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Tesla Unionization

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All I am saying is I've seen no real evidence any of the Swedish Tesla workers want to join as union and want to collectively bargain.

Anyone who doesn't join the union isn't collectively bargaining. There has been no indication that wages are currently an issue and that workers would get higher wages if they were in a union.

But in particular, why are forces outside Tesla and it's workforce making this decision?

If Tesla is not allowing workers a "free choice" then they should be violating a law. If some are seeking to impose a union on workers without a "free choice", then that should be considered morally wrong.

So do you agree workers have the right to decide individually and collectively?
I'm not weighing in on the Sweden case specifically because all I know about the situation is hearsay and I don't have access to my own information sources because I can't read local media.

There are claims in this thread about whether Tesla brought in scabs to make it look like workers didn't want to strike. Without the ability to read local media, I have no idea who is right on this.

I agree that in general, workers should have a voting process. I am assuming the Swedish workers elected their leaders who then made a choice to call a strike.
I'm not weighing in on the Sweden case specifically because all I know about the situation is hearsay and I don't have access to my own information sources because I can't read local media.

There are claims in this thread about whether Tesla brought in scabs to make it look like workers didn't want to strike. Without the ability to read local media, I have no idea who is right on this.

I agree that in general, workers should have a voting process. I am assuming the Swedish workers elected their leaders who then made a choice to call a strike.
What isn't clear to me is what percentage of workers wanted to form a union and strike.

We might also find that reporting from different sources gives different numbers on that..

I am not aware of clear cut compelling evidence that the majority of workers wanted to form a union. If a majority of workers do want to form a union, it would be wise for Tesla to simply agree to that.
The government news channel interviewed one of the few people on strike.

His facebook profile looks like this:
Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 08.27.17.png

1: #stop the profit chase
2: feminist/social democrats(the pro union party)
The government news channel interviewed one of the few people on strike.

His facebook profile looks like this:
View attachment 987659
1: #stop the profit chase
2: feminist/social democrats(the pro union party)

With a profile like this, he should never have been hired in the first place.
There are multiple sources for this information, so there is no need for me to post links. The UAW sted that it is targeting Toyota and Tesla, now that the Big 3 strike is settled. I took that as, "We might as well say that we're targeting two non-union shops" because we know that our chances of succeeding are probably 50% or less".

Also, taken together with Elon's recent quote that AI will replace all jobs, it seems to me that any major increase in employee compensation will lead to more vigorous implementation of robotics. And Tesla is the company that will do just that.
There are multiple sources for this information, so there is no need for me to post links. The UAW sted that it is targeting Toyota and Tesla, now that the Big 3 strike is settled. I took that as, "We might as well say that we're targeting two non-union shops" because we know that our chances of succeeding are probably 50% or less".

Also, taken together with Elon's recent quote that AI will replace all jobs, it seems to me that any major increase in employee compensation will lead to more vigorous implementation of robotics. And Tesla is the company that will do just that.
AI = cloud-based software
Auto robotics = hardware with some software to do predictable auto production tasks

So not the same
Auto robotics = hardware with some software to do predictable auto production tasks
There is as blurry line where the Tesla Optimus bot has cameras for vision combined with some ability to be trained via video.

When Elon visited Berlin recently he announced some wage increases.

Tesla wages and conditions need to be a better deal to remove the incentive for workers to unionise.

It seems very likely the Optimus Bot will be use for some steps in the Gen3 car production process. Production line steps will be designed for humans with the hope that the Bot can eventually take over some of those tasks.

I think the existing workforce will be upskilled slowly to more interesting jobs.

They will need to hire a large amount of workers in Mexico, but I can see bots being slowly phased in in all factories. not replacing workers but replacing the need to hire more workers. In the long run some workers who leave might not be replaced.

This is be a gradual adaption rather than a phase change, the increased automation is an attempt to lower costs.

If a union would oppose the use of bots, or might oppose the use of bots, that probably impacts on Tesla's workforce strategy. It is better to pay the workforce more if they want to keep the option to use bots open.

My personal feeling is that this is inevitable and if Tesla doesn't build and deploy these bots, others will.

Lowering the cost of labour, has synergies with lowering the cost of energy, transport and food. When Tesla lowers costs they can achieve the mission faster.

One big problem is how will everyone pay for everything?

We need something like a UBI or at least broadening the definition of work to include creative work, community work, caring for a relative or friend.

Historically whenever work has been automated, new jobs have emerged, with a aging population and perhaps a declining population, there may be sufficient jobs for everyone..

If we need to broaden the definition of work, then we also need to broaden the tax base...

My vote is for accelerating the transition and avoiding the worst aspects of Climate Change, after that we may need to fine tune the social systems and the division of wealth.

Making energy, transport and food more abundant, and more distributed, will tend to dilute the concertation of wealth and power, When there is enough for everyone, there may be less greed.
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With a profile like this, he should never have been hired in the first place.

