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This is my ode to Elon .... and each and every Tesla employee, past and present

[i.e. non "Tesla fanboys" or non "militant Teslans" need not read on!]

So this is it! More than 3 1/2 years ago, Elon made a promise - to build an electric vehicle for the masses and thereby "... accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation".

In never before released footage, the following link shows me arriving at the St Leonards showroom just before 7:00am on 29th March 2019, to be the first to register my interest in getting one of those vehicles and to be part of history (though I did not have the sense to turn the camera towards my face).

My knowledge about Tesla at the time was limited (I was reading the Ashlee Vance's "Elon Musk" book while queuing), as you can see from my inappropriate reference to "refuelling stations" instead of "superchargers". I have learnt and obsessed about Tesla a lot since then.

On Friday I finally collected my Model 3 from the Alexandria delivery centre. Here is Shadowfax coming out of the delivery centre:

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The drive home was mind-blowing. My first zero-emission trip through Sydney's polluted air. I did not notice any annoying squeaks or rattling sounds. So, as promised the Model 3 indeed felt "woody" rather than "tinny" and I felt more like flying a starship [cheers jaykaye] than a car.

At home, after taking the wife for a short joyride, I proceeded to immediately apply two layers of a ceramic coating, which means that while the coating cures I am not allowed to drive until tonight and not in the rain for the next 4-5 days after that. But hey, what is another 48 hours after waiting 3 1/2 years!

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A lot has happened during the last 3 1/2 years - not all of it was good. There even was a time when I almost cancelled my reservation (nothing to do with Tesla) and withdrew from another Tesla-related forum due to a disagreement with how it was managed (perhaps my fault, as I was getting into politics, when forum rules did not permit this).

My biggest disappointment is not being able to show the Model 3 to my father, who passed away in late 2016. He was an engineer and visited me at the Tesla showroom when I was queuing there. Like my son, he shared my excitement about Tesla and the change that it is bringing to the world.

Anyway, I might not agree with everything Elon says, but when he once said:

"I’m not trying to be anyone’s savior. I’m just trying to think about the future and not be sad."

Somehow, that deeply resonates with me.

To me the Model 3 represents a necessary and tangible step towards a better future. Less pollution, less noise, much more renewable energy and with autonomous driving, a massive freeing up of resources, as a significantly smaller car pool driving people around the world, in that process freeing up garages and parking spaces all around our congested cities.

This gives me more hope than any empty words by our political leaders, who - by the way - in my opinion, are woefully ill-prepared for the challenges that will come with this change.

For the coming days and weeks, I look forward to bonding with my new baby and somewhat unexpectedly, I will soon have the chance to visit its birthplace in Fremont [my son being in LA on an industrial placement, and my wife and I having to visit him there].

I wish all others here decades of joy with their Model 3s and hope to meet with some of you over coming days, months, years!

.... and to some poor soul out there, I gladly and graciously pass on the bragging rights as "longest wait for Model 3". From the time I was the "First in Line" to register for my Model 3 on 29th March 2016, it has been 1,277 days of waiting until I received my Model 3 this Friday. For anyone who has waited longer than this [I suspect someone who was a day 1 reservation holder who is waiting for a white interior or AWD model, with October delivery], that honour now goes to you.

However, no one can take away my "First in Line" title. Perhaps a sad reflection on my life, but I view this as the single most important achievement of my lifetime and carry it with great pride. I will ask my family that when the time comes, to put that on my grave stone!

To Elon and each and every Tesla employee - thousand thanks for keeping your promise ....and a mind-blowing car!


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This is my ode to Elon .... and each and every Tesla employee, past and present

[i.e. non "Tesla fanboys" or non "militant Teslans" need not read on!]

So this is it! More than 3 1/2 years ago, Elon made a promise - to build an electric vehicle for the masses and thereby "... accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation".

In never before released footage, the following link shows me arriving at the St Leonards showroom just before 7:00am on 29th March 2019, to be the first to register my interest in getting one of those vehicles and to be part of history (though I did not have the sense to turn the camera towards my face).

My knowledge about Tesla at the time was limited (I was reading the Ashlee Vance's "Elon Musk" book while queuing), as you can see from my inappropriate reference to "refuelling stations" instead of "superchargers". I have learnt and obsessed about Tesla a lot since then.

