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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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I have called to negotiate a lower %, they said they can lower it by 1% if I am over 5M on margin, they said they can’t reduce it since they offer free transactions now since 2 months ago. I laughed on the phone. The day after I opened my IBKR account last Friday. I am transferring all my assets this month to IBKR.
Speaking about margins: anyone knows why it wouldn't make sense for Tesla to offer loans directly to car buyers at say 2%, aka "margin" rates - by opening a finance company that would take custody of TSLA shares from new car buyers and issue loans backed by these new cars?
Taking loans from margin accounts is pithy (only 20-30% available), and risky on top of that if the SP spikes down if only temporarily (as usual)

Sure would help folks like me who really don't want to take loans at not so great rates because they don't have high enough credit scores*, but have enough TSLA shares/ derivatives assets ?

(*) I maxed out on too many free 1-year no interest credit card loans; that knocked the heck out of my previously excellent credit score. And it would really, really, but really pain me to have to sell some chairs when I know full well we're on the brink of another significant bump by Dec 30, 1500-1900 from my working HFT analysis 90% probability estimate. Now a real bummer as my model Y (already christened Emma Y) is scheduled to be delivered in December.

Anyone knows a contact at Tesla Finance please mention or even better anyone who works at Tesla and reads this please mention /pass along to your HR or take this job as an additional personal side job enrichment/ learning project. From what I've gathered anybody at Tesla can work and get support on anything related to the mission if approved by the inhouse Agile AI gizmo.
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Well .... why not use some of that extra cash to buy some land in sunny places close to where power lines are running. Or if not, where you can put the Boring machines to work whenever idle to run power lines underground to nearby cities ?

<anyone knows how to reach Tesla RE managers, ask them why not?>
What's your ROI? How quickly can these assets be liquidated?
Dana Hull at it again.

Recent antics — jabs at Jeff Bezos, President Biden, and a deal with Hertz — again raise eyebrows and questions about the Tesla CEO’s judgment.

I don't see why any of this matters. It results that count and he has shown he can deliver.
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Dana Hull at it again.

I don't see why any of this matters. It results that count and he has shown he can deliver.
Please describe the article so that none of us have to click through understand your criticism.
Hmm, not so sure I follow. Why raise cash today when putting it off means accumulating more cash via Free Cash Flow? Basically, if FCF is strong enough, there is no real economic value to parking more cash. Suppose that extra $12B was not used while the stock doubles. So a future stock repurchase of $24B would be required to take those surplus shares out of circulation. So one might think of not doing a capital raise right now as avoiding stock buybacks in the future.
When the Sun is shining I collect as much photovoltaic electricity as possible and store it. It'll certainly get dark at some point, it does every day, but anything else can happen too. Unexpected cloud cover, dust storms, societal interruptions.....you name it.

I work under the premise that things won't always be so rosy. Not to mention it matches up nicely with the renewables transition.

Fossil fuels can be hoarded, and that's the source of all our problems. Bank leverage scarcity to keep us all down. (Not us anymore obviously :)) Renewable technology plus the financial ability to acquire the technology sets us all free.

What's wrong with having $60B in your back pocket when Energy really starts to ramp and the banks come to negotiate their cut? Uncle Elon can finance that *sugar* for you!
"Heavy" trading already at just 2 minutes in, lol.

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Gotta wonder what the bottleneck is though. Switching Y to front end castings would eliminate a lot of stamping and body line robots for space, but the rest of the line would beed to run faster or be duplicated.
Then, the paint shop still needs to keep up. Maybe general assembly is the only thing holding them back (assuming heathy supply chain)? They did make the outside sprung structure line(s?) permanent.

Whats holding back upgrading the Fremont MY line is the simple fact that the line is running full tilt and demand is far outpacing supply. Updating the MY line would take a lot of down time, and since the Fremont MY line is supplying all of the US they just don't want to shut it down right now.

I have a hunch once Austin is producing MY's at capacity, THEN they'll shut down Fremont MY line to update it. Not before then though, IMHO.
"That has a cost, and that is called risk, I believe?"