The Social Democrats got 30,33% of the popular vote in the last election some one year ago.

And is there in some way something controversial about being a feminist?

Some 42,16% voted for feminist parties in that same election in Sweden. And there are substantial feminist factions of all other major political parties in Sweden with the exeptions of the Sweden Democrats and the Christian Democrats.
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The Social Democrats got 30,33% of the popular vote in the last election some one year ago.

And is there in some way something controversial about being a feminist?

Some 42,16% voted for feminist parties in that same election in Sweden. And there are substantial feminist factions of all other major political parties in Sweden with the exeptions of the Sweden Democrats and the Christian Democrats.
Nothing strange with being a feminist or a social democrat. But spamming those symbols on your facebook usually means that you care a lot about identity and ideology and can be difficult to work with. And #stoptheprofitchase usually means that you are some form of anti capitalist and maybe not strongly aligned with the rest of the company way of doing business.
Nothing strange with being a feminist or a social democrat. But spamming those symbols on your facebook usually means that you care a lot about identity and ideology and can be difficult to work with. And #stoptheprofitchase usually means that you are some form of anti capitalist and maybe not strongly aligned with the rest of the company way of doing business.

Exactly. I am very sure that Tesla checks such backgrounds for all its new employees. This one obviously fell somehow through the cracks, unfortunately for Tesla.
Paywalled article in Swedish, but the meat of it translated:

The negotiations between Tesla and IF Metall have completely stalled. Now the union is signaling for more strike actions. "There will be more sympathy actions," says contract secretary Veli-Pekka Säikkälä. "It is clear to us, there will be no agreement," he says.The union believes that Tesla is engaging in strike-breaking. According to Säikkälä, he has confronted the company with circumstances showing that Tesla has brought in people from abroad and from other locations in Sweden to cover for striking members. He receives the response that Tesla will continue to do so to maintain operations. Strike-breaking angers all unions, and IF Metall is no exception.So now more combat actions are coming, from other unions. "There will be more sympathy actions," he says.Currently, no further negotiation times are scheduled. He sees no compromises: "I don't know what that would look like, we want a collective agreement, they say they don't want it."Asked if Tesla has outlined any countermeasures, such as leaving Sweden, Säikkälä says. "No, we have not heard that."

Taxi Stockholm refrains from new purchases of Tesla cars due to ongoing strike (Finwire)2023-11-06 16:57Taxi Stockholm announces that they are temporarily pausing all new purchases of Tesla cars due to the ongoing strike among employees at the electric car company. The strike among the employees began when Tesla refused to sign a collective bargaining agreement.

"For us at Taxi Stockholm, the importance of collective agreements and fair employment conditions is important. We have chosen to pause the purchase of Tesla cars to show our stance on collective agreements," says Pernilla Samuelsson, acting CEO of Taxi Stockholm, in a press release.

Taxi Stockholm urges Tesla to pay attention to the affected employees' demands and negotiate a collective agreement for the best interest of both parties.

The electric car giant Tesla is reported to be circumventing a potential blockade by adjusting its transports.


IF Metall continues to strike due to Tesla's unwillingness to sign a collective agreement. Concurrently, the Transport Workers’ Union has issued a warning for a sympathy blockade of Tesla cars in four of the country's ports. However, the electric car giant is said to have shifted its transport strategies to address the threat of a port blockade.After several years of negotiations for a collective agreement with the American car giant Tesla, IF Metall recently went on strike. The strike expanded on Friday, November 3rd, when all work with Tesla cars was blocked at 17 general workshops across the country.

The LO-affiliated Transport Workers’ Union, in turn, has warned of sympathy actions in the form of a blockade against all loading and unloading of Tesla cars at four ports; Copenhagen Malmö Port, Södertälje Port, Logent Ports & Terminal in Gothenburg, and Trelleborg Port.

The blockade is set to take effect at noon on Tuesday if a collective agreement has not been signed by then.

"Handled it in the ports"However, the question remains as to what effect a port blockade will have. Tesla is reported to have redirected its car transports to Sweden in response to the threat.

"They have already handled it in the ports, in the loading port," says Måns Frostell, CEO of Södertälje port.

A ship usually arrives at the port once a week with Tesla cars. Currently, no transports of the brand are expected at all, according to Frostell.

The situation is the same in Malmö and Trelleborg.

"Given the situation, no new cars will come from tomorrow if an agreement is not reached in the negotiations," says Jörgen Nilsson, CEO of Trelleborg's port.

The discussions continue

Transport does not have any information on how Tesla acts or brings its cars into the country. But according to the union, the blockade has had an effect even if no cars are arriving at the relevant ports. It complicates matters for the company, says Elin Lörnbo, press officer at Transport.

Negotiations between IF Metall and Tesla continued on Monday but were unproductive, according to IF Metall's contract secretary Veli-Pekka Säikkälä.

