
Man, the idea of you crawling around around on those great discontinued RE-71's, wearing them down on city streets being worried about 0.3G braking is just sad. I hate even driving mine the 15 miles to the track due to the extra heat cycles.

I still can't wrap my head around the idea of someone that drives RE-71's on the street arguing that 0.3G or even 0.4G is a reasonable "hard braking" event because you've used up 1/3 of your traction. You're an enigma.

You know, the Tesla insurance score used to include ABS events. Interesting that they got rid of those, as that's a self-calibrating, context sensitive hard braking measurement.
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