On Friday I finally collected my Model 3 from the Alexandria delivery centre. Here is Shadowfax coming out of the delivery centre:

View attachment 460407

The drive home was mind-blowing. My first zero-emission trip through Sydney's polluted air. I did not notice any annoying squeaks or rattling sounds. So, as promised the Model 3 indeed felt "woody" rather than "tinny" and I felt more like flying a starship [cheers jaykaye] than a car.

At home, after taking the wife for a short joyride, I proceeded to immediately apply two layers of a ceramic coating, which means that while the coating cures I am not allowed to drive until tonight and not in the rain for the next 4-5 days after that. But hey, what is another 48 hours after waiting 3 1/2 years!

View attachment 460405

A lot has happened during the last 3 1/2 years - not all of it was good. There even was a time when I almost cancelled my reservation (nothing to do with Tesla) and withdrew from another Tesla-related forum due to a disagreement with how it was managed (perhaps my fault, as I was getting into politics, when forum rules did not permit this).

My biggest disappointment is not being able to show the Model 3 to my father, who passed away in late 2016. He was an engineer and visited me at the Tesla showroom when I was queuing there. Like my son, he shared my excitement about Tesla and the change that it is bringing to the world.

Anyway, I might not agree with everything Elon says, but when he once said:

"I’m not trying to be anyone’s savior. I’m just trying to think about the future and not be sad."

Somehow, that deeply resonates with me.

To me the Model 3 represents a necessary and tangible step towards a better future. Less pollution, less noise, much more renewable energy and with autonomous driving, a massive freeing up of resources, as a significantly smaller car pool driving people around the world, in that process freeing up garages and parking spaces all around our congested cities.

This gives me more hope than any empty words by our political leaders, who - by the way - in my opinion, are woefully ill-prepared for the challenges that will come with this change.

For the coming days and weeks, I look forward to bonding with my new baby and somewhat unexpectedly, I will soon have the chance to visit its birthplace in Fremont [my son being in LA on an industrial placement, and my wife and I having to visit him there].

I wish all others here decades of joy with their Model 3s and hope to meet with some of you over coming days, months, years!

.... and to some poor soul out there, I gladly and graciously pass on the bragging rights as "longest wait for Model 3". From the time I was the "First in Line" to register for my Model 3 on 29th March 2016, it has been 1,277 days of waiting until I received my Model 3 this Friday. For anyone who has waited longer than this [I suspect someone who was a day 1 reservation holder who is waiting for a white interior or AWD model, with October delivery], that honour now goes to you.

However, no one can take away my "First in Line" title. Perhaps a sad reflection on my life, but I view this as the single most important achievement of my lifetime and carry it with great pride. I will ask my family that when the time comes, to put that on my grave stone!

To Elon and each and every Tesla employee - thousand thanks for keeping your promise ....and a mind-blowing car!

admire your commitment to what you believe in. Sad that I couldn’t afford to be in line, but made the order as soon as I could. I sure feel this way about Elon and his relentless pursuits...
I have finally after hours of trying got my Model 3 connected to WifFi in a detached garage...
Firstly I foolishly tried to daisy-chain range extenders...
IP Modem >> Downstairs extender >> Garage extender .... that gave a strong signal but the Model 3 got persistent DHCP errors when trying to register the network.. (phones and tablets had no problem)
What I now have is IP Modem >> Garage extender (located on deck outside the house) this gives a weak signal but it hangs in there at at least makes a network connection.

It seems I may do better with new mesh WiFi range extenders?

Does anyone have any experience of using them.... the only other option is running a cable to the garage, which will not be easy..

Apart from this minor hassle, everything with the car is great so far.
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It seems I may do better with new mesh WiFi range extenders?

Does anyone have any experience of using them

Yes, I've been using Google Wifi for a while and it's pretty good. Not the best Wifi performance but you can't beat it for the price. Get a three pack and spread the units around as required. The primary one acts as the router, so if you have a modem doing it you need to put the modem in bridge mode to the GW (or you get double NAT on your network).
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Took a drive today out to Yarra Valley in my lovely blue P- A couple of things

- Freaked out while having coffee in Yarra Junction when I saw a blue Model 3 disappearing down the road. Then realised mine was still parked where I left it. Also saw a white one in Warburton.

- Speed limits are much more accurate after the nav update this week. I dont think there was one time when it was wrong all day.