"They are clear with us, there will be no agreement," he says.

The actual number of strikers remains unclear.

SVT News is seeking a comment from Tesla Sweden.
Strike is expanding:

The electricians express sympathy for Tesla​

IF Metall has gone on strike to get a collective agreement at Tesla. No solution has yet been reached. Now the Electricians' Association is sending a sympathy notice to companies that supply Tesla's service workshops and charging stations with electricity.

Yesterday 14.43
Elon Musk, CEO and founder of Tesla. The picture is a montage. Image: TT/Shutterstock
See below which workshops and charging stations are affected.
It was October 17 that IF Metall announced a strike at Tesla's workshops. This after a long time of trying to get a collective agreement for the employees at the workshops. Ten days later, on October 27, 130 mechanics at Tesla's workshops went on strike.
Continued negotiations took place, without any solution being reached, which led to the expansion of the conflict. Transport began sympathy measures on Tuesday, which meant that the loading of Tesla cars is blocked in four Swedish ports: Malmö, Trelleborg, Gothenburg and Södertälje.
On Tuesday, the LO union Fastighets also put a blockade on cleaning in Tesla's premises.
And so do the Electricians. Which now warns of "refusal to deal with the supply of electricity".
This applies partly to some of Tesla's service workshops, partly to some of Tesla's charging stations, see list below.
The refusal means that the association's members will not engage in work consisting of service and/or repair of electrical installations and electrical supply facilities at the removed workshops and charging stations. At the same time, the work is blocked.
The sympathy measures will come into force on 17 November 05:00 , if no resolution of the conflict is reached before then.
Service workshops where the Electricians' Association "refuses to deal with the supply of electricity" carried out by member companies of the Energy Companies' Employers' Association bound by the Power Plant Agreement:

Then a long list of shops, hotels etc with Tesla Destination Chargers that will not be serviced.

Fastighets=property/commercial real estate union. Not sure what this means, but I assume that service on Tesla's real estate will be stopped by its members. Maybe some Swede here can clarify:

Fastighets places sympathy notice against Tesla​

Today, Tuesday, the Real Estate Employees Association is putting a notice of blockade against all work related to Tesla. This applies to the work at facilities in Huddinge, Segeltorp, Umeå and Upplands Väsby. The reason is that Tesla does not want to sign a collective agreement with IF Metall. Fastighets believes that the issue is fundamental for order in the Swedish labor market, and will participate in the conflict until an agreement is in place.
Published:November 7, 2023

IF Metall has been negotiating with Tesla for an extended period to enter into a suspension agreement on the Motor Industry Agreement. The negotiations ended in October 2022 without an agreement being reached. IF Metall has unsuccessfully tried to resume negotiations, but Tesla has announced that collective agreements are no way forward for them.
This is not compatible with the Swedish model, which since 1936 means that unions and employers negotiate the terms rather than politicians doing it. Fastighets believes that Tesla's actions threaten the Swedish model and will therefore participate in the conflict until an agreement is in place. We are announcing sympathy measures at four locations in the country where Tesla is serviced or brokered.
- This question is fundamental to our successful Swedish model. For us, there is no doubt. If you want to work in Sweden, the collective agreement applies, says Joakim Oscarsson, contract secretary, Fastighets.
The blockade comes into force on 17 November 2023 at 12:00.

Read more about the notification here.

Fastighets=property/commercial real estate union. Not sure what this means, but I assume that service on Tesla's real estate will be stopped by its members. Maybe some Swede here can clarify:

Fastighets places sympathy notice against Tesla​

Today, Tuesday, the Real Estate Employees Association is putting a notice of blockade against all work related to Tesla. This applies to the work at facilities in Huddinge, Segeltorp, Umeå and Upplands Väsby. The reason is that Tesla does not want to sign a collective agreement with IF Metall. Fastighets believes that the issue is fundamental for order in the Swedish labor market, and will participate in the conflict until an agreement is in place.
Published:November 7, 2023

IF Metall has been negotiating with Tesla for an extended period to enter into a suspension agreement on the Motor Industry Agreement. The negotiations ended in October 2022 without an agreement being reached. IF Metall has unsuccessfully tried to resume negotiations, but Tesla has announced that collective agreements are no way forward for them.
This is not compatible with the Swedish model, which since 1936 means that unions and employers negotiate the terms rather than politicians doing it. Fastighets believes that Tesla's actions threaten the Swedish model and will therefore participate in the conflict until an agreement is in place. We are announcing sympathy measures at four locations in the country where Tesla is serviced or brokered.
- This question is fundamental to our successful Swedish model. For us, there is no doubt. If you want to work in Sweden, the collective agreement applies, says Joakim Oscarsson, contract secretary, Fastighets.
The blockade comes into force on 17 November 2023 at 12:00.

Read more about the notification here.

As of now it seems to 'just' be cleaning services performed by two companies at four of Tesla's facilities...
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