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Tesla Model 3 crash | Oregon [is my car totaled / how can I get my car totaled]

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New Member
Jun 12, 2022
My parked Tesla Model 3 has bin hit badly by another driver who got charged under DUI. His insurance gave an initial estimate of $10k and provided me a Camry as rental car from enterprise. I have an appointment with the body shop next week to get the final estimate of the repairs. Is there a way I could get my car totaled, if not what are my options to get the depreciation value claim filed so that I don’t have to bear any losses. I plan on selling the car the very next day if it is repaired and sent back to me. The damage is more than it looks in the photographs attached.

State: Oregon, Other person’s insurance: Geico


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There are so many posts here asking the community if we think it is totaled, the only honest answer is, we don't know. We don't know what we can't see.

As a general rule, Tesla does not replace the battery in modules. If your battery was damaged, it significantly increases the chances of your car being totaled, as that immediately will add another $25K to the estimate.

So let the body shop tell you, rather than us speculating. You will need to file a depreciation claim with your insurance company. As for declaring a car totaled, you have little to no input there, it's all about $$$.
Let me ask this … why sell it?

If I’m being honest - that damage looks on the surface to be mostly cosmetic.

Of course we can’t see inside, and that’s where the body shop comes in, but don’t jump to crazy conclusions yet.

See what the story is first.

Right now, I see a fender and a bumper cover. Even the wheel is straight.

So there may be little if no mechanical damage …. Not worth replacing the vehicle over, if that is all it is.

And yes, diminished value claims are a thing but a) it depends on what state you’re in and b) they’re notoriously difficult and not always worth the time and aggravation.

Best of luck - hope they have your car fixed and back on the road in no time. It should be good as new.

Edited to add: Whether it’s totaled or not is completely out of your hands. That’s 100% the insurance company’s decision and you really get no input into that (sadly.)
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Sucks this happened, but there is no way to total a car (legally) after damage is done. This doesnt look too bad, but the 10K is a low estimate. Geico is pretty agreeable to diminished value claims, I would pursue that route. Then wholesale this car to get rid of it fast.
I haven’t filed anything from my insurance company, don’t want it on my records only to bring my insurance up (that’s what I think). The comprehensive I would pay to my insurance would also take another 3-4 months to be settled as I am not at fault here.
If it’s not your fault your rates shouldn’t go up. If they do I’d shop around for another insurance company.
I haven’t filed anything from my insurance company, don’t want it on my records only to bring my insurance up (that’s what I think). The comprehensive I would pay to my insurance would also take another 3-4 months to be settled as I am not at fault here.

That’s internet folklore. If the accident is not at fault, it shouldn’t affect your rates.

I’d strongly strongly advise calling your insurance company. Yes you’d have to pay a deductible first - but they will subrogate it back for you.

It’s much better to have their team of lawyers working for you vs taking the other company’s lawyers on yourself.

You pay for these benefits every month // that’s why you carry insurance. Use it!
Why would you not be involving your insurance..
because he's not at fault and the offenders insurance is on the hook for this. once you file a claim with your insurance (even if it is not your fault) - your rates will VERY likely go up because you got into an accident and their algorithms don't like it plus if you shop around for insurance another time you have a "YES" to the question if you filed a claim with your old insurance during the last 3yrs....
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Accident reports get submitted to DMV which insurance companies can access. At renewal time how does your insurance company know you got a speeding ticket when you don't tell them you got one. It maybe law where you live to notify your insurance that you had an accident whether your fault or not
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Accident reports get submitted to DMV which insurance companies can access. At renewal time how does your insurance company know you got a speeding ticket when you don't tell them you got one. It maybe law where you live to notify your insurance that you had an accident whether your fault or not
unless someone got injured - at least here in Texas - the police ain't filling an "accident report". Typically you exchange insurance information with the opposing party and if there are no disputes the insurance handles it. Cops won't even show up unless someone got injured or the other party is becoming argumentative. I got rear -ended twice (not in my Tesla) and police/ accident report was never done.
lol. why would his insurance company get informed about police reports? and how would they get informed?

Get a CLUE.

I don’t mean that in a mean way, I really mean to get a CLUE report! CLUE is the common underwriter database. Any claim associated with you, etc all goes into CLUE. Even if you filed with another company, that claim is still associated with you.

Get your CLUE here (free!):