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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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5 minute Yahoo finance interview with Oklahoma commerce secretary. It appears discussions are still ongoing and even though Oklahoma/Tulsa is an underdog they feel like they have a strong value proposition.
Tulsa's chances have now gone to precisely zero. They're essentially having an anti-Black Lives Matter rally on Saturday. With the looming and inevitable death of fracking, that state is on the cusp of cratering back into the Stone Age.

First chart is the "Max pain" chart. It's a series of bars where the X axis is TSLA closing price at option expiry, and the Y axis tells you how much money all the TSLA options are worth cumulatively if that closing price occurred. It's split into blue for puts and red for calls. A lot of options are sold by market makers, so the theory is that market makers will seek to move the closing price at expiry to the value which minimizes the gains from all the sold options (maximizing pain for the option buyers).

The next two charts are simply charting option open interest on the Y axis (how many contracts have been written in total) against option strike price on the X axis. Again calls in red and puts in blue.

This is good info. Thank you. Could you explain how you analyze that chart and choose what price/dates to pick? Obviously news and knowledge of upcoming things and whatnot will lead to your decision but perhaps could you put it in terms of how it would be spoken to a broker?
Would it be "Id like 10 Shares of 1500$ Call options for 60 days"??

Thanks for the help !!!
This is good info. Thank you. Could you explain how you analyze that chart and choose what price/dates to pick? Obviously news and knowledge of upcoming things and whatnot will lead to your decision but perhaps could you put it in terms of how it would be spoken to a broker?
Would it be "Id like 10 Shares of 1500$ Call options for 60 days"??

Thanks for the help !!!

I don't personally trade options, I just use the data from the options chain to analyze the stock.

You might want to try reviving this thread: Newbie Options Trading Or starting a new one if you have more options questions :)
Sure was a lot of excitement here yesterday regarding the ultra bullish super reversal engulfing luminescent candle of exploding ecstasy.

Can we please have another? I will take a simple cup shoulder handle rocket blast of terminal velocity.


Looks like that bullish engulfing candle could mark the start of a significant new move higher..
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Model S Tesla - Broken Visor - Under Warranty - Tesla Offers to Glue it Back On

Someone on this post was saying that Overlord Musk is "pumping the stock" to sell the company.

Like, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

He clarified that he didn't own stock, so possibly doesn't follow the ins and outs like we do, but just a few weeks ago Overlord Musk did the exact opposite of stock pumping "Stock price is too high imo".
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Tulsa's chances have now gone to precisely zero. They're essentially having an anti-Black Lives Matter rally on Saturday. With the looming and inevitable death of fracking, that state is on the cusp of cratering back into the Stone Age.

To be fair, with all that fracking underneath them they may literally fall into a crater.