Are you serious?

I don't see much risk with Tesla. You shouldn't either.

We've been studying TSLA, hard, since before our first Model S, a 2013. That's when we began buying shares, and we never stopped.

If you watch Steven Mark Ryan or Rob Mauer's YouTube channels, and check this forum daily, you WILL be far better informed than the vast majority of the "experts" on Wall Street. That information gradient is what kills nearly all the risk: you end up knowing far more than almost anyone else about Tesla.

Without taking on another 7-figures of margin (a "risky bet" as you would likely call it?), during this latest downturn over the last year or so, our portfolio would still be in the very low 8-figures, instead of the lower-mid-8-figures.

Suggest you do better research when investing in a disruptive company like Tesla.

That will help you kill the risk and allow you better sleep at night.

Just FYI:)
Why not quote the whole context? The risk I was referring to was this bolded part:

mrmage said:

For the amount of margin you seem to be using, you should be able to negotiate around 2%.

Personally, I make no attempt to pay off my margin. As long as my investment grows faster than the margin rate, I'm better off leaving it in TSLA.
I see that we both started at TMC in 2013. Frankly, you know NOTHING about how I research or invest, and as mentioned I am not giving advice. You do you, and you carry the consequences (positive as well as negative), and same goes for me. But FYI:) I do follow those youtubers you mention, and others, and TMC (obviously) though not all daily. Nobody can foresee the future in full detail. Our advantage in knowledge is precisely the "risk" that made us rich, although I'm only up some 13,000% from the first share bought. No need to get greedy. 🤑

I do take umbrage to your unprovoked personal attack however. Back off please.
Or I shall taunt you a second time and maybe mention vegan leather gear shifters 🤡 😂 🤣
Whats holding back upgrading the Fremont MY line is the simple fact that the line is running full tilt and demand is far outpacing supply. Updating the MY line would take a lot of down time, and since the Fremont MY line is supplying all of the US they just don't want to shut it down right now.

I have a hunch once Austin is producing MY's at capacity, THEN they'll shut down Fremont MY line to update it. Not before then though, IMHO.
I believe Gigapress bottleneck is the reason Fremont won't see significant upgrades until Berlin and Austin are largely ramped. IDRA is only producing so many of these in a year, and even though I'm sure they were told "we'll buy all you can produce, but you must move rapidly to produce more" it still takes time.
Dana Hull at it again.

Recent antics — jabs at Jeff Bezos, President Biden, and a deal with Hertz — again raise eyebrows and questions about the Tesla CEO’s judgment.

I don't see why any of this matters. It results that count and he has shown he can deliver.
Dana reminds me of Karen.
Fed speaks on policy/rates in the afternoon, Markets can change on a dime.
I think the big boys watch covid numbers more than we think. Yesterday's nationwide US figures were above the previous two or three Tuesdays. Today's were much better, so the downward trend is for today reconfirmed.

I've found that when I check and see a surprisingly good covid number for the US at 7am, things go pretty well at 9:30.

Lots of squeezing going on this week all over the place for whatever reason. Maybe it's new TSLA wealth at work for the wsb crowd.
I feel like we should acknowledge shipping wave effects when numbers look good as well as bad.

Oct 2020 was the start of supplying Europe from Shanghai. Add in C19, and one would expect a bump, last year was 252 registrations, so +482% = 1,467
Germany: Plug-Ins Accounted For 17.5% Of Car Market In October 2020
Or a 1,215 vehicle increase.
Tesla said they were trying to eliminate the wave in Q4, right? Maybe we're seeing the effects of a more steady supply of ships out of Shanghai.
Michael Burry had the same idea, but thought that it would apply to Tesla.
If rates went vertical it would affect TSLA and all growth stock prices, however, because of Tesla's solid balance sheet and great cash flow, it wont effect Tesla the company in any meaningful way. I am not worried about TSLA stock because I understand Tesla the company and will keep adding and holding as I have since 2015.