- Speed limits are going down automatically and then back up again (eg 90 60 50 60 80) like they were when I first had it, I assume this is related to the nav update this week.

- Drove pretty much the whole way on autopilot. It is very good. Has no issue on windy roads.

- I found another situation where autopilot will try and kill you though, and that is where 2 lanes merge into one and the left lane essentially comes to a single point and disappears. You have a solid line on the left side along the edge of the road, and a at the merge point, a dashed line on the right side that meets the solid line. The car tries to follow the dashed line and drives you off the road. It would be interesting to try it at very low speed to see what actually happens. I tested it three times and each time I had to take control.

- Overall, I am just loving it, it is like no other car I have ever driven.
It seems I may do better with new mesh WiFi range extenders?

Does anyone have any experience of using them.... the only other option is running a cable to the garage, which will not be easy..

You have 2 other options apart from running a cable

- wifi mesh. As others have mentioned, Ubiquiti Unifi are very good, and pretty wasy to set up.

- the other option is Ethernet over power (also known as powerline) units, there are a number of different brands, and mileage will vary, but if you can get one on the same circuit as a power point in the garage, and connect it to your router, it will work well. Usually, the one in the house would be connected by ethernet to your router, and the one in the garage is a combo powerline and wifi unit that the car connects to. Basically it runs the network through your 240v cabling.
- Speed limits are going down automatically and then back up again (eg 90 60 50 60 80) like they were when I first had it, I assume this is related to the nav update this week.

@dmaunder are you saying that when in TACC or AP, when the speed limit changed up/down, your MAX speed also automatically changed to the new speed limit without any intervention from you?
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@dmaunder are you saying that when in TACC or AP, when the speed limit changed up/down, your MAX speed also automatically changed to the new speed limit without any intervention from you?

Correct. But it will only change to a lower speed than what you initially set it to. So if you turn it on when the speed limit is 80, it will auto change to 60 or 50 and backt to 80, but not to 100.
- I found another situation where autopilot will try and kill you though, and that is where 2 lanes merge into one and the left lane essentially comes to a single point and disappears. You have a solid line on the left side along the edge of the road, and a at the merge point, a dashed line on the right side that meets the solid line. The car tries to follow the dashed line and drives you off the road. It would be interesting to try it at very low speed to see what actually happens. I tested it three times and each time I had to take control.
Same with AP1.
I presume you're describing the end of a passing lane section.
Workaround - lane change to the right before the left lane starts to disappear.
- I found another situation where autopilot will try and kill you though, and that is where 2 lanes merge into one and the left lane essentially comes to a single point and disappears. You have a solid line on the left side along the edge of the road, and a at the merge point, a dashed line on the right sid

Today I drove Melbourne to Albury and back in my blue sr+. Used Euroa and Banawatha chargefox ABB on way up the stopped at wodonga supercharger and euroa supercharger on way back (didn’t need to stop at wodonga but just wanted to see it so only charged about 3 mins.

On autopilot Car suddenly slowed hard freaking out at the shadow of a tree across the road once. Didn’t do it when it saw another car ahead dive into the shadows tho so only did it the once when I had no car ahead of me (that’s my theory anyway, who knows it’s reasoning). This made me extra vigilant about being on autopilot if somebody was behind me, esp bloody great 4x4’s with bull bars. Note that when it brakes unnecessarily slamming your foot on the accelerator doesn’t help. Wrench the steering wheel or flick the stalk up while slamming the accelerator to get out of it. (Accelerator press when autopilot is deliberately slowing/braking seemed to have no effect until u turn autopilot off).

Naturally take the above with a grain of salt as it’s not a statistically significant sample of autopilot observations. (It actually did the unnecessary slowing several times which is where I realised the accelerator thing but only once did it slow harshly, That hard shadow and no car in front, the other times it slowed slightly for no apparent reason but presumably odd road markings etc. I think I’d describe it as being timid.

Also freaked out reversing into supercharger kept thinking the shadow of the car and the black tyre stopper thing on ground were things to avoid. (Scared of it’s own shadow?? lol). This didn’t bother me I’d rather it braked and I double checked and retried than reverse into a kid or something,

Other than that absolutely awesome drive. Love it to bits.

Btw those chargefox chargers are still free. And supercharger was in my free 1500km so the most expensive thing today was Mc Donald’s breakfast. (When did two bacon and egg McMuffin meals with medium drinks become $17.... sheeesh....)
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