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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

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Sorry for maybe posting this information again but on March 19, 2015 President Obama signed an executive order to support federal sustainability in the next decade:
(v) planning for agency fleet composition such that by December 31, 2020, zero emission vehicles or plug-in hybrid vehicles account for 20 percent of all new agency passenger vehicle acquisitions and by December 31, 2025, zero emission vehicles or plug-in hybrid vehicles account for 50 percent of all new agency passenger vehicles and including, where practicable, acquisition of such vehicles in other vehicle classes and counting double credit towards the targets in this section for such acquisitions;

The agency fleet has about 600000 vehicles!
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My brother was in town and was urging me to take profits. I didn't. :)

I experienced strong profit taking urges, both from outsiders and my own, to take profits at 40, 55, 75, and so on in regular intervals. Finally, I took profits recently on a big chunk that I sold off from my personal account and transferred the money to tax-free retirement account. Then I bought even more TSLA shares in that tax-free account. It took me a couple of weeks to complete this transfer as it involves numerous steps, each step must settle before the next step and there are also unavoidable forex transactions in between. Tax minimisation and the opportunity to do this transfer played a significant role in my timing.

Profit taking urges never go away, and it is ok to act on them.

When analysing my past trades, usually when I prepare tax return, my trading pattern emerges. TSLA is the stock that I stayed in the longest, most others I held for less than a year or two. However, looking back it seems that getting out was a correct strategy more often than not.

To me, the single biggest factor that I attribute trading profits to was participation in a bull market. Stock details do not seem to matter as much. Investment in a managed fund was more profitable than my personal stocks selections.

TSLA is the exception. That was like winning a lottery ticket, but much better.:smile:

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Sorry for maybe posting this information again but on March 19, 2015 President Obama signed an executive order to support federal sustainability in the next decade:

The agency fleet has about 600000 vehicles!

Oil currently up > 5% in Frankfurt.

This might be related to oil price: Saudi Arabia launches airstrikes in Yemen against Houthi rebels (CNN)
13 people killed in the air strikes.
I do hope that this is no bigger issue and that peace prevails soon in that region.

Fleets are huge opportunity for Tesla. Once 3 is out, the floodgates might open.
Oil just broke $51 as I type, up almost 4%

Oil currently up > 5% in Frankfurt.

This move of the oil prices might be related to:
Saudi Arabia launches airstrikes in Yemen against Houthi rebels (CNN)
Last night 13 people were killed during air strikes of an alliance of 10 countries.
USA and Egypt logistically supporting the military actions.
The mission of the military action is to support the government of Jemen and President Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi against the Huthi rebels.

I do hope that this is no bigger issue and that peace prevails soon in that region.

Update: Oil currently up 4% in Frankfurt.
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Fleets are huge opportunity for Tesla. Once 3 is out, the floodgates might open.

About 10 percent of the 50 million vehicles registered in Germany are registered as company cars.
In 2013 about 23 percent of the 3.1 million new cars were registered as company cars.
(from: Germany's Fleet Market Conditions in 2014)

Tesla Motors is currently expanding it's fleet sales business in Europe / Germany.
There is already a European Fleet Sales Manager since 2013 and a new German Fleet Sales Manager since December last year.
Tesla Motors currently hiring additional Regional Fleet Sales Advisors.
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I don't think I will ever forget April 1, 2013. I called my two friends and told them TSLA was up $10 a share and they thought it was an April fools joke. I will never forget that day.
You guys are killing me. What was the news? Did it go back down right after then? Because I'm looking at weekly historical prices I don't see a $10 move. I bought on April 9th @$40.78. I was quite surprised and happy to see that double in one month. Edit: OK, I guess I could have just looked at the press releases. It is funny that after that there was still time to buy in. Lucky me.
You guys are killing me. What was the news? Did it go back down right after then? Because I'm looking at weekly historical prices I don't see a $10 move. I bought on April 9th @$40.78. I was quite surprised and happy to see that double in one month. Edit: OK, I guess I could have just looked at the press releases. It is funny that after that there was still time to buy in. Lucky me.

Intraday trading. It peaked and went down a little before the close.
"Real world" would = rated. That would be similar to our current 265 mile number. I'm sure he's also speaking of range mode charging, much like the 265 does.

My hunch on this is that the Model 3 will have a 60 kWh pack entry level. For a car that is 20% smaller than the Model S this should comfortable provide 200 to 250 mile range under a wide variety of driving conditions. It is a competitive posture. I see Musk as using range anxiety as competitive edge for Tesla. Range anxiety will help customers choose a Tesla over a BMW, Chevy, Nissan or any other EV maker.
Sorry for maybe posting this information again but on March 19, 2015 President Obama signed an executive order to support federal sustainability in the next decade:

The agency fleet has about 600000 vehicles!
True, but the Model S is way too expensive for any government fleet. By the time the Model 3 is out, there will be a new president, possibly with very different priorities.
I don't think I will ever forget April 1, 2013. I called my two friends and told them TSLA was up $10 a share and they thought it was an April fools joke. I will never forget that day.
Yep. Magical day. beginning of a wild ride for me

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You guys are killing me. What was the news? Did it go back down right after then? Because I'm looking at weekly historical prices I don't see a $10 move. I bought on April 9th @$40.78. I was quite surprised and happy to see that double in one month. Edit: OK, I guess I could have just looked at the press releases. It is funny that after that there was still time to buy in. Lucky me.

tesla pre announced a blowout top line q1. And gap and non gap profitability

classic "under promise and over deliver"...
Just remember, boys and girls, to muffle your poetic urge. Precedent is daunting. :tongue:
Otherwise, I share the optimism shown here. Just divested from an unmanagable account and partly re-invested in a more nimble one.
Nothing wrong in harvesting profit once in a while, is there?
Down $3.77 again today without any news or comments from the forum. Not like the old days when news was flying. Any insight to another drop today. Curtis? Anyone?
I can tell you the fee rate at Interactive Brokers is up to 1.12% for shorting. This has been steadily climbing and there have generally been very few shares available. My own thinking is the shorts are the only ones selling but what do I know. I am here less because in reality I am long term in my position and I haven't made any short-term trades lately since when I have made them I have been bullish and that is currently a losing proposition. So for now I am just waiting and holding onto my core position. I can't bring myself to play the short side.
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